When two different mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, are to work to bear a homomorphic field amongst each other, these two different said mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta,will thereby consequently tend to act in unison with one another, over time. Sam Roach.
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Homomorphic Field -- Acting In Unison

More; As To "Homeomorphic" Field -- Betti Action
The "homeomorphic" field, that is here to exist between a superstring and its directly corresponding counter string, when the inferred discrete string-related energy is orientable, during the Betti Acton, is a mappable-relationship, that is here to work to bear an exacting tense of asymmetric configuration. SAM.

An Idea; As To Clockwise Tense Of Wave-Tug And Magnetic Attraction
When the harmonic output of those metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are to be formed by the perturbation in those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be emitted by one spinning mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are to work to bear a reverse-clockwise tense of wave-tug, when this is here to be in a covariant relationship, to the harmonic output of those metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are to be formed by the perturbation in those Chern-Simons Invariants, that are here to be emitted by another of such a spinning mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that this will often tend to work to form a situation, in which there are here to be two different "charged particles," that are thus to be of the opposite charge, to where this will tend to result in the general condition, in which the proximal local presence of these two different "teams," of such said discrete mass-bearing energy, are hereby to work to bear a covariant tense of an attraction towards one another, to where these two said "teams" of energy, will thereby tend to have the innate tendency, of being "pulled" towards one another. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Heat -- Chern-Simons Invariants -- Entropy
The less infrared photons (heat) that are to be proximal local to the region of field, that is here to be immediately external to the core-field-density of a charged mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the less anharmonic metric-gauge-related eigenstates that will consequently tend to be emitted, via the directly associated perturbation in those given arbitrary Chern Simons Invariants, that are here to be exhibited, in the general process by which the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to tend to work to bear a tense of spin-orbital oscillation, as its is here to be transferred along its course in the arena of space-time-fabric, -- since a relative decrease in temperature, will consequently tend to work to decrease the entropy that is here to be emitted by the motion of such an inferred charged particle. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Friday, July 30, 2021
Difference Between A Homomorphic Field And A Homeomorphic Field
The difference between the general characteristic that works to describe a homomorphic field, and, the general characteristic that works to describe a homeomorphic field, is that a homomorphic field is a configured mappable symmetric field, that is isotropically stable, (to where it is here to work to bear a tense of group action), -- whereas, a homeomorphic field, may either be a field that is comprised of two or more different metric-related spatial eigenstates, that work to bear the same tense of a hermitian distribution, at their respective individually taken delineations; Or, it may also be thought of as being a mappable relationship, between two different structural configurations, that are here to both work to bear the same tense of a hermitian distribution, at their respective individually taken delineations. Sam Roach.

Metaphor Between Ultimon Flow And Biological Circulatory Systems
One may metaphorically think of Ultimon Flow, as being likened to the circulatory system of a biological entity; And, furthermore, one may metaphorically think of each individually taken iteration of group-related instanton, as being likened to the heartbeat of a biological entity. Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

An Editorial -- Some Stuff About The DNA Molecule
Consider a Heuristic DNA molecule. Consider its general shape -- as a double-helix. Consider both strands of such a stated double-helix. Now, take both strands of such a stated DNA molecule (of which are here to bear a tense of helicity); and Mathematically compactify both individually taken strands, in a Stoke's-based manner, upon a planar Minkowski surface, in so as to have the mathematical depiction, of two different individually taken similar geometrically identical sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes. If these strands, as inferred before, are to be of a Heuristic DNA molecular construction, the two implied mathematically determined sinusoidal waves, that are to be mappable, as being of the equivalent of acting as two individually taken sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes, are to be dampened from the general tense of a heuristic sinusoidal-based nature, by a factor of About 1.591549433. Remember; the two different individually taken helically-related strands of a DNA molecule, are to completely wrap around each other 5 times per net 5 2PI cycle, in their Laplacian-Related mappable-tracing. Next; consider what I have said before, about the general mathematical concept, that I have come-up with in the relatively recent past, that I call, "holomorphic transfer." Based upon the math that is here to be related to this concept, as this is here to be applied to a better understanding of the multiplicity of the DNA molecule, if such an inferred mathematical compactification of such individually taken strands, as this is here to be taken in a Stoke's-Based manner, upon a planar Minkowski surface, in so as to work to bear such an inferred mathematical depiction, of two different individually taken similar geometrically identical sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes, was thereby to theoretically be directly related to the Laplacian-based mappable-tracing, of two heuristic sinusoidal-shaped "waves," the helicity of the two strands of a DNA molecule, would, under such a theoretical stipulation, only completely wrap around each other "PI" times per 5 2PI cycle. The more dampened that such mappable mathematically depicted inferred sinusoidal waves are to be, -- the more that such implied waves would consequently wrap around each other per 5 2PI cycle; And, -- the more augmented that such mappable mathematically depicted inferred sinusoidal waves are to be, -- the less that such implied waves would consequently wrap around each other per 5 2PI cycle. Now; Take 5 and divide this by PI. One is here to get, ABOUT a number of 1.591549433. This number happens to coincide, with the dampening factor of the two mathematically depicted sinusoidal waves, that are here to be mappable-traced, via such a Laplacian-based condition, as when taking the two different individually taken strands of a DNA molecule, that are here to be compactified in an individually taken manner, in a Stoke's-Based manner, upon a planar Minkowski surface, in so as to have the mathematical depiction, of two different individually taken similar geometrically identical sinusoidal-related wave-like shapes, that are here to be considered, under such a given arbitrary tense of a stipulation. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Yin(g)-Related Solitons -- Potential Partial Cancellation Of Entropy -- Editorial
The following is an "editorial," as to something that has recently come to my mind:
Please Really Think This Over, Too; Because this "flies in the face" of an eminent law of thermodynamics.
You know how solitons, may often have the ability to cancel/undo certain dispersion-related eigenstates?
Do you remember the general idea that I have conveyed before; that entropy is basically the dispersive (of which is here to be of an anharmonic nature) metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted outward and away from the general locus, at which there is here to be a tense of perturbation in the Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-activity, that is here to be displayed, via the Lagrangian-based motion of the holomorphic flow, that is here to be appertaining, to the correlative Fourier-Related Transformation, of a given arbitrary directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta?
To my present perception; it follows, that there may often be the general potential ability, of a tense of a particular genus of "wave-packets," or solitons, of which are here to behave in such a manner, in so as to act as constructive eigenstates, that are here to be eminent in their relation to the E(8)XE(8) superstring-related-oscillation-based-mode, (on the order of the general concept, of the explication of "yin(g)), to where, such an inferred general tense of an explication of "yin(g)," may often have the capacity, of being able to undo, at least some of those dispersion-related eigenstates, of which are here to work to comprise the accumulative effect, of what may be thought of, as being the otherwise increasing proximal local presence of entropy. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.
Betti Action Jacobean Stabilization -- Solitons
When a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which is here to be exhibiting the general characteristic of a Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau-Manifold, is to be proximal local to a region, which is displaying a non-perturbative gravitational field, to where such an inferred Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau-Manifold, is here to be exhibiting the general condition, of a tense of Betti Action Jacobean Stabilization, it follows that the consequentially resultant holomorphic driven wave-packet, that is here to be expressed by the Fourier-Related proximal local presence, of such a said Calabi-Yau-Manifold, will often tend to act in a manner, that is here to behave as a certain tense of a soliton. (At the Ward-Cauchy level, a soliton is a wave-packet, that is to work to exhibit a complex field, that is here to be of a flat Ricci Curvature, of which is also to be both not changing in spatial dimensionality, And, it is also, as well, to be holomorphic driven). SAMUEL. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! (1989).

