Saturday, July 10, 2021

What I Meant By Heuristic Case Of Calabi-Yau Spatial Dimensionality

 What I meant, by mentioning the given arbitrary general genus of a case scenario, - in which one is here to have a heuristic tense of relative Calabi-Yau spatial dimensionality, is the following:

Initially consider when a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be at its relative condition of being fully "stretched-out." Let's suppose that one were to work to define the "length" of such a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, as being of a scalar magnitude of [((i*PI)/2)*(the natural log of (PI))].; Then, its heuristic "width," would thereby be ((its relative Length)/e^1)]; Then, its heuristic "thickness," would thereby to (((its relative Length)/e^3)], Etc.. .; Such an inferred "core-field density" of dimensionality, is here to be appertaining to the core-field-density, when in lieu of its inferred directly corresponding respective cohomology-related eigenstates.

The heuristic case of the spatial dimensionality of a string, that is here to bear such an inferred Calabi-Yau manner of delineation, (when it is here to be "stretched-out,"), is here to only consider case scenarios, that are here to work to bear a Lorentz-Four-Contraction of "0."

Although  a heuristic Case of Calabi-Yau spatial dimensionality, for a given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to vibrate in the exhibition-related display of its elliptical delineation -- over the course of a sequential series of instantons, the oscillation of the projected trajectory of the said string, as this is here to be considered, at a relative internal reference-frame, at the Poincare level to the immediately external general locus/region, in which there is here to be no ulterior tensors to be applied to the vibrational oscillation, of the spatially transferred physical entity of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be in the general process of being transferred at its external reference-frame, -- as well as the physical condition, in which the spatial dimensionality of the said superstring is Not to change, over the course of motion in which such a physically translated entity, is NOT to act as being of a perturbative case, to where it is here to NOT be compact; to where this is basically appertaining to the most reductional type of a case scenario, that is here to work to describe the reductional kinematic tense, of the extrapolated display of the general case, in which a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to oscillate back-and-forth -- over the course of a sequential series of instantons, in which such a said string, is to go from being "stretched-out," in the relative norm-to-holomorphic plane of its core-field-density, when in lieu of its eigenstates of cohomology, while then gradually becoming relatively Ward-Polarized, in the general plane of its vibrational eigenbase, -- in so as to then to be in the process of being "stretched-out," in the relative Nijenhuis-norm-to-holomorphic plane of its relative core-field-density, when in lieu of its cohomology-related eigenstates, while then going back to the initially inferred Stoke's-Based tense, of its relatively orthogonal manner of being "stretched-out," ...etc.. So; to sum things up:

A heuristic tense of the Description, that is of the general tense of a reductional Calabi-Yau spatial dimensionality, is to:

1) Work to involve a theoretical complete lack of Lorentz-Four-Contractions;

2) Work to be of a non perturbative case scenario; AND,

 4) ALSO, TO WORK To Be of a NON COMPACT nature (to where there is here to be no alteration, in the number of spatial dimensions that are here to be present in such a case, -- as this is here to be taken, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.)  SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

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