Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gravity with higher dimensions

The Rarita Structure works as an entity that utilizes vibrations known of as Schwinger Indices that flow along the topological contour of the eluded to holonomic substrate, in so as to distribute wave-like phenomena in an effort to allow for the operation the gravity-based conditions of the Ricci Scalar. This happens in so as to allow for both the operation of gravity itself, as well as to allow for the formation, propagation, and utilization of certain norm-state projections that are necessary, in order for Gaussian Transformations to be spontaneously and perpetually kinematic. The various multiplicit gauge-bosons pluck second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates. The said plucking forms vibrations -- second-ordered Schwinger Indices -- that flow in a kinematic manner, via the various corresponding gauge-metrics that may be arbitrarily extrapolated in many different given ways -- depending upon the situation. Many of the said flowing of vibratory oscillations just mentioned are delineated metrical-wise along what is known of as the Rarita Structure, in so that the most fundamental gravitational-based particles may be able to form a covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable inter-relationship with substringular phenomena of both discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance. Over the spontaneous duration -- through a central conimetric-based conicenter -- many of the other Schwinger Indices that flow through the Rarita-based structure eigenstate are basically all used to form essential norm-state projecitons in so that the Wick Action eigenstates -- that correspond in the said given arbitrary case -- may be formed when the eluded to change of norm-conditions, from within the described general locus, are eminent. When the general holomorphic tendancy of a substringular locus is to invert its directoral-based path, then, this is an indication of the need for a change in the local norm-conditions. This is generally the case in which the Rarita Stucture indirectly operates in so as to form a Wick Action eigenstate. So, when there is more of an abelian pull upon a Rarita Structure eigenstate -- on account of additional space-based dimensional pull upon those structures that the concept of gravitational force eludes to, then, there is a higher scalar of multiplit associated with the wave-tug that is applied upon the directly related holonomic substrates that correspond to the related Ricci Scalar eigenstate. This potentially increases the scalar amplitude of the local gravitational force, thereby, working to potentially increase the local pull of gravitational force. The use of antigravity may be able to be used to decrease the potential of this tendency. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.                                          

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