Monday, June 28, 2021

A Certain Perspective, As To Parallel Universes

 The following is one of my current perspectives, as to a certain view about parallel universes:

One may initially perceive that there are more universes than there actually are, yet, the following logic, is a perspective that I have thought about, that works to indicate, that the number of actual parallel universes, is Not as huge as some people out there may surmise. 

Initially consider the general concept, as to Etale/p-Adic cohomology. It involves the mathematical application of the Bessel Function, of which is here to work to correlate — to the general concept of the respective sheaving/inverse-sheaving, of certain particular cohomology-related eigenstates. You know how, with the mathematical usage of such Bessel Functions, there is often to be an “unsheathed” condition,  — that may quite often take away or detract certain cohomology-related eigenstates from each other. Therefore; now I realize that this may sound like an oversimplified epiphany, yet, it none the less needs to be said, — that the general condition, in which the inverse-sheaving of certain cohomology-related eigenstates, will often tend to take away the here respective proximal local presence of various “sheaved” cohomology-related eigenstates, may be a start of understanding the general idea that I presently have, as to that, — although there must be an enormous number of parallel universes out there, that the actual number of these, is more than likely more limited than some people may tend to believe, due to the general condition, that the potential “sheaved” condition of certain cohomology-related eigenstates, may often be attenuated from any sort of viable perpetuity, due to a relatively immediate and spontaneous “un-sheaving,” that may work to negate these seeming potentially theoretically existent realities. SAM.

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