Friday, July 2, 2021

An Interesting Editorial, About The Sumerian Language

 To my perspective; I personally believe, that the Sumerian language -- was basically solely influenced, by an advanced race of aliens, -- called the "ANUNNAKI." To where; I find it quite fascinating, that the word, "Anunnaki" literally means, "From Outer Space Towards Upon The Earth." This often is over simplified, to mean, simply: "From The Sky To The Earth."

The word, "Anu," in Sumerian, means -- From Outer Space.

The word, "NNa," in Sumerian, means -- Towards Upon. (To where, this indirectly eludes, to the scientific idea, as to the multiplicity of the "Cotangent Bundle," of which simply refers to the general concept, of a physical entity, that phenomenology is to be converging towards.) 

And Finally; the word, "Ki," (pronounced, like the word, "key"), means -- EARTH.

It then consequently follows, that the Ancient Sumerians, for some reason or another, called the advanced aliens, that basically worked to form their venue of civilization, who were those alien acquaintances, of whom were the race of biological entities, who had undertook the effort to form the general basis for their ensuing societal development, of whom were called by them, the "ANUNNAKI," -- (which meant, those who were, "From Outer Space Towards Upon The Earth." I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE! LATER ON: THIS IS TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

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