Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Homotopic Wave -- Increased Impedance -- Increased Frequency

 A given arbitrary physically transferred homotopic wave, that is here to work to maintain a constant force, in a transversally exhibited manner, upon the Hamiltonian Operand of the Lagrangian-Based path, that it is here to be moving through, over time,  -- of which is to spontaneously have an increased tense of impedance incurred, upon its correlative field of topological manifold, will often tend to increase in its directly associated frequency of motion, since the condition by which the said respective wave, that is here to be exhibiting a constant applied scalar amplitude of force, upon the space-time-fabric that it is to be moving through, is to logically slow down in its transversal delineation of motion, due to the proximal local application of an inferred external application of impedance, that is incurred upon the said wave-like entity, to where, since the time that it is now going to take for the said wave to transversally "move" from one spot to another, will increase, -- to where the theoretical amount of Time that it would take, for such a wave to complete each overall iteration of its "sinusoidal path," will Decrease, -- which will thereby tend to result, in an Increased Frequency, of the Lagrangian-Based motion, that is here to be directly associated with an inferred spatially translated energy state, that is to be propagated from one given arbitrary covariant locus of Origin, to its subsequently reached given arbitrary covariant locus of Destination. I WILL CONTINUE WTH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989). HELLO GENESIS HOUSE!

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