Saturday, August 31, 2013
A Little Bit Of Help As to the last part of session 5 of course 14
The duration of the space-hole is ((2pi-6)*(10^(-43)/2pi))Iseconds. We only tend to notice the duration of the successive iterations of group instanton. Group instanton is the series of Real-basedd 10^(-43)second intervals that we tend to perceive of. The light-cone-gauge eigenstates ideally are connected to the reverse-to-holomorphic side of their directly corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity. Yet, this situation happens to be only true all of the time during each individually taken discrete substringular increment of group instanton. For superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are positioned differently from such a polarized positioning, the light-cone-gauge eigenstates are angled in a Njenhuis-based delineatory manner from where these are positioned at during a metric-based local iteration of group instanton. This happens during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow. The format of such angling always counters the angling that the corresponding counter strings and their directly corresponding Planck-like phenomena happen to be off of -- by the inverse of the given arbitrary degree of Ward-Caucy polarization, in such a manner that is necessary for the said initially mentioned superstrings -- along with their correlative Planck-like phenomena -- to be able to flow holomorphically through the Ultimon. This invariant angling compensation of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that allows the said eigenstates to flow through the Ultimon is called gauge-invariance. The previously eluded to angling that the correlative mini-string segments perform to allow subtringular phenomena to be able to both make-room for spontaneous continued motion via changes in kinematically physical norm-conditons, and, to form enough entropy in so as to allow for changes in physical states to be able to exist, is called gauge-transformation.
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8:52 AM

Friday, August 23, 2013
The Second Part of the Fifth Session 5 of Course 14
From where I had left off before, with one-dimensional superstrings, the doubling up of mini-stringular segments from what would exist in the direct field of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate for two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- works to double-up the Ward-Neumman boundary of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate that works to connect the corresponding Planck-like phenomena that -- during the metrical course of BRST -- are just to the reverse-holomorphic side of the directly related one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, in such a manner in so as to form an optimum fractal modulus between the said Planck-like phenomena with their corresponding one-dimensional superstrings. At the space-hole, some of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates almost begin to fray -- to just enough of an extent in order to temporarily form a small disconnection at the multiplicit relative Poincaires of the Bases of Light, in such a manner that works to allow for that form of order that is necessary for the multiplicit loci of those directly asociated substringular regions that are to be iterated in during the ensuing group instanton to be able to flow without any unneccessary blockage -- so that phenomena may flow spontaneously under a condition of homotopy. This works to allow for a total substringular connection to have an ability to bear no breakage in the topology of those superstrings that are here unfrayed. Superstrings need to be arranged in the sequential and series arrangements that are necessarily based on vairous conditions, such as, what the substringular pattern was in the course of the prior iterations of group instanton, as well as being based on how the other superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, their counterstrings, the Planck-like phenomena, and the heterotic strings, were encoded to behave as during that Ultimon Flow eigenmetric that directly preceded the individual space-hole metric that happened right before the ensuing instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode that is directly before a metric of group instanton. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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1:09 PM

Thursday, August 22, 2013
Tachyonic Fields
A field that is tachyonic is a perturbative field that becomes divergent from an initial state of a relative tense of conformal invariance -- or, from an initial condition of Noether Flow -- into a flow that involves a combined Real and Njenhuis given arbitrary format of tensors that work to inter-bind the eluded to phenomenon that here becomes tachyonic. This process ends-up resettling the said phenomenon at a relatively distant locus, in a manner that involves a format of a re-convergence back into Noether Flow, once such a phenomenon settles, for the said phenomenon that had here become tachyonic previously. Either way, any tachyonic field will end-up forming a Wick Action eigenstate in so as to produce an ensuing Gaussian Transformation. So, any tachyonic field will involve a Cambell-Hausnedorf-Projection eigenstate that will pull upon a Hausendorf-Projection known of as a Wick Action eigenstate in a manner that acts as a correlary to the genus of activity that pulls a Wick Action eigenstate into a Landau-Gisner-Action eigenstate -- due to the indirect influence of the directly associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates upon the local Rarita Structure, as a given arbitrary phenomenon is acting in a tachyonic manner. The need for gauge-transformations when E.M. scatters is one given arbitrary case of such an activity. (Although light that scatters moves slower than in a vacuum, on the whole.) The activity of gauge-transformations not only allows for those Gaussian Transformations that involves that re-assortment that is necessary for E.M. to be propagated without disruption, yet, such activity also, ironically enough, works to allow for for the creation of entropy. Entropy is needed for the neccesary changes in physical states. To Be Continued! Sam Roach. P.S. Read my blog at
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12:41 PM
Gaussian Transformations,
Noether Flow,
Rarita Structure,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
A Little Bit Of An Explanation of the Light-cone-gauge that I haven't mentioned yet
When the segmental linkage between a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, as a whole entity, is jointal in terms of the differential geometry that the said strands display (relatively straight), then, the associated light-cone-gauge topology is said to be abelian or Kaluza-Klein in nature. Yet, when the segmental linkage between a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate and its directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, as a whole entity, has topological sway that is sinusoidal as a standing wave, that here is not a condition of torsion, over the timeless course of 120 wave-forms that are established over 60 periods of a sine-based phase of curvature over the Lagrangian that inter-binds the two eluded to formats of eigenstate (60 sine-based peaks and 60 sine-based troughs), then, the associated light-cone-gauge topology is said to be non-abelian or Yang-Mills in nature. This just described condition is not counting the torsioning of the mini-string-based segmental links that here works to form the operation as to how the light-cone-gauge, in general, is able to spring superstrings out of the condition of group instanton. The sinusoidal torsioning of the directly related mini-string strands -- by a factor of 120 -- is then the condition that interacts with the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue activity that I have described before in so as to allow the light-cone-gauge to behave as I have already described. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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5:39 PM
Kaluza Klein,