Tuesday, July 27, 2021
A Refinement -- As To Diffeomorphic/Homeomorphic Field
A diffeomorphic field, is a field -- in which all of the component eigenstates, that work to comprise such a said field, are here to work to bear the Same Type Of A Covariant Distribution, at their individually taken delineations, as this is here to be taken, along the Riemann surface, of such an inferred topological manifold, that is here to work to bear the general characteristic, of behaving as exhibiting the nature of such a diffeomorphic field.
Whereas; a homeomorphic field, may be:
1) A Fourier-Related field, in which the time-related flow between two or more different metric-related spatial eigenstates, that are here to work to comprise such a said field, are here to work to bear the same tense of a hermitian distribution, at their respective individually taken delineations. OR;
2) A Laplacian-Related field, in which the non-time-related flow, (as in metaphorically acting, as a "snapshot" of a traceable flow, of what is here to be going on in such a general type of a case), between two or more different metric-related spatial eigenstates, that are here to work to comprise such a said field, are here to work to bear the same tense of a hermitian distribution, at their respective individually taken delineations. OR;
3) A mappable relationship, that is to be configured, between two different structures, of which are here to both work to bear the same tense of a hermitian distribution, at their respective individually taken delineations. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.
More As To Dispersion/Alignment -- Entropy/Charge
The more anharmonic that the dispersion is to be, that is here to be of those directly corresponding metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted by the perturbation, of those Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-actions, that are here to be produced,via the general tense of the holomorphic flow, of the directly associated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the greater that the directly corresponding scalar amplitude, of the proximal local tense of the correlative entropy, will consequently tend to be. It follows, then, that the more harmonic that the alignment is to be, that is here to be of those directly corresponding metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted by the perturbation, of those Chern-Simons Invariant gauge-actions, that are here to be produced, via the general tense of the holomorphic flow, of the directly associated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the greater that the directly corresponding scalar amplitude, of the proximal local tense of the correlative charge, will consequently tend to be. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (My oldest brother is John Anthony Roach, from Lapeer MI.)

More As To Charge Versus Entropy
Charge is more related to an Alignment of the metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted, via a perturbation in the correlative Chern-Simons Invariants, of which are here to be directly associated, with a resultant tense of the holomorphic flow, of the directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be displaying the exhibition of such said "Chern-Simons Invariants." Whereas; -- Entropy is more related to a Dispersion of the metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted, via a perturbation in the correlative Chern-Simons Invariants, of which are here to be directly associated, with a resultant tense of the holomorphic flow, of the directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be displaying the exhibition of such said "Chern-Simons Invariants." I WILL CONTINUE WITH SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Monday, July 26, 2021
Charge -- Riemann Scattering; Entropy -- Rayleigh Scattering
Charge is related to the Riemann Scattering, of those metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted, via the perturbation of a tense of the correlative Chern-Simon Invariant gauged-action, that is directly related to the spatial translation, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta; Whereas, -- entropy is related to the Rayleigh Scattering, of those metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be emitted, via the perturbation of a tense of the correlative Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-action, that is directly related to the spatial translation, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.
Charge -- Wess-Zumino Action; Entropy -- Civita Action
Charge is the resultant of the general Wess-Zumino Action, that is here to occur, when there is to be a perturbation in the Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-action, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta; Whereas, -- Entropy is the resultant of the general Civita Action, that is here to occur, when there is to be a perturbation in the Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-action, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

Cohomology-Related Output -- Charge Versus Entropy
Charge is the harmonic cohomology-related output, that is here to be derived, via the emission of the perturbative eigenstates, that are here to be of the directly corresponding tense, of the correlative Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-action; Whereas -- entropy is the anharmonic cohomology-related output, that is here to be derived, via the emission of the perturbative eigenstates, that are here to be of the directly corresponding tense, of the correlative Chern-Simons Invariant gauged-action. TO BE CONTINUED! (1989). I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Sunday, July 25, 2021
Spin -- Charge -- Entropy
When one is to consider the physical attributes of a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to work to comprise a "team" of such superstrings, such an inferred discrete quantum of energy permittivity, will often work to bear its innate relative holomorphic tendency of direction, that it is inclined to move into. When one is to consider the physical attributes of a correlative "team" of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be comprised of by such said superstrings, such an inferred mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will often work to bear the same general tense of an innate relative holomorphic tendency of direction that it is inclined to move into, as those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to comprise the topological manifold, of its directly corresponding "team" of energy quanta. The directional tendency of flow of the said "team" of energy, is to tend to "win-out," over the directional tendency of flow of the said superstrings. The ramifications that are here to be related, to the physical condition -- by which the individually taken discrete energy quanta, that are here to work to comprise such a "team" of energy, are to often not have the general tendency of moving into their innate tendency of direction, works to form what may be termed of, by my model of string theory, as being, "Chern-Simons Invariants." Chern-Simons Invariants are only actually "invariant," when both the relative speed and the relative direction, of the motion of the directly corresponding mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to remain the same, in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy. Whenever a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear a charge, such an inferred "charged particle," will tend to work to bear a tense of spin-orbital oscillation. Whenever a phenomenology is to work to bear a consistent tense of spin-orbital oscillation, it will consequently tend to be consistently altering in its direction. Such a consistent alteration in the direction of a "team" of discrete energy, is often to tend to be attributable, to a consistent alteration in a change in direction, relative to the motion of electromagnetic energy. Therefore; a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be consistently spinning, will often tend to work to bear a consistent tense of a perturbation, in its directly corresponding Chern-Simons Invariants. When those Chern-Simons Invariants, are to work to bear a correlative tense of perturbation, to where such a said "perturbation," is here to be directly corresponding to a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to work to bear a tense of spin-orbital oscillation, such an inferred "team" of energy, will consequently tend to emit certain metric-gauge-related eigenstates -- that are here to tend to be directed both outward and away, from that general region of the proximal local core-field-density, of such a said "team" of energy, to where such an emission of metric-gauge-related eigenstates, is here to be externally delineated away from its source of physical generation, as a cross-product-related tense, or as a tangential course, of homotopic flow. The harmonic output of such emitted perturbative Chern-Simons Invariant-Based metric-gauge-related eigenstates, is on the order of acting as "charge," whereas the anharmonic output of such emitted perturbative Chern-Simons Invariant-Based metric-gauge-related eigenstates, is on the order of acting as "entropy." TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Charge -- Torsional Co-Differentiable Spin-Orbital Coni-Axion -- Often Tend To Not Be Radially Fixed
Any non-trivially charged Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will tend to work to bear a torsional co-differentiable spin-orbital coni-axion -- that will often tend to not be radially fixed (If the said charged mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is Not radially hermitian).

