Thursday, June 24, 2021

Gauged-Action — Betti Action — BRST — Orientable Superstring

 When the gauged-action that is here to exist,  between a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, and, its directly corresponding counter string, via the Betti Action, over the course of a given arbitrary iteration of BRST, to where the general course of such a tense of a gauged-action, is here to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of linkage, the said superstring will thereby consequently have a relatively higher probability, of being of an orientable nature, than it otherwise would, — to where it consequently follows, that such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will thereby also have, in this given arbitrary respective case scenario, more of a chance of possibly working to exhibit a tense of the Betti Action Jacobean Stabilization, as well. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

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