Part One of the Fifth Session of Course 14
Light-Cone-Gauge eigenstates -- for unfrayed substringular phenomena -- always connect Planck-like phenomena to one and two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity during each iteration of group instanton, except, such an interconnection almost begins to fray during the iterations of that duration of metric that I term of as the space-hole. A five mini-string-egmental-composition that is directly affiliated with the condition of a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is the actual entity format of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that works to interconnect the said given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring with its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate -- the latter of which is positionally at the general reverse-holomorphic side of the said superstring over the course of the iterations of group instanton. The relative positioning -- as I have just stated -- is not existent in such a manner during the space-hole, due to the condition of the multiplicit Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates being inter-bound in the Bases of Light during the just mentioned metric that comes right before the directly corresponding iteration of the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode. A ten mini-string-segmental-composition that is directly affiliated with the condition of a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity is the actual entity format of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that works to interconnect the said given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring with its corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate during group instanton -- the latter of which is positionally at the general reverse-holomorphic side of the said superstring over the course of the iterations of group instanton. Again, all of the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are not frayed over the course of the duration that I name of as the space-hole are temporarily bundled into the Bases of Light at the course of the iterations of the metrical-based duration that is also, here, right before the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode. The so stated five mini-string strand-like-connection of a light-cone-guage eigenstate connects a Planck-like phenomenon to a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, while, the so stated ten mini-string-strand-like-connection of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate connects a Planck-like phenomenon to a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Each of the so stated mini-string-strand-like connections that are directly associated with one-dimensional superstrings consists of five sets of two mini-string segments that are wrapped around each other 120 times sinusoidally as a standing wave during group instanton. While, each of the so stated mini-string-strand-like connectons that are directly associated with two-dimensional superstrings consists of ten sets of one mini-string segments that are wrapped around each other 120 times sinusoidally as a standing wave during group instanton. This is not counting the effect of gauge-bosons during BRST.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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2:02 PM

The Last Part of the Fourth Session of Course 14
From where I had left off during the third part of session four of this course, the jutting that I had mentioned right before the end of the said third part of session four often happens when one given arbitrary substringular phenomenon, or, one set of substringular phenomena, is about to be used in a different general locus -- in a whole new setting, on account of a temporary tachyonic shift that would, here, be a precursor to an impending Gaussian Transformation. Sometimes (actually, often), the said jutting of substringular shapes -- due to a shift in the directly applicable cyclic permutations -- works to create that form of distortion of various particle-based Ward-Neumman bounds that may effect the condition of the permutation-based Ward-Neumman bounds of the directly associated orbifold or orbifold eigenset that the said given arbitrary superstring or set of superstrings works to comprise. Such a distortion in the shape of a subatomic particle -- whether the correlative particle is a superstring, an orbifold, or, an orbifold eigenset -- will temporarily alter the physical boundary-conditions of the just eluded to particle-based phenomena, until the said subatomic pariticle re-attains a condition of a relatively stable state of conformal invariance. Such a condition of the eluded to homeostasis would here involve a condition of a re-attainment of Noether Flow. This is due to the condition, that, since most substringular phenomena undergoes Noether Flow most of the time, the re-attainment of Noether Flow by a particle-based phenomenon that has just converted from initially being tachyonic will -- over time -- be more readily influenced by the general flow of the said alterial phenomena that here obeys the same tendency of flow. This tendency would here work to spontaneously allow for a Majorana-Weyl-Invariance that would be established upon the said particle that has just steadied into a condition of Noether Flow -- in such a manner in so that the cyclic permutations that would then bear attributes upon the Ward-Caucy bounds of the said particle that has re-attained a relative condition of static equilibrium would become of a relative gauging of a steady-state basis, over a relatively transient period of time. Such cyclic permutation that is steadied upon a substringular phenomenon happens on account of the reiterative activity of the directly associated conditions of Ultimon Flow, and, it may be detected over a period of a sequential series of substringular iterations of group instanton.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Noether Flow,

How Higher Dimensionality Effects Gravity
A phenomenon that has an abelian light-cone-gauge topology will be more effected by gravity when it travels in added special dimensions. A phenomenon that has a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology will be less effected by gravity when it travels in added spatial dimensions. An abelian light-cone-gauge topology is said to be of a Kaluza-Klein topology. A non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology is said to be of a Yang-Mills topology. If a given arbitrary phenomenon has some superstrings that are Kaluza-Klein, and, some superstrings that are Yang-Mills, then, part of the conditions of the said phenomenon will be more effected by gravity with added spatial dimensions, while part of the conditions of the said phenomenon will be less effected by gravity with added spatial dimensions. The manner of the directly prior condionality is influenced by the summed directoral basis of the eluded to phenomenon, in terms of the cross between the associated fractal of the directly related angular momentum with the associated fractal of the directly related spin-orbital momentum. (J=S+L).
Sincerelly, Samuel David Roach.
Sincerelly, Samuel David Roach.
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9:52 AM

Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Part Three of the Fourth Session of Course 14
There are no Planck-like phenomena, and, there are no light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in the substringular encoder section of the Overall Continuum. Substringular encoders cycle the Ultimon via the drive of both the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, the counterparts of discrete units of energy permittivity, the Planck phenomena, the visage Planck phenomena, the virtual Planck phenomena, and the virtual visage Planck phenomena that are in the World-Tubes -- and all of which recycle the differential geometries of their general norm-based conditions via both the domino-like effect due to the light-cone-gauge, and, the multiple strucutured physical entity that I name of as the Royal Arc. Each dual World-Tube that exists to bind the forward-time-moving infristructure of one set of parallel universes works to involve one eigenstate of the Royal Arc. All of the physical phenomena that work to drive the holonomic substrate eigenstates of the general classification of substringular encoders acts together as a unit over the course of BRST, and, the rest of each group-based instanton, to spring -- in an exponential connectivity that works to pull the substringular, as a whole, into the condition of the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow. As superstrings kinematically differentiate, these become displaced with a certain degree of entropy over the directly associated given arbitrary duration of time. As Planck-related phenomena and counterstrings kinematically differentiate, these become displaced, with a certain degree of entropy, over the directly associated given arbitrary duration of time. The just mentioned general condition of displacement, that, here, involves a certain degree of entropy, causes the directly associated substringular phenomena to jut the shape and distribution of the pointal-based particles that work to comprise these, to an extent -- as well as a certain degree of jutting the shape and distribution of certain larger-scale phenomena.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerley, Samuel David Roach.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerley, Samuel David Roach.
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1:59 PM
Planck phenomena,