Heuristic Electrons -- Flat Ricci Curvature -- Calabi-Yau-Manifold
The general Noether-Based heuristic field of a given arbitrary electron, that is here to be moving in a homeomorphic manner through time and space -- to where the gravitational field that is proximal local to the effectual motion of such a said electron, is here to be of a smooth Ricci Flow, to where the said gravitational field is here to work to be exhibiting a flat Ricci Curvature, -- is a prime example of a Ward-Cauchy-Related field, that is here to be displaying the proximal local presence, of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be of the general nature of being correlative to a tense of a Yau-Exact Calabi-Yau-Manifold.

Friday, July 23, 2021
As To Charged Particles
A mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which is here to be harmonically expending generative metric-gauge-related eigenstates, that are here to be produced by a perturbation in its directly corresponding Chern-Simons Invariants, may often be described of here, as acting as having the general characteristic of being a "charged-particle." Remember: The Chern-Simons Invariants that are emitted, via the motion of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are only "Invariant," when it, (the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta), is here to be maintaining both the same speed and the same direction, in relation to the relative motion of electromagnetic energy. So; when such an inferred "team" of energy is to bear any consistent spin-orbital/radial motion, it will consequently tend to be consistently altering in its relative direction, in relation to the motion of electromagnetic energy -- to where it will then tend to bear a perturbation in its Chern-Simons Invariants. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM. (1989).

Thursday, July 22, 2021
Spurious Calabi-Yau- Manifold
Let’s initially consider a theoretical simplest case scenario, of an oscillating Calabi-Yau-Manifold, — to where its spin-orbital coni-axion is radially fixed, to where there is here to be no directly corresponding co-differentiable torsion to be applied, in a Gliosis-Based manner, upon the topological manifold of such a given arbitrary case of a Calabi-Yau-Manifold. When a Calabi-Yau-Manifold is to oscillate in a spurious manner, instead of in a hermitian manner — to where, it would otherwise tend to work to bear a heuristic manner of spatial dimensionality — such a said Calabi-Yau-Manifold, will consequently tend to work to bear a tense of recursively inverted vibrational oscillations, that are here to be directly corroborative to each respective set of one or more augmented topological deformations, that are here to be in consideration of the holonomic structure of such a gauged entity, to where these of which are here to be spatially balanced, by a respective correlative set of one or more ablated topological deformations, that are also to be in consideration of the holonomic structure of such a gauged entity. This may make it a little bit clearer. In so as there are here to be no viable puncture-related deformations in the mappable-tracing of the external shell of the directly corresponding Riemann surface of a heuristic Calabi-Yau-Space — whether or not it is to oscillate in a manner, that is hermitian or in a manner that is spurious — in so long as the cotangent bundle that is here to be taken into consideration, is of a constant spatial dimensionality, to where it is of a non-compact nature, and, in so long as the geometry of the correlative cotangent bundle is either consistently of a symplectic nature OR consistently of a Khovanov nature, then, the scalar amplitude/magnitude of the “ regional-swipe” of the metric-gauge-related Nijenhuis “surface-area,” of the inferred external Ward-Neumann surface of such an inferred/said Riemann surface, is to maintain the same magnitude of such a stated “regional-swipe” of metric-gauge-related Nijenhuis “surface-area.” This may not be the best wording, yet, perhaps you can see what I am trying to convey! TO BE CONTINUED! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Hermitian Motion -- De Rham Cohomology -- Yau-Exact
When a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear a purely hermitian motion, over time -- the cohomology that it will tend to map-out, will often work to bear a De Rham cohomology. Mass-Bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here to tend to map-out the traceable Lagrangian-Based path of a De Rham cohomology, will tend to have the capability of working to display the exhibition of a Yau-Exact nature. (This is particularly true, when the gravitational field that such an inferred set of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, is here to work to bear a flat Ricci Curvature.) Therefore; when a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear a purely hermitian motion, over time, particularly when the gravitational field that such an inferred set of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta, is here to work to bear a flat Ricci Curvature, it (the implied mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of such a said case), will quite often have a tendency, of working to bear the nature, of displaying the exemplification of a Yau-Exact nature. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Entropy/Charge -- Heat Loss/Energy Efficiency Loss
The externalized tangential "expenditure" of the entropy of a system of energy, tends to be associated, with the heat loss of such a system. Whereas; The externalized tangential "expenditure" of the charge of a system of energy, tends to be associated, with both a loss in the kinetic energy efficiency of such a system, as well as this also tending to be associated, with the detectability of a tense of sound emission. SAM.

Charge/Entropy -- Wess-Zumino/Civita
When a cohesive set of Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge-related eigenstates, are here to bear a tense of a perturbation, that is thence to be directed both outward and away from its eminent differentiable locus of occurrence, it will thereby tend to happen, that the resultant general Wess-Zumino-Based reaction, is here to be directly correlative, to the ensuing formation of charge; whereas the resultant general Civita-Based reaction, is here to be directly correlative, to the ensuing formation of entropy. SAMUEL ROACH.

Entropy Versus Charge -- Chern-Simons Invariants
When a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear a correlative tense of rotational/radial spin-orbital tensors -- that are here to be directly associated, with the physical transference of such a stated set of discrete energy quanta, over time -- this general tendency, will therefore tend to work towards the physical condition, of such a said energy quanta, as working to bear the general characteristic of charge. Since when such a "team"of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear a tense of rotational/radial spin-orbital tensors, it will constantly tend to be changing in its direction relative to light, -- then, such an inferred charged particle, will thereby tend to work to bear a perturbative tense of its directly corroborative Chern-Simons Invariants. (Since a constant change in direction involves a constant acceleration, even if the speed is to stay the same.) The directly associated anharmonic "output" of those metric-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be externally delineated away from the eminent locus, at which such a general activity of a perturbation in Chern-Simons Invariants is to occur, is that correlative "dispersion," of which is here to be directly associated with the entropy that is here to be formed, in the process of the propagation of such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. Whereas; The directly associated harmonic "output" of those metric-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be externally delineated away from the eminent locus at which such a general activity of a perturbation in Chern-Simons Invariants is to occur, is that correlative tense of potential "organized attraction," of which is here to be directly associated with the charge that is here to be formed, in the process of the propagation of such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Time -- The Light-Cone-Gauge -- The Higgs Boson -- Superstrings -- Gauge-Bosons
When the Logos (the intelligent design that created the multiverse) struck the core of the "Big-Bang," this worked to initially create time. Soon after time was created, the multiplicity of the restraining force of the multiverse (the "light-cone-gauge), vibrated immensely, in so as to work to form, what I term of as being, the "isoelliptiabelianoid." (Of which is what I term of, as being the original tense of the "Higgs Boson.") It is the initial action of the original Higgs Boson genus, that worked to form the initially created superstrings. (And superstrings, as you well know, are those tiny phenomenology, that operate to form the multiplicity of the discrete energy of the multiverse.) Around the time that such superstrings were created, the presence of what may be termed of as being, "gauge-boson eigenstates," came into the forefront of the Rarita Structure. Once the presence of gauge-boson eigenstates was established, such inferred gauge-bosons, were then "incited" to bear the general tendency, of acting, in so as to "pluck" those individually taken second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that were here to work to comprise the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that were each to be directly affiliated with the proximal local presence of each discrete increment of physical energy impedance, in so as to work to complete the general structural course of the Rarita Structure. Once the general structural course of the Rarita Structure was formed, it was then established, that the relative starting source of the Rarita Structure, was the presence of the multiplicity of the general loci of light-cone-gauge eigenstates; whereas, -- the relative finishing source of the Rarita Structure, was the presence of the multiplicity of the general loci of the gauge-boson eigenstates. It is the gauge-boson eigenstates (the E(6)XE(6) strings, of which are here to act, as the multiplicity of a general genus of a heterotic string), as these are here to act in so as to pluck (like a harp) their directly corresponding second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that acted to add an additional 6 spatial dimensions to the maximum number of spatial dimensions, to each individually taken set of parallel universes, in so as to work to make each of these three of such said individually taken sets of universes, to instead of having a maximum potential of having 26 spatial dimensions plus time (a maxed-out holographic space), into instead, having a maximum potential of having 32 spatial dimensions plus time (a maxed-out Hilbert space). This is part of why I perceive, that the multiverse is not purely acting as a cohesive set of three "hologram"-like entities. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM.

