Thursday, June 10, 2021

Light-Cone-Gauge -- Main Reason For Prolonged Physical Existence

 The main reason, as to how physical existence is capable of being prolonged, is the application of the general condition, of PHYSICAL RESTRAINT. The main function of the light-cone-gauge, is to work at facilitating the capability of physical phenomenology, to be able to incur a certain necessary set of PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS, that are here to be applied upon the multiplicity of spatial disturbance, so that those needed physical associations may be brought into fruition, in order that phenomenology may consequently have the necessary capability, of working to be able to have a tense of a prolonged existence. Therefore; it is the light-cone-gauge, that tends to work to be that general type of a phenomenology, of which is hereby to be the main physical reason, as to how physical existence, is thereby capable of working to have a tense of a prolonged existence. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

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