Part Two of the fourth Session of Course 14
Outside of both the regions of the Royal Arc and the regions of the World-Tubes, the substringular encoders cycle the Ultimon in-between the durations of each iteration of group instanton. The just mentioned substringular encoders each have encoder-based counterstrings that exist at the relative forward-holomorphic positioning, relative to their corresponding substringular encoders. The eluded to substringular encoder counterstrings cycle the Ultimon in-between the durations of each iteration of group instanton. All of the generally unnoticed cycling of the Ultimon happens in-between each iteration of the said group instanton. Phenomena that ends up being recycled, that is not of the genus-based format of being as a substringular encoder -- either from a ground-state to a norm-state, or, from a norm-state to a ground-state -- in terms of the multiplicit alterations in the orphoganal-based conditions of the directly related pointal-based differential geometries, happens to be in the process of such an eluded to recycling from one of the general norm-based formats to the other in the Royal Arc, at some time or another in the process of such a perturbation. Phenomena that is in the Royal Arc flows through the Ultimon, over time, in a discrete tense of holomorphicity -- unless the direction of the directly related tense of time-based flow is perturbated into the relative-wise opposite direction. Such a flow happens via the behavior of the directly associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that indirectly works toward the process of such a recycling-based activity as happening in an indistinguishable tense of alteration. For instance, after relatively 10^43 iterations of group instanton, the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise a given arbitrary superstring are indistinguishably replaced by what were initially globally-norm-states, and, vice versa. Somewhere in-between this unobserveable alteration, both the ground and the norm-states that I just eluded to are, at one time or another, in the Royal Arc in the middle of such an alteration. From the vantage point of one extrapolating the situation, though, the directly related ground and norm-states would appear as continually being of the same matching of genus format. The directly prior condition is due to the activity of the flow of substringular field, or, the flow of mini-string, that bears both a wave-tug and a wave-pull that is continually re-delineating the distribution of the holonomic substrate of the corresponding topology. So, as the light-cone-gauge springs the substringular out of the multiplicit conditions of BRST, this activity works to pull and tug topological substrate relatively outward, towars the regions of the Royal Arc eigenloci. Such a pulling and tugging activity brings the said topological substrate into those delineatory loci at which these may be resewn in such a manner in so that the directly related norm-conditions of pointal-based differential geometries may be recycled into their correlary of intricacy. Such recycling is needed so that jointal conditions at their related multiplicit Poincaire-based delineations may convert into smooth-curved conditions at their related multiplicit Poincaire-based delineations, and vice-versa.
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12:41 PM

Part One of The Fourth Session of Course 14
Substringular phenomena that is most directly of the World-Tubes cycles the Ultimon in-between each iteration of group instanton. Superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, and, Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- the latter of which directly correspond to the just mentioned superstrings --, cycle the Ultimon in-between each iteration of group instanton. Counterstrings, of which directly correspond to superstrings of discrete energy permittivity (at the relative forward-holomorphic position, relative to their corresponding superstrings at instanton), cycle the Ultimon in-between each iteration of group instanton, along with their eluded to correlative superstrings. Both Planck phenomena, virtual Planck phenomena, and, Planck phenomena visages, are descriptions of what I have mentioned of as Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates. The just mentioned formats of phenomena-based eigenstates always iterate at the reverse-holomorphic position
relative to their corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity at instanton. Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates act as physical units of discrete energy impedance. Therefore, the eluded to discrete units of energy impedance cycle the Ultimon in-between each iteration of group instanton. Point commutators -- of which are norm-states that work to allow for the ability of larger substringular phenomena to move over the cyclical activity of Ultimon Flow -- cycle through their corresponding world-tubes in such a manner in so that these said commutators eminently are recycled from acting as norm-states into acting as ground states Via a process of indistinguishable difference that works to describe such a condition. So, it would appear -- over a period of extrapolation -- that ground-based states remain as such, and, that norm-based states remain as such, yet, these exchange in a manner that is indistinguishable -- the one from the other -- from being as of one of the said general format-basis of particle-based states to the other said general format-basis of particle-based states. Such a recycling activity happens via a physical holonomic substrate that is here what I term of as the Royal Arc, and, this process inevitably involves the gradual inter-assimilation of norm and ground states of one set of parallel universes with those of other sets of parallel universes. I will get to more of this later. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
relative to their corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity at instanton. Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates act as physical units of discrete energy impedance. Therefore, the eluded to discrete units of energy impedance cycle the Ultimon in-between each iteration of group instanton. Point commutators -- of which are norm-states that work to allow for the ability of larger substringular phenomena to move over the cyclical activity of Ultimon Flow -- cycle through their corresponding world-tubes in such a manner in so that these said commutators eminently are recycled from acting as norm-states into acting as ground states Via a process of indistinguishable difference that works to describe such a condition. So, it would appear -- over a period of extrapolation -- that ground-based states remain as such, and, that norm-based states remain as such, yet, these exchange in a manner that is indistinguishable -- the one from the other -- from being as of one of the said general format-basis of particle-based states to the other said general format-basis of particle-based states. Such a recycling activity happens via a physical holonomic substrate that is here what I term of as the Royal Arc, and, this process inevitably involves the gradual inter-assimilation of norm and ground states of one set of parallel universes with those of other sets of parallel universes. I will get to more of this later. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
10:50 AM

