Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Little Bit More About Gravity

Gravity is formed by the interaction of gravitons and gravitinos with superstrings (discrete units of energy permittivity) and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces (discrete units of energy impedance). This inter-relation happens via a holonomic substrate that is known of as the Rarita Structure. The scalar amplitude of gravity is determined via the extrapolation of the Ricci Scalar. The Ricci Scalar works -- in terms of the inter-relationships of matter -- as according to an Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode. This is why matter won out over antimatter -- because phenomena tends to need to be "apprehended" in order to be pulled into any sort of proximal codifferentiable, covariant, and codeterminable manner. The activity of gravity works to indirectly relate various multiplicit phenomena that are from different universes in a manner that is not primordially Gliossi, yet, the activity of gravity works to indirectly relate various multiplicit phenomena that are from the same universe in a manner that often is primordially Gliossi. As various orbifolds that wobble in one tense or genus of framework -- when in terms of the covariant wobbling of their respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- then, these may be of the same universe over the same conimetric. Yet, if such a tense or genus of framework is not present at any given arbitrary conimetric that works to correspond different respective physical spaces, then the said physical spaces are said to be of different universes. Please read my course about Orbifolds in To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.             

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