Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Simplified Discussion, As To Superconductivity

 When a system of electrical circuitry is cooled to extremely low temperatures, it happens that both the electrical permeability tends to go up, And, the electrical impedance tends to go down. This dual tense of an increase in permeability And a decrease in impedance, in the process of working to allow for a lower resistance to the flow of the directly associated electrons, of which are here to function as that general topological stratum, that is here to work to allow for the said electrical circuitry to be operational at all, is thereby to tend to work  to increase the ability of those electrons -- of which are here to work to form the given arbitrary electricity, that is here to be directly corresponding to the operation of the said electrical circuitry -- to then have a greater ability of permeating through their correlative Lagrangian-based paths, in so as to be able to move in a general tense of behavior, that tends to be both quicker and freer in motion-related functionality, in so as to operate in both a quicker, a more effective, and in a more efficient type of a general manner, -- so that the resultant multiplicity of the general electrical flow, that is of such an electrical circuitry, is thence to work to be able to run more smoothly. Such a general type of an enhancement of electrical circuitry, may be termed of, as being the basic idea, that is behind the concept of "superconductivity." TO BE CONTINUED!  I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH.

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