Friday, August 16, 2013
A Little As To Changes In Static Equilibrium
When one has an isomorphism that is comprised of multiple superstrings that are relatively separated from being in the same general locus, yet, such superstrings are all within an Angstrom of each other, then, one has to consider the condition as to whether or not such extrapolated superstrings, over a time-wise differential association, are under a state of static equilibrium, or, if such a set of superstrings are more along the lines of behaving in both a perturbative and also in a relatively divergent manner. If one has two given arbitrary sets of superstrings that are proximal -- microscopically -- yet, are not of the same general locus, and, if the two said sets of superstrings are under a condition of superconformal invariance, as these said superstrings are non-trivially isomorphic the one set relative to the other, then, these superstrings would need to be acted upon in order to become diverged away from the eluded to condition of static equilibrium. If there happened to be a ghost inhibitor that acted as a buffer in-between the two eluded to general loci of each set of such superstrings that are here of the same universe, then, if some sort of norm-state projection that were to act upon both of the said sets of superstrings via the holonomic substrate of the said ghost inhibitor that were to be in-between the two eluded to orbifolds (physically-based spaces) were able to possibly work to produce an alteration or a perturbation in the said condition of static equilibrium that was here to initially be kinematic in-between the two said sets of superstrings that are in this case initially in a symmetry of non-trivial isomorphism, then, this would then make it possible to end the eluded to condition of static equilibrium. Such an alteration from what was here a given arbitrary case of superconformal invariance would tend to diverge the two sets of superstrings in such a manner in so that the directoral-based wave-tug/wave-pull of each individual set of superstrings would reverse in terms of their holomorphic permittivity. Such a reverse in directoral flow would then here indirectly cause the production of a Wick Action eigenstate, which would consequently cause the activity of a Gaussian Transformation that would act upon the general locus of part of the initial region in which the orbifolds, or, the physical spaces, that are here represented by the two sets of superstrings, so stated, that here work to perform two different functions that are Gliossi upon the holonomic substrate of the same universe. This is a general example as to that activity that may often work to allow for the need for the changes in certain norm-based conditions. Again, norm-conditions need to change often in order for room to be made for the essential operations of space-time-fabric.
Posted by
12:45 PM
superconformal invariance,
Wick Action

Thursday, August 15, 2013
Part Four of the Third Session of Course 14
From where I had left off last time, the differential series' that I had been just discussing are commutated after the course (no pun intended) of many iterations of instanton. The said differential series' of such inter-related superstrings involve superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that are indistinguishably different from one another. Such a genus of differential series' also involves substringular units that tend to be more kinematic than those of a steady state, and/or, such a genus of differential series' may sometimes involve alterior substringular units that are indistinguishably different. Sometimes, via the activity of a given arbitrary tense of kinematic differentiation over time, the directly related angles that I have been discussing in the last four sessions -- that the so mentioned isomorphic superstrings bear over a relatively brief period of time -- go into a state of perturbation, or alteration, that act in conjunction with the angling of both the corresponding Planck-related phenomena and their directly correlative-based counterstrings. Yet, when a tense of isomorphism is maintained -- on account of what may here be the formation of a tense of static equilibrium in the directly related substringular region -- the angling between the multiplicit orbifolds that are again of the same universe, when in terms of the covariant wobbling of their directly associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are both adjacent and are of two different orbifolds that are of the same universe, will form an angling between these that is of an identical degree. That is, 1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees. So, the format of the chirality of the relative tense of norm, or, orphoganal, that exists between the corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, will alter in genus per the ensuing exterialization of adjacency that would here be among substringular units of energy that are of the same universe, yet, the angle of the wobbling that is covariant between such Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are of the same given arbitrary universe will always be 1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees -- as long as the corresponding discrete units of energy remain of the same universe. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:57 PM
Planck phenomena

Part Three of the Third Session of Course 14
Isomorphisms are nontrivial in the substringular when these do not happen over the potential mapping of a unitary timeless Ward-Caucy-basesd Lagrangian. This is because, here, one has to pictorially pull phenomena from off of the Real Reimmanian plane of a given arbitrary substringular eigenspace, in so as to tie the repetitive iteration-based sequential series of a substringular tense of kinematic differentiation over time here. Such substringular sequences also work to allow for the appropriate differential series', which works to allow for the ability of discrete energy to be simulated in multiple spots at the same general metric simultaneously, through a central conipoint. Such simulated energy that is interactive in different spots helps to allow for the needed covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable commutation of the eluded to superstrings -- relative to one another -- so that there may be the needed group attractor propagation attributed to the various multiplicit substringular groups that are here directly associated with each other, so that certain various Hamiltonian operations may then here work to directly correlate with one another, over the gauging of the same general conimetrical basis. The difference that would then exist here -- when in terms of the differential series' that would here exist between the directly associated trivial isomorphisms, and, the directly associated non-trivial isomorphisms -- is the condition that trivial isomorphisms bear more of a commutational connection that would here tend to be abelian in nature (when in terms of the directly associated differential series' that would here be involved), whereas, nontrivial isomorphisms bear more of a non-abelian commutational interplay that would here tend to be more likely to be associated with a ghost inhibitor, particularly if the nontrivial isomorphism would initially here be in a state of conformal invariance. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
Posted by
10:44 AM
ghost inhibitor,

