Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What is Straight

Like everyone knows, space-time is curved. The general condition of the curvature of space-time is part of what works to cause superstrings to have a conformal dimension that is not precisely either one (for one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity) or two (for two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity). Although, since one and two-dimensional superstrings work to form discrete units of energy, the conformal dimension of any one or two-dimensional superstrings is very much about one or two, respectively (at the relative Poincaire level).  The condition of the intrinsic warping of space-time-fabric is what works to cause the necessity for what I term of as partitions, and, these said partitions are what work to cause the conformal dimension of superstrings to be spatially just about exactly one or two, yet, not precisely one or two, respectively.  This is not considering the alterior aspects of any potentially directly associated Gliossi-Shirk-Olive ghosts.  It is Wilson Lines that work to extrapolate what is then here exactly straight lines in the substringular.  It is the activity of gravity via the Rarita Structure through the scalar amplitude attributed to the Ricci Scalar that works to cause the intrinsic conditions of that bending of space-time-fabric that works to cause the expediance of worm-holes.  To Be Continued!  See posts! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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