Thursday, July 1, 2021

A Refinement -- As To Entropic Photons

 For the first 384 group-related instantons that a given arbitrary photon, has scattered upon a Ward-Cauchy-related topological entity, that is in its path of projected trajectory, the said photon is here to be of an entropic nature. YET; during the very first of such instantons -- which is here to be JUST as the said respective given arbitrary photon, has happened to have scattered upon the said respective Ward-Cauchy-related topological entity that was in its eminent path, -- the said photon is here to be of the nature of a "hook-string." So; right during the course of such a respective given arbitrary group-related instanton, -- in spite of the physical condition, that at this particular point in duration, that the nature of the light-cone-gauge topology, that is here to be delineated AT the immediately reverse-holomorphic side of the string-like phenomenology, that is here to be of the said newly become entropic photon, is to have just just altered, from being of a non abelian nature into an abelian nature, (which is here to be on account of the nature, of a lack of a sinusoidal soliton-like flow, that is here to be of those second-light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be subtended, at the immediately relative reverse-holomorphic side of such a string-like delineation), -- that such a said string will STILL be of a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology. This is on account of the condition, in which, since the delineation of the shape of such an inferred superstring of discrete entropic electromagnetic energy permittivity , is to here to exist as being of an open loop-related nature, that is here to be of a curved-shaped loop-related morphological nature, Instead of being of a bosonic nature, that is thereby to be, over the course of this particular group-related instanton, in which such a said photon is to be at, Right at the moment of its scattering (as in being of an eminent manner), that the said photon is Still here, to work to bear a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology (that is here, to be of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology). This is on account of the general physical condition; that if EITHER of both of the implied factors, -- of which are here to work to help, in the determination as to whether or not a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to be of either an abelian topology or of a non abelian topology, to where this is here to work to indicate the proximal local presence, of a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology for either one of such factors, then -- it follows, that such a said superstring, will thereby tend to be of a non abelian topology. YET; right after this particular respective group-related instanton, -- that the just inferred open looped hook string is immediately to spontaneously close, and -- for the immediately ensuing 383 group-related instantons, the inferred entropic photonic string, is here to be of an abelian light-cone-gauge topology (to where, it is here to work to bear a Kaluza-Klein topology.)  So; after the 384 consecutive group-related instantons is to have happened, in which the said entropic photon is here to change back into being of a non entropic nature, that such a photon is NOW to be in the general process, of going back into attempting to tend to re-quantize, back into its cohesive state, of being among the rest of the "drop" of "light's" "ocean," to where the said photon,  which is to now to be of a non entropic nature, will NOW tend to go back into being of a non abelian topology. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. (1989).

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