Friday, July 30, 2021

An Editorial -- Some Stuff About The DNA Molecule

 Consider a Heuristic DNA molecule. Consider its general shape -- as a double-helix. Consider both strands of such a stated double-helix. Now, take both strands of such a stated DNA molecule (of which are here to bear a tense of helicity); and Mathematically compactify both individually taken strands, in a Stoke's-based manner, upon a planar Minkowski surface, in so as to have the mathematical depiction, of two different individually taken similar geometrically identical sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes. If these strands, as inferred before, are to be of a Heuristic DNA molecular construction, the two implied  mathematically determined sinusoidal waves, that are to be mappable, as being of the equivalent of acting as two individually taken sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes, are to be dampened from the general tense of a heuristic sinusoidal-based nature, by a factor of About 1.591549433. Remember; the two different individually taken helically-related strands of a DNA molecule, are to completely wrap around each other 5 times per net 5 2PI cycle, in their Laplacian-Related mappable-tracing. Next; consider what I have said before, about the general mathematical concept, that I have come-up with in the relatively recent past, that I call, "holomorphic transfer." Based upon the math that is here to be related to this concept, as this is here to be applied to a better understanding of the multiplicity of the DNA molecule, if such an inferred mathematical compactification of such individually taken strands, as this is here to be taken in a Stoke's-Based manner, upon a planar Minkowski surface, in so as to work to bear such an inferred mathematical depiction, of two different individually taken similar geometrically identical sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes, was thereby to theoretically be directly related to the Laplacian-based mappable-tracing, of two heuristic sinusoidal-shaped "waves," the helicity of the two strands of a DNA molecule, would, under such a theoretical stipulation, only completely wrap around each other "PI" times per 5 2PI cycle. The more dampened that such mappable mathematically depicted inferred sinusoidal waves are to be,  -- the more that such implied waves would consequently wrap around each other per 5 2PI cycle; And, -- the more augmented that such mappable mathematically depicted inferred sinusoidal waves are to be, -- the less that such implied waves would consequently wrap around each other per 5 2PI cycle. Now; Take 5 and divide this by PI. One is here to get, ABOUT a number of 1.591549433. This number happens to coincide, with the dampening factor of the two mathematically depicted sinusoidal waves, that are here to be mappable-traced, via such a Laplacian-based condition, as when taking the two different individually taken strands of a DNA molecule, that are here to be compactified in an individually taken manner, in a Stoke's-Based manner, upon a planar Minkowski surface, in so as to have the mathematical depiction, of two different individually taken similar geometrically identical sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes, that are here to be considered, under such a given arbitrary tense of a stipulation. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

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