Part Two of the Third Session of Course 14
To start out with where I left off last time, the said given arbitrary situation is isomorphic because one could pictorially bend the substringular fabric of the eluded to superstrings in so as to match the directly related superstrings as behaving identically. The situation is isomorphic -- in terms of the directly related Planck phenomena -- because one could pictorially bend the substringular fabric of the eluded to Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates as behaving identically. The situation is isomorphic because one could pictorially bend the substringular fabric of the directly related counterstrings in so as to extrapolate the said counterstrings as behaving identically. the isomorphism is trivial because it is acting along a line of phenomena that may be mapped out over a unitary Lagrangian that does not change in derivative over the eluded to basis of a timeless tracing of the attributes of the relative covariant substringular phenomena that I have mentioned here. Not all of such increments are isomorphic as to the mapping of the various superstrings, Planck phenomena, and the counterstrings, that may happen to exist within the given arbitrary substringular range that works to incorporate the general overall locus in which the Hodge-based sum of all of the said types of substringular phenomena exist -- over the metrical duration in which the said mapping of the isomorphic patterns is to be extrapolated in so as to work to determine the symmetry that would here exist among the individual substringular phenomena that I have here described in correlation to one another. Substringular isomorphisms do happen, though, and these symmetrical determinations work to account for the repetition of certain substringular sequences -- when one works to extrapolate certain tenses of chiral-based formats of superconformal invariance, that here, involve various substringular phenomena that are codifferentiable and codeterminable from a relative distance at a metrical gauging that is simultaneous through a central conipoint. The repetition of the just mentioned substringular sequences would here work to allow for the appropriate differential series', of which would here allow for the activity of certain discrete units of energy to be simulated in multiple general loci over an iterative set of group instantons. Such a tense of a simulation of a kinematic propagation of energy (simulated, since the energy here is in such a tense of static equilibrium that it does not propagate here through enough of a viable Lagrangian in so as to bear any significant interaction with electromagnetic energy) that works through multiple general loci at once, may often work to allow for the needed codiffereniability in so that the proper order and commutation that may then exist here may be perturbated by the activity of the holonomic substrate of adjacent ghost inhibitors -- in order to pull the eluded to tense of superconformal invariance to move into a more viable tense of a kinematic flow or propagation of energy. To Be Continued! Sam Roach.
Posted by
10:05 AM
superconformal invariance,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Part One of the Third Session of Course 14
Superstrings often differentiate into what may be extrapolated of as "lines" of strings. Superstrings from the same universe that consist, in part, of just two Planck phenomena that are of the same universe away may be of the same relative positional angle, yet, at a different general locus. Superstrings that are from the same universe that are in discrete units of two Planck phenomena of the same universe away may also be of the same positional angle, yet, again, at a general locus. The Planck phenomena of the strings that I have just mentioned that are at the same relative positional angle, yet, are at a different general locus, will bear superstrings that are at the same relative positional angle, yet, at a different spot as well. The substringular counterparts of these strings, here, will also be at the same relative positional angle, yet, at a different general locus as well. The strings just mentioned, in such a given arbitrary situation, work to display trivial isomorphism -- at a distance, with a gap in-between the activity of the said substringular phenomena. The Planck phenomena in such a situation also work to display a tense of trivial isomorphism -- at a distance, with a gap in-between the activity of the said substringular phenomena. Also, the counterparts that directly are associated with the directly prior phenomena will display another genus, or tense, of trivial isomorphism -- at a distance, with a gap in-between the activity of the said substringular phenomena. Generally, such substringular phenomena that I just mentioned will bear a non-trivial isomorphism, due to the relative non-kinematic Lagrangian that would here exist in-between the said corresponding phenomena. This is in terms of the mapping of their covariant trivial or non-trivial isomorphisms, respectively. I have a bit more to say about this soon. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:11 AM
Planck phenomena,
substringular counterparts,

Monday, August 12, 2013
Some Knowledge As To Cohomological Ties
When one extrapolates two given arbitrary orbifolds that belong to two different respective universes, of which are tied to one another at a relatively close distance in such a Ward-Caucy condition of orphoganation that works to define the two said orbifolds as belonging to the two eluded to different universes, then, the mini-string, or substringular field, that binds the two said orbifolds, correlates to a cohomology that is Yakawa -- even though such an inter-binding is not here Gliossi. If the just mentioned two stated orbifolds were to be even closer than I initially described these to be at, then, the intrinsic vibrations of the two said orbifolds would then correspond to two sets of superstrings that would involve a multiplicit condition of superstrings that work to synchronize their intrinsic vibrations in such a manner in so that the two said initial orbifolds would then be of the same universe. When this happens, the Laplacian-based differential geometry of the two stated orbifolds would here alter in such a manner so that their norm-conditions would then be as I have described in prior courses -- the two orbifolds would be place-wise orphaganal relative to one another, with their directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates vibrating with a relativistic covariant wobble that would interact with a delineation of primal norm change per succeeding layer of superstring that may be mapped from the center of the eluded to general locus -- which would work to cause adjacent superstrings to oscillate with a back-and-forth displacement of the said wobble of ~1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees. As said in prior courses, for each superstringular shell that is exterior to the initial level of adjacency, both the displacement of the directly involved Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates and their respective oscillations are succeedingly an additional 90 degrees off of norm to one another. This would be the condition as to the covariant wobble that would then here toggle between both the superstrings that work to comprise both orbifolds as obeying such a rule, as well as here involving the kinematic codifferentiation of both Yakawa-based orbifolds to obey the prior stated condition of relative norm-placement and relative wobble. After 64 genus formats of norm that may be determined from a given arbitrary central layer of superstringular phenomena, the initial genus of Ward-Caucy norm-conditions -- when in terms of both the correlative delineations of the directly related Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, as well as their corresponding alteration of oscillatory activity, will repeat, relative to the so stated given arbitrary central layer of substringular locus. Yet, since the two stated orbifolds -- that would here need to be primordially of a Minkowski-based spatial delineation that is inter-bound by six genus formats of Njenhuis tensorisms -- would then here involve their directly corresponding superstrings to be codetermineablly adjacent enough to cause both their intrinsic vibrations, and, the intrinsic vibrations of their Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates to synchronize. This is what would here cause both orbifolds so stated here to then be of the same universe. Whether or not the said orbifolds are then of the same covalent layer of reality or not, though, would depend on the subtension of the angling that would be directly related to the layering of the conicenters of the respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates of the eluded to substringular locus that is here to be extrapolated. The latter of which is to be determined based upon an extrapolation that would involve the conimetrical center of the directly associated multiplicit group durations of BRST that would then involve the eluded to subtention as taken simultaneously through a central conipoint of the said locus during each succeeding iteration of group instanton. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam.
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1:02 PM

Thursday, August 8, 2013
Along The Poincaire of Certain Topology
As one maps-out the topology of any given arbitrary superstring, in so as to extrapolate the existence of mini-string segmental cusps that work to allow for discrete energy permittivity -- so that the directly associated superstring may be able to act as a discrete unit of energy permittivity, the said critical cusps that I have just eluded to -- at the Poincaire level of the directly associated neighboring of holonomic substrate -- are mini-string segments, or, substringular field densities in this case, that are relatively tightly bound and subtended upon the general locus of the mutliplicit topological surfaces of both one and two-dimensional superstrings. So, superstrings have partitions, or, discrepancies, that are due to the curvature of space-time-fabric. Yet, there are, present along the relatively near locus of all superstrings that are unfrayed, certain densities of mini-string segmental holonomic substrate that work to form the basis of permittivity, so that the directly associated superstrings that this happens to may be able to remain as discrete units of energy permittivity. These said critical cusps jut-out from the Poincaire level of the topology of the said superstrings in order to be able to be mapped relatively outward from such a general condition of being extended from the topology of the said strings in such a manner, and via such a Lagrangian-based format, over time, in order that the directly corresponding superstrings may be able to travel in the direction that these are being propagated in over the eluded to time. As a superstring loses most of such a previously mentioned critical cusp format, the directly associated superstrings are then about to change in terms of their general holomorphic directoral-basis that these were just moving in. Just as superstrings are undergoing such changes in their corresponding holomorphism and momentum directoralization, this works to trigger the Wick Action to be formed in order to allow for the ensuing Gaussian Transformation. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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2:11 PM
holonomic substrate,

