Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Part Two of the fourth Session of Course 14

Outside of both the regions of the Royal Arc and the regions of the World-Tubes, the substringular encoders cycle the Ultimon in-between the durations of each iteration of group instanton. The just mentioned substringular encoders each have encoder-based counterstrings that exist at the relative forward-holomorphic positioning, relative to their corresponding substringular encoders.  The eluded to substringular encoder counterstrings cycle the Ultimon in-between the durations of each iteration of group instanton.  All of the generally unnoticed cycling of the Ultimon happens in-between each iteration of the said group instanton.  Phenomena that ends up being recycled, that is not of the genus-based format of being as a substringular encoder -- either from a ground-state to a norm-state, or, from a norm-state to a ground-state -- in terms of the multiplicit alterations in the orphoganal-based conditions of the directly related pointal-based differential geometries, happens to be in the process of such an eluded to recycling from one of the general norm-based formats to the other in the Royal Arc, at some time or another in the process of such a perturbation.  Phenomena that is in the Royal Arc flows through the Ultimon, over time, in a discrete tense of holomorphicity -- unless the direction of the directly related tense of time-based flow is perturbated into the relative-wise opposite direction.  Such a flow happens via the behavior of the directly associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that indirectly works toward the process of such a recycling-based activity as happening in an indistinguishable tense of alteration.  For instance, after relatively 10^43 iterations of group instanton, the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise a given arbitrary superstring are indistinguishably replaced by what were initially globally-norm-states, and, vice versa.  Somewhere in-between this unobserveable alteration, both the ground and the norm-states that I just eluded to are, at one time or another, in the Royal Arc in the middle of such an alteration.  From the vantage point of one extrapolating the situation, though, the directly related ground and norm-states would appear as continually being of the same matching of genus format.  The directly prior condition is due to the activity of the flow of substringular field, or, the flow of mini-string, that bears both a wave-tug and a wave-pull that is continually re-delineating the distribution of the holonomic substrate of the corresponding topology.  So, as the light-cone-gauge springs the substringular out of the multiplicit conditions of BRST, this activity works to pull and tug topological substrate relatively outward, towars the regions of the Royal Arc eigenloci.  Such a pulling and tugging activity brings the said topological substrate into those delineatory loci at which these may be resewn in such a manner in so that the directly related norm-conditions of pointal-based differential geometries may be recycled into their correlary of intricacy.  Such recycling is needed so that jointal conditions at their related multiplicit Poincaire-based delineations may convert into smooth-curved conditions at their related multiplicit Poincaire-based delineations, and vice-versa.

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