Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Yin(g)-Related Solitons -- Potential Partial Cancellation Of Entropy -- Editorial

 The following is an "editorial," as to something that has recently come to my mind:

Please Really Think This Over, Too; Because this "flies in the face" of an eminent law of thermodynamics.

You know how solitons, may often have the ability to cancel/undo certain dispersion-related eigenstates?

Do you remember the general idea that I have conveyed before; that entropy is basically the dispersive (of which is here to be of an anharmonic nature) metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted outward and away from the general locus, at which there is here to be a tense of perturbation in the Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-activity, that is here to be displayed, via the Lagrangian-based motion of the holomorphic flow, that is here to be appertaining, to the correlative Fourier-Related Transformation, of a given arbitrary directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta?

To my present perception; it follows, that there may often be the general potential ability, of a tense of a particular genus of "wave-packets," or solitons, of which are here to behave in such a manner, in so as to act as constructive eigenstates, that are here to be eminent in their relation to the E(8)XE(8) superstring-related-oscillation-based-mode, (on the order of the general concept, of the explication of "yin(g)), to where, such an inferred general tense of an explication of "yin(g)," may often have the capacity, of being able to undo, at least some of those dispersion-related eigenstates, of which are here to work to comprise the accumulative effect, of what may be thought of, as being the otherwise increasing proximal local presence of entropy. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

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