Sunday, July 18, 2021
Gauge-Bosons -- Main Type Of Phenomenology --- Incites The Reductional Forces Of Physical Nature
Gauge-Bosons are the main general type of phenomenology, that work to "incite" the presence of the reductional forces of physical nature. It is the "plucking" of the second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates BY gauge-boson eigenstates -- over the durational course of each individually taken group-related instanton -- that consequentially works to form those resultant vibrational eigenstates, that are thence to propagate relatively outward, in so as to work to influence those general activities of the Rarita Structure, in such a general manner, in so as to play a major role in the formation of those basic forces of physical nature, that are necessary to exist, so that there may be any sort of a prolonged existence of the general presence, of what is perceived to be space-time-fabric. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Saturday, July 17, 2021
A Idea That Has Recently Come To Me, That Is Certainly "Outside Of The Box"
Here is something that I have recently postulated, that I am not, at this point in time, completely sure of, yet that I thought that I would run this by with you.
Initially; You know how it is commonly known, that a sub-atomic particle of matter and its anti-matter counter part, are here to often have a similar type of a general structure, YET that the matter-based particle is here to have the opposite chirality of charge as the anti-matter-based particle is here to have?! Next; You know how, in a sense, cohomology acts as a fractal of charge?! Well; If you would like to, please check-out the logic, of what I am about to present.
Let us say that there is a tense of the net wave-tug, that may here be eminent in its correlation, with a matter/ant-matter-based cohomology-related eigenstate, that is here to be of:
1) One particular general genus of a field of physical nature. (Of either a non-entropic electromagnetic field; an entropic electromagnetic field, a d-field;, an f-field, a "graviton" field (although here, to only be wave-based); a "gravitino" field (although here, to only be wave-based); a Higgs field, a Neilson-Kolosh-Based field, Or a Neutrino-Based field.)
2) Of either a wave-based nature OR of a particle-based nature.
3) Of either a Symplectic geometry OR of a Khovanov geometry.
Let us then, take into comparison, two of such individually taken considered Jacobean field eigenbases; to where the only difference that is here to be between them, is that one of such Jacobean eigenbases is to be of a matter-based nature, -- whereas the other of such Jacobean eigenbases is here to be of an anti-matter-based nature. Next let us stipulate, the difference, between the general tense of the net wave-tug, that is here to exist, in a viable comparison between two different otherwise equivocal individually taken cohomology-related eigenstates, one of such being directly appertaining to the indicated matter-based Jacobean eigenbase, while the other of such being directly appertaining to the indicated anti-matter-based Jacobean eigenbase.
I stipulate; that the correlative multiplicity of an individually-taken matter-based cohomology-related eigenstate, of such an inferred nature, will often tend to work to bear a tense of a net wave-tug, that is here to be directly associated with its correlative anti-holomorphic partial of angular momentum, that is here to work to bear a scalar amplitude of a "negative i" times the correlative multiplicity of an individually taken anti-matter-based cohomology-related eigenstate, of such a case. This is to where; the correlative multiplicity of an individually taken anti-matter-based cohomology-related eigenstate, of such an inferred nature, will often tend to work to bear a tense of a net wave-tug, that is here to be directly associated with its correlative anti-holomorphic partial of angular momentum, that is here to work to bear a scalar amplitude of "i" times the correlative multiplicity of an individually taken matter-based cohomology-related eigenstate, of such a case.
Please let me know what you think, as to such a postulate that I have recently been considering for a while now! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. pa
Friday, July 16, 2021
Viscous Vacuum In Space-Time-Fabric -- Stronger Potential Force Field
The more viscous of a region that is to be present, at which there is here to be a vacuum in space-time-fabric, that is of such an inferred nature, -- the greater that the force of pressurized vacuum, that will consequently tend to be present at such a proximal local region in time and space -- to where there will consequently tend to a greater potential here, of being able to form a relatively stronger tense of a force-field, at such an implied proximal local region of space-time-fabric. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Thursday, July 15, 2021
The Van Allen's Belt (Net Overall Structure Of The Van Allen's Field)
The establishment of the Van Allen's Belt, (As taken to be the establishment of the net overall structure, of the Van Allen's Field), may be perceived of, as being a good example of a phenomenology, that is here to be directly associated with a very important Etale Cohomology. Whereas; Any alteration in the inferred establishment of the holonomic structure, of such a said established tense of the Van Allen's Belt, (As taken to be any alteration of such a net overall structure of the said Van Allen's Field), may be perceived of, as being a good example of a phenomenology, that is here to be directly associated with a very important tense of a p-Adic Cohomology. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Homeomorphic Noether-Based Current -- Stronger Electrical Current
The more homeomorphic that the Noether-Based Current is to be, as appertaining to the flow of a given arbitrary covariant set of electrons, as such a said flow of electrons (electricity) -- which is here to be physically transferred, through a respective given arbitrary electrical circuitry -- the stronger that the consequentially resultant directly corresponding current of electricity will therefore tend to be. (SAM).
Even more intrinsically: The more homomorphic that the Noether-Based Current is to be, as appertaining to the flow of a given arbitrary covariant set of electrons, as such a said flow of electrons (electricity) -- which is here to be physically transferred, through a respective given arbitrary electrical circuitry -- the stronger that the consequentially resultant directly corresponding current of electricity will therefore tend to be. (SAM).

