Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Little Bit Of Help As to the last part of session 5 of course 14

The duration of the space-hole is ((2pi-6)*(10^(-43)/2pi))Iseconds.  We only tend to notice the duration of the successive iterations of group instanton.  Group instanton is the series of Real-basedd 10^(-43)second intervals that we tend to perceive of.  The light-cone-gauge eigenstates ideally are connected to the reverse-to-holomorphic side of their directly corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  Yet, this situation happens to be only true all of the time during each individually taken discrete substringular increment of group instanton.  For superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are positioned differently  from such a polarized positioning, the light-cone-gauge eigenstates are angled in a Njenhuis-based delineatory manner from where these are positioned at during a metric-based local iteration of group instanton.  This happens during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.  The format of such angling always counters the angling that the corresponding counter strings and their directly corresponding Planck-like phenomena happen to be off of -- by the inverse of the given arbitrary degree of Ward-Caucy polarization, in such a manner that is necessary for the said initially mentioned superstrings -- along with their correlative Planck-like phenomena -- to be able to flow holomorphically through the Ultimon.  This invariant angling compensation of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that allows the said eigenstates to flow through the Ultimon is called gauge-invariance.  The previously eluded to angling that the correlative mini-string segments perform to allow subtringular phenomena to be able to both make-room for spontaneous continued motion via changes in kinematically physical norm-conditons, and, to form enough entropy in so as to allow for changes in physical states to be able to exist, is called gauge-transformation.

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