Monday, August 12, 2013

Some Knowledge As To Cohomological Ties

When one extrapolates two given arbitrary orbifolds that belong to two different respective universes, of which are tied to one another at a relatively close distance in such a Ward-Caucy condition of orphoganation that works to define the two said orbifolds as belonging to the two eluded to different universes, then, the mini-string, or substringular field, that binds the two said orbifolds, correlates to a cohomology that is Yakawa -- even though such an inter-binding is not here Gliossi.  If the just mentioned two stated orbifolds were to be even closer than I initially described these to be at, then, the intrinsic vibrations of the two said orbifolds would then correspond to two sets of superstrings that would involve a multiplicit condition of superstrings that work to synchronize their intrinsic vibrations in such a manner in so that the two said initial orbifolds would then be of the same universe.  When this happens, the Laplacian-based differential geometry of the two stated orbifolds would here alter in such a manner so that their norm-conditions would then be as I have described in prior courses -- the two orbifolds would be place-wise orphaganal relative to one another, with their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates vibrating with a relativistic covariant wobble that would interact with a delineation of primal norm change per succeeding layer of superstring that may be mapped from the center of the eluded to general locus -- which would work to cause adjacent superstrings to oscillate with a back-and-forth displacement of the said wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  As said in prior courses, for each superstringular shell that is exterior to the initial level of adjacency, both the displacement of the directly involved Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates and their respective oscillations are succeedingly an additional 90 degrees off of norm to one another.  This would be the condition as to the covariant wobble that would then here toggle between both the superstrings that work to comprise both orbifolds as obeying such a rule, as well as here involving the kinematic codifferentiation of both Yakawa-based orbifolds to obey the prior stated condition of relative norm-placement and relative wobble.  After 64 genus formats of norm that may be determined from a given arbitrary central layer of superstringular phenomena, the initial genus of Ward-Caucy norm-conditions -- when in terms of both the correlative delineations of the directly related Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, as well as their corresponding alteration of oscillatory activity, will repeat, relative to the so stated given arbitrary central layer of substringular locus.  Yet, since the two stated orbifolds -- that would here need to be primordially of a Minkowski-based spatial delineation that is inter-bound by six genus formats of Njenhuis tensorisms -- would then here involve their directly corresponding superstrings to be codetermineablly adjacent enough to cause both their intrinsic vibrations, and, the intrinsic vibrations of their Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates to synchronize. This is what would here cause both orbifolds so stated here to then be of the same universe.  Whether or not the said orbifolds are then of the same covalent layer of reality or not, though, would depend on the subtension of the angling that would be directly related to the layering of the conicenters of the respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates of the eluded to substringular locus that is here to be extrapolated.  The latter of which is to be determined based upon an extrapolation that would involve the conimetrical center of the directly associated multiplicit group durations of BRST that would then involve the eluded to subtention as taken simultaneously through a central conipoint of the said locus during each succeeding iteration of group instanton.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

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