Sunday, July 11, 2021
Perturbative Gravitational Force Applied -- Spurious Piecewise Continuity
The more perturbative that the gravitational force is, that is here to be applied upon the topological manifold, of a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, over a proscribed duration of time -- of which is here to be taken, over an evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric -- the higher of a probability that will consequently tend to be occurring, in which those individually taken composite superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to work to help, in forming the respective net overall stated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby have an increased tendency of a chance, in which the directly associated process, whereby the discrete energy that is to be involved, would innately "attempt" to generate as much cohomology as it is to be degenerating, will thereby tend to work to bear a Greater Potential, of Exhibiting a "Spurious Behavior" in its spatial translation of cohomology-related fluctuation, to where such an inferred "team" of cohesive energy quanta, of such a general type of a case scenario, will often consequently Tend To Result, in a Relative Lack Of Piecewise Continuity, From its general innate capacity, of Being Able To Otherwise work to be displaying the exemplification, of a heuristic Calabi-Yau manifold -- that would be acting as a general type of a Yau-Exact entity in space and time. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.(1989).

Saturday, July 10, 2021
Non Perturbative Gravitational Force -- Heuristic Calabi-Yau Dimensionality
When the net gravitational force, that is here to be directly effecting a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be of a non perturbative nature, -- then, it is consequently to be relatively more likely, that those individually taken superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are here to help to work to comprise such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are thence to have a higher probability, of exhibiting the correlative display of a heuristic Calabi--Yau-related tense of spatial dimensionality. When a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be of a Calabi-Yau nature, the so inferred "team" of such a composite tense of organized interdependent energy, is to be in such a condition, in which it is here to tend to be able to generate as much cohomology as it is here to degenerate, as taken in a piecewise continual manner, over a given arbitrary proscribed duration of time, that is here to be directly associated with a Noether-Based evenly-gauged Hamiltonian eigenmetric. SAM.

What I Meant By Heuristic Case Of Calabi-Yau Spatial Dimensionality
What I meant, by mentioning the given arbitrary general genus of a case scenario, - in which one is here to have a heuristic tense of relative Calabi-Yau spatial dimensionality, is the following:
Initially consider when a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to be at its relative condition of being fully "stretched-out." Let's suppose that one were to work to define the "length" of such a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, as being of a scalar magnitude of [((i*PI)/2)*(the natural log of (PI))].; Then, its heuristic "width," would thereby be ((its relative Length)/e^1)]; Then, its heuristic "thickness," would thereby to (((its relative Length)/e^3)], Etc.. .; Such an inferred "core-field density" of dimensionality, is here to be appertaining to the core-field-density, when in lieu of its inferred directly corresponding respective cohomology-related eigenstates.
The heuristic case of the spatial dimensionality of a string, that is here to bear such an inferred Calabi-Yau manner of delineation, (when it is here to be "stretched-out,"), is here to only consider case scenarios, that are here to work to bear a Lorentz-Four-Contraction of "0."
Although a heuristic Case of Calabi-Yau spatial dimensionality, for a given arbitrary mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to vibrate in the exhibition-related display of its elliptical delineation -- over the course of a sequential series of instantons, the oscillation of the projected trajectory of the said string, as this is here to be considered, at a relative internal reference-frame, at the Poincare level to the immediately external general locus/region, in which there is here to be no ulterior tensors to be applied to the vibrational oscillation, of the spatially transferred physical entity of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be in the general process of being transferred at its external reference-frame, -- as well as the physical condition, in which the spatial dimensionality of the said superstring is Not to change, over the course of motion in which such a physically translated entity, is NOT to act as being of a perturbative case, to where it is here to NOT be compact; to where this is basically appertaining to the most reductional type of a case scenario, that is here to work to describe the reductional kinematic tense, of the extrapolated display of the general case, in which a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is here to oscillate back-and-forth -- over the course of a sequential series of instantons, in which such a said string, is to go from being "stretched-out," in the relative norm-to-holomorphic plane of its core-field-density, when in lieu of its eigenstates of cohomology, while then gradually becoming relatively Ward-Polarized, in the general plane of its vibrational eigenbase, -- in so as to then to be in the process of being "stretched-out," in the relative Nijenhuis-norm-to-holomorphic plane of its relative core-field-density, when in lieu of its cohomology-related eigenstates, while then going back to the initially inferred Stoke's-Based tense, of its relatively orthogonal manner of being "stretched-out," ...etc.. So; to sum things up:
A heuristic tense of the Description, that is of the general tense of a reductional Calabi-Yau spatial dimensionality, is to:
1) Work to involve a theoretical complete lack of Lorentz-Four-Contractions;
2) Work to be of a non perturbative case scenario; AND,
4) ALSO, TO WORK To Be of a NON COMPACT nature (to where there is here to be no alteration, in the number of spatial dimensions that are here to be present in such a case, -- as this is here to be taken, over a sequential series of group-related instantons.) SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

