Thursday, July 22, 2021

Spurious Calabi-Yau- Manifold

 Let’s initially consider a theoretical simplest case scenario, of an oscillating Calabi-Yau-Manifold, — to where its spin-orbital coni-axion is radially fixed, to where there is here to be no directly corresponding co-differentiable torsion to be applied, in a Gliosis-Based manner, upon the topological manifold of such a given arbitrary case of a Calabi-Yau-Manifold. When a Calabi-Yau-Manifold is to oscillate in a spurious manner, instead of in a hermitian manner — to where, it would otherwise tend to work to bear a heuristic manner of spatial dimensionality — such a said Calabi-Yau-Manifold, will consequently tend to work to bear a tense of recursively inverted vibrational oscillations, that are here to be directly corroborative to each respective set of one or more augmented topological deformations, that are here to be in consideration of the holonomic structure of such a gauged entity, to where these of which are here to be spatially balanced, by a respective correlative set of one or more ablated topological deformations, that are also to be in consideration of the holonomic structure of such a gauged entity. This may make it a little bit clearer. In so as there are here to be no viable puncture-related deformations in the mappable-tracing of the external shell of the directly corresponding Riemann surface of a heuristic Calabi-Yau-Space — whether or not it is to oscillate in a manner, that is hermitian or in a manner that is spurious — in so long as the cotangent bundle that is here to be taken into consideration, is of a constant spatial dimensionality, to where it is of a non-compact nature, and, in so long as the geometry of the correlative cotangent bundle is either consistently of a symplectic nature OR consistently of a Khovanov nature, then, the scalar amplitude/magnitude of the “ regional-swipe” of the metric-gauge-related Nijenhuis “surface-area,” of the inferred external Ward-Neumann surface of such an inferred/said Riemann surface, is to maintain the same magnitude of such a stated “regional-swipe” of metric-gauge-related Nijenhuis “surface-area.” This may not be the best wording, yet, perhaps you can see what I am trying to convey! TO BE CONTINUED! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

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