Some Additional Stuff About The Nature of Chern-Simmons Singularities
The conditions that I have recently eluded to as to the correlations as to how the Chern-Simmons singularities that often, although often not, may be present in such a manner in so as to work to define what general format of a physical phenomenon at the quantum level is what, are in reference to the activities that happen in correspondence of one superstring relative to a neighboring superstring. Yet, if one is to go to a fractal level below this -- down to the Poincaire level of the topological mapping of superstrings -- one may be able to extract certain conditions as to Chern-Simmons singularities that would here exist, in both a time-wise and a timeless manner, that work to form the discrete units of those various critical cusps along the topology of the said superstrings that work to allow for the said superstrings to have the permittivity that these need in order for the said superstrings to be discrete units of energy permittivity. This means that superstrings that are attatched to Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates via the light-cone-gauge are able to have wave-pull in the multiplicity relativistic holomorphic direction in so as to be able to have a "forward" momentum so that energy may exist at all. Such "Chern-Simmons" singularities may be viewed of as sub-Chern-Simmons singularities -- since such perturbative wave-bound activity is of quantum twitching.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The Need For Chern-Simmons Singularities
The format and the genus of the various Chern-Simmons singularities works to establish whether or not something is either entropy outside of a worm-hole, electromagnetic energy, plain kinetic energy, mass, the entity of a mass that is often translated as a relatively organized non-mass-based phenomenon when in a worm-hole, or, an entropic entity of a mass that is spuriously translated as a non-mass-based phenomenon when in a worm-hole. Please look at some of my other posts as to how certain Chern-Simmons-based Ward-Caucy conditions work to define what any certain given arbitrary phenomenon exists as -- at a given arbitrary instant in retrospect to those conditions that relate to the format and the conditions of the directly corresponding Chern-Simmons singularities in any specific case that one may utilize -- to be able to figure-out these types of things in corelation to how I have described these in in each general respective case. I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.
Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
2:01 PM
Ward-Caucy conditions

Singulaites -- Chern-Simmons
Singularites that go beyond the number of changes in derivative than the number of spatial dimensions that are present in a traceable mapping as to where any given holonomic substrate has been projected over a directly associated projection of the eluded to phenomenon over time, involves spike-like discontinuities that are known of as Chern-Simmons singularities. Also, an irregular rhythm in the kinematic projection of a substringular trajectory is of a spurious genus of Chern-Simmons singularity. Such singularites often allow for that necessary perturbation that allows for Gaussian mingling. Gaussian "mingling" is the perturbative-like interplay of various physical spaces that work to allow for more of a continuous exchange of norm-conditions over time -- via the Kaeler-Metric. Again, Gaussian Transformations that allow for the scattering light, and thus entropy, are known of as gauge-transformations.
Posted by
1:01 PM
holonomic substrate,

What is Straight
Like everyone knows, space-time is curved. The general condition of the curvature of space-time is part of what works to cause superstrings to have a conformal dimension that is not precisely either one (for one-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity) or two (for two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity). Although, since one and two-dimensional superstrings work to form discrete units of energy, the conformal dimension of any one or two-dimensional superstrings is very much about one or two, respectively (at the relative Poincaire level). The condition of the intrinsic warping of space-time-fabric is what works to cause the necessity for what I term of as partitions, and, these said partitions are what work to cause the conformal dimension of superstrings to be spatially just about exactly one or two, yet, not precisely one or two, respectively. This is not considering the alterior aspects of any potentially directly associated Gliossi-Shirk-Olive ghosts. It is Wilson Lines that work to extrapolate what is then here exactly straight lines in the substringular. It is the activity of gravity via the Rarita Structure through the scalar amplitude attributed to the Ricci Scalar that works to cause the intrinsic conditions of that bending of space-time-fabric that works to cause the expediance of worm-holes. To Be Continued! See posts! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
10:55 AM
Gliossi-Shirk-Olive ghosts,
Rarita Structure,
Wilson Lines

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Part two tot the Second Session of course 14
The one and two-dimensional superstrings of an object undergoing Lorentz-Four-Contraction are both effected by the said contraction to the same extent when one considers the directorals that these said superstrings are undergoing. The motion of travel that most directly, in the path of the traveling object, is contracted in, is as according to the given equations, yet, the superstrings that differentiate kinematically outside of this directly said given arbitrary path will contract as is according to the integrative partial as to how their directorals interplay with the given path of trajectory that the given object of mass is moving in at the given speed in a given direction. Just about any object that moves obeys the Lorentz-Four-Contaction rules. Planck-Phenomena (which I will say from now on instead of Planck-like phenomena, unless there is a crucial reason in so as to not say this) that kinematically differentiate outside of the direct path of motion of the said massive object, will tend to contract as is according to the integrative partial as to how their directorals interplay with the given path of trajectory that the given massive object is moving in at the given speed in a given arbitrary direction. Velocity is speed in a direction.. So, Lorentz-Four-Contraction is based on the integrative partial that relative velocities of a massive object moving in a group direction displays, when relative to the motion and the Ward-Caucy boundaries of eigenstates of electromagnetic energy. As an object slows down, the Lorentz-Four-Contractions are undone to the extent of the just mentioned general format of slowing down. Each discrete increment as to the undoing of Lorentz-Four-Contracton, in terms of both the increase of length from an initial contraction, the increase of time from an initial contraction, and also the decrease in mass from an initial contraction, in an object that here had an initial given arbitrary relativistic contraction, is known of as a tetrad.
To Be Continued. Please be patient! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
To Be Continued. Please be patient! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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2:15 PM

