Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Gauged-Action -- Superstrings/Counter Strings -- Anharmonic -- Betti Action -- Non Orientable

 When the asymmetrical tense of the vibrational gauged-action, that is here to occur, between a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, And, its directly associated counter string, to where such an inferred vibrational gauged-action is to become anharmonic, during the Betti Action, -- this general gauge-metrical kinematic tense of a reductional occurrence, will consequently tend to work to facilitate, the resultant ensuing general kinematic process, in which the given arbitrary covariant field, that is physically subtended amongst the respective superstring/counter string of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be of such a respective case scenario, will thereby tend to bear the general reductional tense, of working to lack a homeomorphic field, to where the directly correlative discrete quantum of energy, that is being inferred in such a given arbitrary case scenario, will thereby consequently tend to result, in subsequently being of a non orientable nature. If such a non orientable nature, is here to be continued during the immediately ensuing Regge Action, then, such a said discrete quantum of energy, will tend to result, in consequently being of a tachyonic nature (versus of a Noether-Related nature). SAM ROACH. (1989).

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