Saturday, February 23, 2019

As To Why Certain Elliptical Orbits Are Formed

Aside from the general condition of gravity -- of which exists in the form of correlative sets of Schwinger-Indices (of which are a special genus of a general type of wave-like pattern) that are here to move both transversally and perpendicularly over time, to where this works to make the multiplicit space-time condition, of a more massive tense of phenomenology to warp its relatively topological surface, -- in so as to work to allow for adjacently adjusted phenomena  that are to approach its proximal region, to orbit around it for a while.  This is part of what forms elliptical orbits.
Now consider the influence of another factor, that plays into part of the reason -- as to why such orbital-tendencies are here to be formed over time.  When one is to have two different Hamiltonian Operators of mass, that are here to be approaching one another --  that are here to act as two different monopoles, that are here to work to bear the same number of spatial dimensions -- to where these said Hamiltonian Operators are here to bear two different Lagrangian-based energies, of which are to be of the opposite general tense of scalar amplitude, at a certain general point in space  -- when one is here to arbitrarily to be in the process of comparing the Lagrangian-related energy of one of such Hamiltonian Operators to the other one, -- to where, then, at the point at which the proximity of the less massive system of energy so-inferred is to bear a Yukawa Coupling with the more massive system of energy so-inferred -- by which there is then to be a basically exact Coupling of their Lagrangian-related energy, in which, at this general point of duration, the correlative Hamiltonian-related energy of the less massive Hamiltonian Operator, is to bear (-i) times the energy of its directly corresponding Lagrangian-related energy, -- to where there is here, at this point in metric-related activity, to be an exactly opposite correlative Lagrangian-related energy, that is here at this so-eluded-to point in space, to be generated by the more massive Hamiltonian Operator, to where the said energy of the Hamiltonian-related energy, that is of the more massive state, is to then to be propagated at this general point in space,  to where this is then to equal (i) times the Lagrangian-based energy, that is of the earlier mentioned less massive Hamiltonian Operator, (not "(-i)," because these are being propagated in the opposite direction) that is of this given arbitrary respective case.  At this metric-bearing point in duration, in which the two so-stated Lagrangian-related energies are to be of exactly the opposite scalar magnitude -- which is due to these two said energies to here, to be initially to be going in the opposite direction over time, -- this is to then happen in such a manner, to where this general type of activity -- will then tend to work to influence these energies, to where these will then tend to couple, -- to where there will then proceed to tend to be the effect of the smaller mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator, acting in so as to make an elliptical orbit around the larger mass-bearing Hamiltonian Operator. (-i)*(i) = 1.  Its Me. Sam Roach.

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