Monday, August 5, 2013
Part One of the Second Session of Course 14
Both one and two-dimensional superstrings differentiate relative to light. Light consists in part of Planck-like phenomena that have both a fractal of an electric field and also a fractal of a magnetic field that fluctuate relative to one another over time. This is why light is called electordynamic or electromagnetic energy. Superstrings, both one and two-dimensional, are connected to Planck-like phenomena via the light-cone-gauge eigenstates that directly associate with the corresponding superstrings. When Planck-like phenomena that work to comprise a mass move fast, when relative to the speed of light, the length of the object that the given mass is made up of is contracted, and, the mass of the given object increases. The length in this case increases as is according to
L=(1-v^2/c^2)^.5, and, the mass goes up as is according to M=1/(1-v^2/c^2)^.5. This type of contraction effects both the individual Planck-like phenomena and their directly corresponding superstrings that work to comprise the given mass. This contraction just stated also effects the object that is traveling at any given arbitrary relatively fixed or variant speed, as a whole. For instance, the direction of such a general format of contraction is based on the integrative effect of the directorals that the given object is undergoing over the course of any extrapolation of the motion of any said specific phenomenon. Such contraction is called Lorentz-Four-Contraction, since time is also effected as is according to T=(1-v^2/c^2)^.5. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
L=(1-v^2/c^2)^.5, and, the mass goes up as is according to M=1/(1-v^2/c^2)^.5. This type of contraction effects both the individual Planck-like phenomena and their directly corresponding superstrings that work to comprise the given mass. This contraction just stated also effects the object that is traveling at any given arbitrary relatively fixed or variant speed, as a whole. For instance, the direction of such a general format of contraction is based on the integrative effect of the directorals that the given object is undergoing over the course of any extrapolation of the motion of any said specific phenomenon. Such contraction is called Lorentz-Four-Contraction, since time is also effected as is according to T=(1-v^2/c^2)^.5. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:14 PM
Planck-Like phenomena,

Part Two of the First Session of Course 14
The impulse that I eluded to in the first part of this session is formed by the action of the superstrings that are taken from the moment of the last iteration of group instanton, to the moment right after the activity of the duration in which the space-hole happens -- which is right before the superstrings are undergoing the beginning of the BRST metrical portion of the ensuing group instanton. The Bases of Light are formed on account of the condition that the space-hole temporarily disconnects the topological aspects of homotopy among superstringular-based fabric, and, just as this begins to happen, the eluded to general condition of homotopy snaps back into place in so that Cassimer Invariance may be maintained. It is the properties of the fractal of pressurized vacuum that I call sub-mini-string that work to both snap homotopy into place, as well as to work to allow for such a reaction to apply in such a manner in so as to help the eluded to substringular phenomena to be redelieated to their ensuing distributions over the course of the next iteration of group instanton. The subsequent arrangement of the Planck-like phenomena may be encoded, not only by their impulse, yet, also by their placement along the topological contour of the directly related respective Bases of Light. This is just as the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse is commenced. The appearance of the globally distinguishable arrangement of the Planck-like phenomena -- as well as their permittivity -- is controlled in part by their kinematic differentiation with the particle nature of light per iteration of group instanton. This differentiation, when considered relative to the Ward-Caucy bounds, activity, and velocity of electromagnetic energy -- is called the phenomenon that is known of generally as the Lorentz-Four-Contraction. One set of superstrings in one dimension that are contracted -- or made more massive by the discrete mass of one terrestrial-electron-based mass -- is one vielbian.
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12:46 PM
Cassimer Invariance,

Part One of the First Session of Course 14 About Group Action
Superstrings work together to allow for various things to happen. Superstrings interact with each other based on their interaction with the Bases of Light. Each tori-sector-region has one Basis of Light that is directly associated with it. The Bases of Light are group functional during the beginning of the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse. When the Bases of Light are group functional, all of the directly associated Planck-like phenomena are linked together per tori-sector-region into one overall Fadeev-Popov-Trace -- per tori-sector region. These Bases of Light, at this point, right after the metric in which the space-hole is predominant, are linked to form a shape that is just as that of which may be generally considered a Planck-like phenomenon, except that these are the length of the interior of one hoop of the Ultimon -- yet with the thickness of the mapping of their tracing still being the thickness of mini-string, since it is the holonomic substrate of the topology of substringular field segments that work to comprise the various respective Bases of Light. Also, the width of any given arbitrary Basis of Light has the scalar amplitude that is also analogous to the width of the interior of the world-tube that any said given arbitrary Basis of Light is in -- while such an entity is pervasive over the duration in which such said Bases are pertinent. Just as the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse happens, the Bases of Light are retied in such a manner in so that such Bases are redelineated in a reverse integrative manner. This happens in so that the individual Planck-like phenomena are then formed and distributed to their ensuing loci as to where these are to be, during the given arbitrary upcoming iteration of group instanton. This is so that the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates may then here be able to be given the impulse that these need in order to reach the destination that these so stated eigenstates are to reach -- along with being paired with their multiplicitly directly related superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- during the eluded to ensuing iteration of group instanton. To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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11:25 AM

Friday, August 2, 2013
A Llittle Bit More As To Conformal Dimension
A physical dimensionality, for all intensive purposes, is discrete -- when one considers the number of spatial dimensions plus time. Yet, if you want to get technical, since superstrings bear discrepencies that I term of as partitions, the conformal dimension of a superstring is never precisely One or Two, respectively. The conformal dimension of a one-dimensional superstring will vary -- depending upon the discrete truncation as to the scalar amplitude of the given arbitrary degree of Lorentz-Four-Contraction that would here correspond. If a one-dimensional superstring is "contracted" by a factor of two to just under three, then, it will have 15*10^7 mentioned partitional discrepencies along its topological contour. Yet, if a one-dimensional superstring is "contracted" by a factor of 3*10^8, then, it will have only one mentioned partitional discrepencies along its topological contour. The conformal dimension of a superstring with two of such partitions will be 2^((15*10^7)/10^43)). A similar situation is true for two-dimensional superstrings, except, a bosonic superstring also has one of such partitons, if it is going at the speed of light. (Only bosonic strings can travel at exactly the speed of light.) Also, if a superstring has two of such partitions, its conformal dimension will be 1+2^((15*10^7)/10^43). As an ansantz, 2^((15*10^7)/10^43) is basically one, since any number to the zero power is one. Although, a swivel-like-shaped superstring is more likely to become unoriented at the Bette Action, and, therefore, it is more likely to become tachyonic than if it were shaped otherwise. To Be Continued.
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3:11 PM