A Refinement -- As To The Polyakov Action
As according to my theory of string theory model: During instanton, -- particularly during the durational course of the Polyakov Action, -- the overt vibrational oscillation of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is basically held to a standstill. The apparent vibrational oscillation that such superstrings, as is here to be conveyed during the integration of group-related instantons, that an observer is to notice, is thence to be overtly displayed, via the course of those relatively gradual metric-related changes that are here to be determined, over what is here to occur, during the integration of a sequential series of group-related instantons. Here is a metaphor, that might make you to better understand what I am trying to convey:
Let us say that one were to make a Metaphorical "cartoon," out of the relative motion of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity. Although during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, the said superstring is to work to convey at least some overt vibrational oscillation, -- it stands, that right as the said superstring is to be undergoing one specific and particular gauged-metrical activity of the Polyakov Action, (which happens to be during the generally Noticed duration of Ultimon Flow), -- that such an overt tense of a vibrational oscillation, is here to be basically mute. Yet; the alterations in the vibrational delineation of such a specific said superstring, is here to tend to gradually alter by the Plank Radii and/or by the Planck Length, from one instanton to the next. So; when one is to compile an integration of such Noether-Related alterations -- as this is here to be taken over a sequential series of group-related instantons, -- this will thereby tend to work to show the appearance, of a constant exhibition-related display, of the general tense of the vibrational oscillation, that is here to be of such a holonomy of a discrete increment of energy permittivity. This is thence to be Metaphorically analogous, to compiling an integration of stand-still pictures, that are here to be of a sequential series of "frames," in so as to work to form the appearance of motion. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.
Friday, July 9, 2021
The "Sam Roach" Series -- My Present Perception
I recently came up with a series, that potentially works to describe the relative spatial dimensionality, for certain heuristic Calabi-Yau spaces, (as such a said “space,” or superstring, is here to be heuristic in its typically maxed-out “stretch,” along its relative norm-to-holomorphic Stoke’s-Based plane, of the respective superstring; to where, as such a respective string-like phenomenology is to vibrate, in a typically thought of manner, the implied oblong mappable pattern of such an inferred “maxed-out ‘stretch,’ “ is to often tend to oscillate “back-and-forth,” — from the initially inferred tense of such a stretch, to a relatively orthogonal mappable projection of such a stretch (the latter of which is here, to be mappable, along the inferred relative Nijenhuis-norm-to-holomorphic Stoke’s-Based plane, of the respective superstring) — which is Not even considering the general gauged-action, that is here to be due to the general respective kinematic activity of the Polyakov Action.), when the Polyakov Action is maxed-out. (Which is when the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is theoretically here to be zero.):
The basic series (which is here to be of a Laplacian-Based nature), of which is what I currently perceive to be of the right nature, is the following:
The Natural Log Of [[ The summation from N=0 TO N=D-1] (to where D equals the total overall number of spatial dimensions, that are here to be present in a considered respective Calabi-Yau space) of:
((e^((n-1)*2PI*i))/e^(N-1))*((PI*i)/(e^(2*N-1))) ].
So; If I am doing this Right, If one were to have a heuristic Calabi-Yau space, (as to be when such an inferred superstring, is to be maxed-out in one relative tense of its vibrational “stretch”) that is here to have a maxed-out Polyakov Action -- to where there is HERE to be no effective Lorentz-Four-Contractoin; then, the spatial dimensionality of such an inferred "D-field," will thereby be:
((PI*i)/2)*(the natural log of PI) (i hat ) + (((PI*i)/2)*(the natural log of PI)//e^1)( j hat) +
((PI*i)/2)*(the natural log of PI)/(e^3)(k hat) + ((PI*i)/2)*(the natural log of PI)/e^5)( l hat) +
((PI*i)/2)*(the natural log of PI)/(e^7)( m hat) + ((PI*i)/2)*(the natural log of PI)/(e^9)(n hat).
So; as the inferred superstring is to typically vibrate in a heuristic manner, the relative oblong Stoke’s-Based plane of “stretch,” is to oscillate back-and-forth in its orthogonal relativistic tense, as in the exhibition of its display of relativistic spatial dimensionality, in so as to often tend to keep reverting back-and-forth, into a relative Ward-Polarization of dimensional contortion. I apologize if this concept is not conveyed just so; yet, together, we’ll “get to the bottom of this.”
Now; if there were to be a Lorentz-Four-Contraction, that is here to be applied to such a given arbitrary case scenario, that is to be of a magnitude of "10," then, one will keep the initial value, in terms of "i hat," to remain of the same relative scalar amplitude, YET, all of the other 5 of the six spatial dimensions of the directly associated superstring -- that are here to be of the Calabi-Yau nature of such a case scenario, (for a D field), are thence to be divided by a scalar magnitude of "10."
P.S.: This is if the Planck "Length" is to be most associated, with the monomial group that I had mentioned, when in terms of the directoral in this particular case, of "I hat."
This is my present perception as to this; So, if any part of this derivation seems to be wrong, please do not feel nervous about letting me know about this! Remember; -- Dialogue means, "I'm wrong, You're wrong, I'm right, You're right, let's talk!" TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. (1989).
Smooth Increase In Scalar Magnitude Of Metric-Gauge-Related Pulsation
Let us initially consider, a constantly rotating given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to where such an inferred "team" of energy quanta, is to spontaneously work to bear only the perturbation, of an increased metric-gauge-related pulsation, -- due to what is here, in this particular case, to be a smooth increase, in the correlative scalar magnitude of the reciprocal of e^(the del of the Ricci Flow): --
[(1/(e^(del of the Ricci Flow)))]; -- As such a constantly rotating mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to only work to bear the perturbation of an increased metric-gauge-related pulsation, as taken over the span of a proscribed respective duration of discrete time, -- this general type of a kinematic alteration, in the acceleration of the said rotating mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to work to increase, both the scalar magnitude of the speed of the correlative rotation of such a "team"of energy, as well as working to enhance the isotropic stability of the inferred set of discrete energy quanta, of such a given arbitrary respective case. In turn; such an enhancement in the isotropic stability of the inferred "team" of mass-bearing energy, will consequently often tend to increase the ability, of the said set of discrete energy quanta, to work to display a stronger exhibition, of a tense of resonant vibration. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

(1/(e^(del of the Ricci Flow))) -- Proportional To Metric-Gauge-Related Pulsation
Let us at first begin to presume; -- the proximal local initial physical tense, of a given arbitrary moving mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy, that is here to be in the process of pulsating, via its spatial transference, over a proscribed duration of time. The scalar magnitude of (1/(e^(del of the Ricci Flow))) is here to be proportionable, to the scalar magnitude of the rate of the metric-gauge pulsation, that is here to be directly associated with the fractal of momentum, that is thence to be correlative to the rate of motion of the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of such a particular type of a case. So; when the scalar magnitude of (1/e^(del of the Ricci Flow))) is to work to bear a relative increase, -- the rate of the pulsation of the said cohesive set of energy of such a respective case, will consequently result in tending to be spontaneously augmented. If follows that; when the scalar magnitude of (1/(e^(del of the Ricci Flow))) is to work to bear a relative decrease, -- the rate of the pulsation of the said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently often bear the result, of tending to be spontaneously attenuated. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Homomorphic Superstring With A Khovanov Geometry -- Generation Of Cohomology
A homomorphic open-looped superstring, that is here to be exhibiting a Khovanov geometry, will often tend to be able to have the capacity, of generating as much cohomology as it is here to be degenerating, when this is to be taken in a piecewise continuous manner, over a correlative allotted duration of time. SAM.

De Rham Cohomology/Dolbeault Cohomology -- Homeomorphic Field
A given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that works to form a De Rham cohomology, will tend to have a higher potential of working to form a homeomorphic field, -- than the chances of a given arbitrary Hamiltonian Operator, that works to form a Dolbeault cohomology, will. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Homeomorphic Field -- Group Action -- Homomorphic Field
A homeomorphic field, that is formed by a cohesive set of energy eigenstates, that all act together in unison as one entity, is of the nature of being a genus of a homomorphic field. Therefore; a homeomorphic field, that is here to bear a cohesive set of energy eigenstates, that are here to work to form a tense of group action, to where the motion of the inferred Hamiltonian Operator of such a respective case, (the mentioned respective set of energy eigenstates), is here to display a relatively strong tense of isotropic stability, is of the nature of being a genus of a homomorphic field. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH. (1989).

Diffeomorphic Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta -- Hermitian Transfer -- Resultant Homeomorphic Field
When a diffeomorphic Noether-Based cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to be spatially transferred in a hermitian manner, over a given arbitrary duration of time, (as this is here to be taken, over the durational span, of a sequential series of group-related instantons), the cohomology-related mappable-tracing, of the Fourier-Related field that is consequently to be formed, by the motion of such a stated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby often tend to work to bear an exhibition, of the display of a certain tense of a homeomorphic field. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

