Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Last Part of the Fourth Session of Course 14

From where I had left off during the third part of session four of this course, the jutting that I had mentioned right before the end of the said third part of session four often happens when one given arbitrary substringular phenomenon, or, one set of substringular phenomena, is about to be used in a different general locus -- in a whole new setting, on account of a temporary tachyonic shift that would, here, be a precursor to an impending Gaussian Transformation.  Sometimes (actually, often), the said jutting of substringular shapes -- due to a shift in the directly applicable cyclic permutations -- works to create that form of distortion of various particle-based Ward-Neumman bounds that may effect the condition of the permutation-based Ward-Neumman bounds of the directly associated orbifold or orbifold eigenset that the said given arbitrary superstring or set of superstrings works to comprise.  Such a distortion in the shape of a subatomic particle -- whether the correlative particle is a superstring, an orbifold, or, an orbifold eigenset -- will temporarily alter the physical boundary-conditions of the just eluded to particle-based phenomena, until the said subatomic pariticle re-attains a condition of a relatively stable state of conformal invariance.  Such a condition of the eluded to homeostasis would here involve a condition of a re-attainment of Noether Flow.  This is due to the condition, that, since most substringular phenomena undergoes Noether Flow most of the time, the re-attainment of Noether Flow by a particle-based phenomenon that has just converted from initially being tachyonic will -- over time -- be more readily influenced by the general flow of the said alterial phenomena that here obeys the same tendency of flow.  This tendency would here work to spontaneously allow for a Majorana-Weyl-Invariance that would be established upon the said particle that has just steadied into a condition of Noether Flow -- in such a manner in so that the cyclic permutations that would then bear attributes upon the Ward-Caucy bounds of the said particle that has re-attained a relative condition of static equilibrium would become of a relative gauging of a steady-state basis, over a relatively transient period of time.  Such cyclic permutation that is steadied upon a substringular phenomenon happens on account of the reiterative activity of the directly associated conditions of Ultimon Flow, and, it may be detected over a period of a sequential series of substringular iterations of group instanton.

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