A Little Bit About Topology
Neucleons exist in a minimum of four spatial dimensions plus time. This is known of as an F-field. Electrons exist in a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time. This is known of as a D-field. Photons exist in a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time. This is known of as a P-field. The Higgs Boson exists -- per iteration of instanton -- in a minimum of 12 spatial dimensions plus time. The fields of superstrings exist as mini-string segments that work to interconnect various substringular phenomena that are of at least the cross-sectional thickness of the just mentioned mini-string. Second and third-ordered point particles only exist where there is mini-string located at. Third-Ordered point particles are comprised of sub-mini-string. Sub-Mini-String is the ultimate fractal of pressurized vacuum that works to form the foundation of all actual physical entities that are discrete in terms of their scalar amplitude. So, when we detect wave-like phenomena from either electromagnetic energy, plain kinetic energy, and/or from matter, what we are inevitably detecting either indirectly or directly is the effect of substringular fields, and, substringular fields are comprised of segments of mini-string. You see, norm-states are comprised of certain configurations of mini-string segments that are bound by certain relatively fairly small topological ends of compactified mini-string which have ends that are here much smaller than the size of a first-ordered point particle. First-Ordered point particles are comprised of mini-string that is at least partially "balled-up" in a yarn-like fashion in so as to form the component parts of superstrings. Certain more specific norm-state projections come together in order to form Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates. Superstrings work to form the discrete energy of space-time-fabric. If it wasn't for mini-string, there would be interconnection of topology -- which would cause a lack of homotopy. Homotopy is necessary in order for the substringular to have any organized covariance. This is so that the substringular may be spontaneously and perpetually existant as an arena of energy, period. Sam
Thursday, August 1, 2013
A Little Bit More About Gravity
Gravity is formed by the interaction of gravitons and gravitinos with superstrings (discrete units of energy permittivity) and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces (discrete units of energy impedance). This inter-relation happens via a holonomic substrate that is known of as the Rarita Structure. The scalar amplitude of gravity is determined via the extrapolation of the Ricci Scalar. The Ricci Scalar works -- in terms of the inter-relationships of matter -- as according to an Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode. This is why matter won out over antimatter -- because phenomena tends to need to be "apprehended" in order to be pulled into any sort of proximal codifferentiable, covariant, and codeterminable manner. The activity of gravity works to indirectly relate various multiplicit phenomena that are from different universes in a manner that is not primordially Gliossi, yet, the activity of gravity works to indirectly relate various multiplicit phenomena that are from the same universe in a manner that often is primordially Gliossi. As various orbifolds that wobble in one tense or genus of framework -- when in terms of the covariant wobbling of their respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates -- then, these may be of the same universe over the same conimetric. Yet, if such a tense or genus of framework is not present at any given arbitrary conimetric that works to correspond different respective physical spaces, then the said physical spaces are said to be of different universes. Please read my course about Orbifolds in To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
A Little Bit About Physical Spaces
Orbifolds, or, physical spaces that relate to each other as either Real Reimmanian or Njenhuis -- when relative to one another over any given arbitrary metrical and metric-gauge-wise kinematic transformation -- include different formats of Gaussian spatial relationships that are all over the place. -- Anywhere you go in our universe (for all intensive purposes), you are within a millimeter or so away from phenomena that is from all of the parallel universes in our set of parallel universes. Or, from within three millimeters or so away from phenomena of our universe, there is residue from all of the universes that act as kinematic-based universes of phenomena. (I am not here referring to universes that may be way "out there" that are simply based on an optic translation of any extrapolation as to what the multiverse is.) Whether an orbifold that is adjacent to an orbifold that is of our universe is actually from our universe or not depends upon the relativisitic covariance of the vibrational wobble that may be transposed from one set of Planck-based phenomena that correspond to the discrete energy impedance of one set of units of energy relative to another set of Planck-based phenomenon that correspond to the discrete energy impedance of another set of units of energy. For more of a grasp on this concept, please read my courses about Orbifolds, &, Fermions, Bosons, and the Light-Cone-Gauge, & Stringular Transformations. This will answer many of your questions. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Gravity with higher dimensions
The Rarita Structure works as an entity that utilizes vibrations known of as Schwinger Indices that flow along the topological contour of the eluded to holonomic substrate, in so as to distribute wave-like phenomena in an effort to allow for the operation the gravity-based conditions of the Ricci Scalar. This happens in so as to allow for both the operation of gravity itself, as well as to allow for the formation, propagation, and utilization of certain norm-state projections that are necessary, in order for Gaussian Transformations to be spontaneously and perpetually kinematic. The various multiplicit gauge-bosons pluck second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates. The said plucking forms vibrations -- second-ordered Schwinger Indices -- that flow in a kinematic manner, via the various corresponding gauge-metrics that may be arbitrarily extrapolated in many different given ways -- depending upon the situation. Many of the said flowing of vibratory oscillations just mentioned are delineated metrical-wise along what is known of as the Rarita Structure, in so that the most fundamental gravitational-based particles may be able to form a covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable inter-relationship with substringular phenomena of both discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance. Over the spontaneous duration -- through a central conimetric-based conicenter -- many of the other Schwinger Indices that flow through the Rarita-based structure eigenstate are basically all used to form essential norm-state projecitons in so that the Wick Action eigenstates -- that correspond in the said given arbitrary case -- may be formed when the eluded to change of norm-conditions, from within the described general locus, are eminent. When the general holomorphic tendancy of a substringular locus is to invert its directoral-based path, then, this is an indication of the need for a change in the local norm-conditions. This is generally the case in which the Rarita Stucture indirectly operates in so as to form a Wick Action eigenstate. So, when there is more of an abelian pull upon a Rarita Structure eigenstate -- on account of additional space-based dimensional pull upon those structures that the concept of gravitational force eludes to, then, there is a higher scalar of multiplit associated with the wave-tug that is applied upon the directly related holonomic substrates that correspond to the related Ricci Scalar eigenstate. This potentially increases the scalar amplitude of the local gravitational force, thereby, working to potentially increase the local pull of gravitational force. The use of antigravity may be able to be used to decrease the potential of this tendency. To Be Continued! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:04 AM
holonomic substrate,
Rarita Structure,
Ricci Scalar,

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