Initially Convergent Ward-Supplemental Anti Holomorphic Net Gauged-Actions
When two given arbitrary individually taken, different and distinct initially convergent Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, that are here, as well, to initially work to bear an anti holomorphic tense of a Yukawa approach, when in terms of their directly associated individually taken net angular momentum eigenstates, to where the consequential resultant of such a convergent approach, is thereby to work to bear a case scenario, in this particular respective case, of a Gliosis-Based collision, of the dual Ward-Cauchy-Related field, that is here to be immediately external to the internal reference-frame, of its core-field-density of holonomic stratum, in which the resultant potential Gliosis-Based collision of their dual interactive net gauged-action, will thereby consequently often tend to form a Ward-Supplemental "rebounding," of the net pulsation of the here inferred dual eigenstate-related condition, in which the actual inferred direct contact of these two stated sets of discrete energy quanta, are thus to thereby often tend to work to form a net Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity, at the said locus of Gliosis-Based contact. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Effect Of Spontaneously Added Gauged-Action
When a given arbitrary additional gauged-action, is to be spontaneously incurred in a direct manner, upon a certain given arbitrary topological manifold that is NOT of a dimensionally compact space, (the number of spatial dimensions of such a topological manifold of inferred cotangential bundle, does NOT change, over the inferred respective sequential series of group-related instantons), in the relative holomorphic direction of the respective "team" of discrete energy quanta, as this is here to be geometrically directed, upon the net angular momentum-related eigenstate, of the just inferred given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, as such an inferred Gliosis-Based interaction, is to be directed upon the topological surface of the respective "team" of energy, at the Poincare level to the holonomic substrate, of the inferred tense of a respective Noether-Based Hamiltonian Operator; This general type of a process, will consequently often tend to work to alter or cause a perturbation, in the correlative dimensional-related pulsation -- thereby tending to work to form a metric-based Chern-Simons singularity, -- at the specific locus/region, at which such an alteration in dimensional-related pulsation is here to occur. SAM. (1989).
Nijenhuis Rotational Tensors -- Spin -- Charge
Noether-Based mass-bearing sub-atomic particles, that are kinematically transferred through space-time fabric, via a holomorphic spatial translation, to where such said sub-atomic particles, are here to tend to work to bear a set of one or more Nijenhuis rotational tensors, that bear a fractional spin, will often tend to bear a negative charge, that is here to be directly associated with them; Whereas, -- Noether-Based mass-bearing sub-atomic particles, that are kinematically transferred through space-time-fabric, via a holomorphic spatial translation, to where such said sub-atomic particles, are here to tend to work to bear a set of one or more Nijenhuis rotational tensors, that bear a whole spin, will often tend to bear a positive charge, that is here to be directly associated with them. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM. (1989).

Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Heat And Scalar Density Of Dispersed Chern-Simons Invariant Metric-Gauge Eigenstates
The greater that the heat density, of which a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related region is to be exhibiting, the greater of a scalar density of dispersed Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates, that such a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related region, will consequently tend to display, and the higher of a density of entropy that such a said region will consequently tend to be displaying, as well. Consequently; the lower that the heat density, of which a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related region is to be exhibiting, the lower of a scalar density of dispersed Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates, that such a given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related region will consequently tend to display, and the lower of a density of entropy that such a said region will consequently tend to be displaying, as well. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. (1989).

Conformally Invariant Tense Of Static Equilibrium
When the gauged-like action of a given arbitrary group-attractor, that is here to be applied, in a Yukawa-Related manner, upon a directly associated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, -- is to counterbalance with the inverse-related operation, of the gauged-like action of a given arbitrary ghost-based inhibitor, that is also here to be applied, in a Yukawa-Related manner, upon the earlier mentioned respective directly associated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta -- this general tendency of a potential process, if applicable, will often tend to work to form the exhibition of the kinematic display, of a conformally invariant tense of static equilibrium, in the spatial translation, of the said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, as this is here to be considered, over a directly corresponding proscribed duration of time. SAM.

Monday, July 5, 2021
The Riemann Cohomolgical Coupling
When the kinematic action that is here to be undertaken, by the respective given arbitrary interdependent covariant motion, of two or more different and distinct cohomological eignenstates, that are here to be of the same universal setting, which is thereby to be physically translated, as this earlier mentioned kinematic action, is here to be directed towards each of such stated cohomological eigenstates, towards each other, to thence work to enhance the resultant interactive output, which is of the respective generation of their net tense of cohomological eigenstate, to where it is here to consequently follow, that one may then say that this general type of a Coupling, that is here to work to consequently tend to increase the net potential efficiency, that is here to be of the directly associated respective cohomological generation, to be of a genus of Coupling-Related Operation, that I will name here in my particular model of string theory, as being of the nature of acting as a Riemann Cohomological Coupling. (RCC). TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

The Li-Riemann Entity (LRE)
Any given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-Related phenomenon, that is here to work to tug two or more initially existent different and distinct covariant mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, in which such individually taken different and distinct "teams" of such energy, were here to initially be of the general nature, of acting as eigenstates, that were here to belong to different respective universal settings, to where the activity of such an initially stated "Ward-Cauchy-Related Phenomenology," is then to subsequently bear the resultant general operation, of spontaneously bringing such initially stated different and distinct mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, into ensuing as being of the same universal setting, may thereby consequently be described of, as bearing the general nature, of acting as phenomenology that I term of as being, a "Li-Riemann Entity." (LRE). SAM ROACH.

The Jacobean Manifold Harmonization (JMH)
When two or more initially different and distinct covariant mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, are to be spontaneously brought into an interdependent tense of static equilibrium, -- I call this general type of a Ward-Cauchy-related "behavior," the Jacobean Manifold Harmonization (JMH). SAM ROACH.

Spurious Mass-Bearing Cohesive Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta
A relatively spurious given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will quite often tend to work to be directly associated, with a Ward-Cauchy-related field, that is here to be immediately external to the core-field density of the said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to tend to work to bear a relatively high scalar density, of a correlative set of dispersed Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates, -- to where such an inferred spurious tense of a net engaged interaction, is here to be taken, over a directly associated given arbitrary proscribed duration of time, during which the inferred "team" of discrete energy, is to be spatially translated through time and space, over the general course, of a directly corresponding respective tense of a Fourier Transformation. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

Sunday, July 4, 2021
Hermitian Spatially Transferred Knotted Phenomenology
The more hermitian that the spatial transference, of a given arbitrary superstring-related knotted phenomenology, is to be translated, over the span of a given arbitrary duration of time, -- the more harmonically that the respective directly corresponding metric-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be directly associated with the kinematic stratum, that is of the core-field-density of the holonomic substrate, of such an inferred topological manifold of superstring-related knotted phenomenology, will thereby consequently tend to kinematically vibrate, in so as to often tend to work form the general mappable-tracing, of a De Rham cohomology. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM.

Scalar Density Of Dispersed Chern-Simons Invariants
A situation in which there is to be a relatively high scalar amplitude of entropy, will often work to bear a Decrease, in the proximal local presence of the electrodynamic efficiency, of a directly corresponding electrodynamic system. If tends to follow; that when one is to have an electrodynamic system, in which there is here to be a relatively lowered scalar density of dispersed Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge-related eigenstates, of which are here to be proximal local, to the respective correlative electrodynamic system in question, that this will often tend to work to allow, for a potentially increased electrodynamic efficiency, that is of such a given arbitrary electrodynamic system in question. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.
Density Of Cohomology -- Charge Density
Any given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related region, in which there is here to tend to be a relatively high scalar density of cohomology, will often tend to also work to bear a relatively high charge density. SAM.

Relatively High Dispersion Of Chern-Simons Invariants -- Relatively High Entropy
Any given arbitrary Ward-Cauchy-related region, in which there is here to be a relatively high scalar amplitude of a dispersion of Chern-Simons Invariants, will consequently tend to be a Ward-Cauchy-related region, in which there will resultantly often tend to be a relatively high scalar amplitude of entropy. SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Saturday, July 3, 2021
Torque And The i*PI(del) Action
The more of a continuously anharmonic applied torque, that is here to be applied, upon the external topological manifold, of a given arbitrary spatially transferred mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, — the more that those individually taken component mass-bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, of which are here to work to help comprise such an earlier stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will thereby consequently tend to work to involve, the general proximal local physical attribute, of the “likings” of a respective simultaneous anharmonic directional delineation-related fluctuation, when in terms of the activity of its directly corresponding respective i*PI(Del) Action. SAM.

Friday, July 2, 2021
More; As To -- Tangential Bundle
A tangential bundle, simply infers the general concept -- of a region in which phenomenology is here to be diverging AWAY from it. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH.

An Interesting Editorial, About The Sumerian Language
To my perspective; I personally believe, that the Sumerian language -- was basically solely influenced, by an advanced race of aliens, -- called the "ANUNNAKI." To where; I find it quite fascinating, that the word, "Anunnaki" literally means, "From Outer Space Towards Upon The Earth." This often is over simplified, to mean, simply: "From The Sky To The Earth."
The word, "Anu," in Sumerian, means -- From Outer Space.
The word, "NNa," in Sumerian, means -- Towards Upon. (To where, this indirectly eludes, to the scientific idea, as to the multiplicity of the "Cotangent Bundle," of which simply refers to the general concept, of a physical entity, that phenomenology is to be converging towards.)
And Finally; the word, "Ki," (pronounced, like the word, "key"), means -- EARTH.
It then consequently follows, that the Ancient Sumerians, for some reason or another, called the advanced aliens, that basically worked to form their venue of civilization, who were those alien acquaintances, of whom were the race of biological entities, who had undertook the effort to form the general basis for their ensuing societal development, of whom were called by them, the "ANUNNAKI," -- (which meant, those who were, "From Outer Space Towards Upon The Earth." I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE! LATER ON: THIS IS TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Upon Externalized Core-Field-Density Of Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate
When a photon scatters upon another phenomenon, it is to tend to be tugging relatively inward, upon the externalized core-field-density of the first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate, that it is here to be scattering upon. This takes MANY instantons. YET; Once that the photon has tugged as "inward" as it can, (like a phenomenon that is metaphorically "slowed-down" by stretching a "rubber band" as well as it can), that it may then be said, that it has finally Scattered upon the said respective phenomenology, that it had just "ricochet" upon. At this present inferred point, the photon may now be said to be of an entropic nature; as well as the earlier stated physical condition, that it will, for one immediately ensuing instanton, be of a "hook-string"-related nature. SAM.
A Refinement -- As To Entropic Photons
For the first 384 group-related instantons that a given arbitrary photon, has scattered upon a Ward-Cauchy-related topological entity, that is in its path of projected trajectory, the said photon is here to be of an entropic nature. YET; during the very first of such instantons -- which is here to be JUST as the said respective given arbitrary photon, has happened to have scattered upon the said respective Ward-Cauchy-related topological entity that was in its eminent path, -- the said photon is here to be of the nature of a "hook-string." So; right during the course of such a respective given arbitrary group-related instanton, -- in spite of the physical condition, that at this particular point in duration, that the nature of the light-cone-gauge topology, that is here to be delineated AT the immediately reverse-holomorphic side of the string-like phenomenology, that is here to be of the said newly become entropic photon, is to have just just altered, from being of a non abelian nature into an abelian nature, (which is here to be on account of the nature, of a lack of a sinusoidal soliton-like flow, that is here to be of those second-light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to be subtended, at the immediately relative reverse-holomorphic side of such a string-like delineation), -- that such a said string will STILL be of a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology. This is on account of the condition, in which, since the delineation of the shape of such an inferred superstring of discrete entropic electromagnetic energy permittivity , is to here to exist as being of an open loop-related nature, that is here to be of a curved-shaped loop-related morphological nature, Instead of being of a bosonic nature, that is thereby to be, over the course of this particular group-related instanton, in which such a said photon is to be at, Right at the moment of its scattering (as in being of an eminent manner), that the said photon is Still here, to work to bear a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology (that is here, to be of a Yang-Mills light-cone-gauge topology). This is on account of the general physical condition; that if EITHER of both of the implied factors, -- of which are here to work to help, in the determination as to whether or not a superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to be of either an abelian topology or of a non abelian topology, to where this is here to work to indicate the proximal local presence, of a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology for either one of such factors, then -- it follows, that such a said superstring, will thereby tend to be of a non abelian topology. YET; right after this particular respective group-related instanton, -- that the just inferred open looped hook string is immediately to spontaneously close, and -- for the immediately ensuing 383 group-related instantons, the inferred entropic photonic string, is here to be of an abelian light-cone-gauge topology (to where, it is here to work to bear a Kaluza-Klein topology.) So; after the 384 consecutive group-related instantons is to have happened, in which the said entropic photon is here to change back into being of a non entropic nature, that such a photon is NOW to be in the general process, of going back into attempting to tend to re-quantize, back into its cohesive state, of being among the rest of the "drop" of "light's" "ocean," to where the said photon, which is to now to be of a non entropic nature, will NOW tend to go back into being of a non abelian topology. SINCERELY, SAM ROACH. (1989).
A Way Of Looking At The Rarita Structure
The following is a perception that I have, as to a means of considering, -- what the Rarita Structure may be described of as working to exemplify:
The multiplicity of the homotopic interconnected intermingling, that is here to be of the superstring-related "circuitry" of the vast net overall sum of phenomenology, that is of the summed superstring-related fields, of which are here to primarily work to produce the eminent viable interactive associations, that are here to be of the multiplicity of the net overall whole, of the integrable sum of the energy of the multiverse, may be thought of, in a way, as being of the general idea, behind what the Rarita Structure is to behave as. Furthermore; the multiplicity of the net delineated region, of which the mentioned/inferred Rarita Structure, is thenceforth here to tend to be consequently subtended from within, (as taken, particularly, during the multiplicity of the kinematic interactional instants, during which the interdependent activity of the sequentially iterating group-related instantons, that are here to be of the instants during which energy is to be tugged through space, over the general span, of which we often tend to think of, as being appertaining to the general concept of time, is here to act, is here to be of the multiplicity of that general medium of phenomenology, of which may be considered, as that correlative respective "pressurized vacuum," of which is to act as the surrounding tense of superstring-related impedance, of which is here to function over the general course of the interdependent multiplicity of its activity, in so as to work to allow for the functional operation, of both the existence and the perpetuity of the integration of discrete energy to come into play, in so as to work to allow for that needed restraint to be applicably applied, to the multiplicity of the net overall sum, of the interdependent increments of the individually taken discrete quanta, of the multifarious array of energy of the multiverse, which is here to happen, in order to allow for the resultant appropriate harnessing of energy to be feasibly achieved, so that energy may then have the ability, to both exist and persist. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH. (1989).