When I observe some of the tablets that were inscribed with the "writings" of the ancient Sumerians, it appears to me, that a large amount of the language-related "symbols" that are "written" upon such a correlative set of tablets, appear to be shaped in such a manner, to where these seem to me, to have the appearance, of looking like a symbolic depiction of "conical world-sheets." This strikes me very curiously; because, at least to my particular model of string theory, Noether-Based superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, just about always tend to bear world-sheets, that are shaped in such a general type of a manner, to where if such said world-sheets were here to be considered over a Laplacian Transformation, (as in a timeless "snapshot" of such said world-sheets), that such said world-sheets are to thence to appear, as conical-like shapes. This is also particularly curious; because it often tends to occur, that it is actually over the durational course, in which superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity are to undergo the Fujikawa Coupling via the Green Function, that the residual surplus energy of electrons, that is here to be released when it is to drop back-and-forth an energy level, that is what often tends to work to form the phenomenology of light. (Although I fully realize that the isoelliptiabelianoid (which is what I call the initial genus, of what we now know of today, as being the Higgs Boson), is the type of phenomenology, that had worked to create the basis of forming the initial superstrings of the multiverse.) So it makes me wonder, is it possible, that the initial superstring-related phenomenology, -- of which actually worked to create the multiplicity of electromagnetic energy, -- was actually discrete kinetic energy; and that such inferred superstrings of discrete kinetic energy permittivity, is thereby what worked, in effect, to then resultantly work to form the initial "light" of the multiverse?! Let me know what you think. SAMUEL.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
A Perspective Of Mine -- As To Ancient Sumerian Writings

A Simplified Discussion, As To Superconductivity
When a system of electrical circuitry is cooled to extremely low temperatures, it happens that both the electrical permeability tends to go up, And, the electrical impedance tends to go down. This dual tense of an increase in permeability And a decrease in impedance, in the process of working to allow for a lower resistance to the flow of the directly associated electrons, of which are here to function as that general topological stratum, that is here to work to allow for the said electrical circuitry to be operational at all, is thereby to tend to work to increase the ability of those electrons -- of which are here to work to form the given arbitrary electricity, that is here to be directly corresponding to the operation of the said electrical circuitry -- to then have a greater ability of permeating through their correlative Lagrangian-based paths, in so as to be able to move in a general tense of behavior, that tends to be both quicker and freer in motion-related functionality, in so as to operate in both a quicker, a more effective, and in a more efficient type of a general manner, -- so that the resultant multiplicity of the general electrical flow, that is of such an electrical circuitry, is thence to work to be able to run more smoothly. Such a general type of an enhancement of electrical circuitry, may be termed of, as being the basic idea, that is behind the concept of "superconductivity." TO BE CONTINUED! I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SAM ROACH.

Metric-Gauge -- Gauge-Metric -- Eigenstates
An index-related transferred holonomic entity, of which is here to be spatially translated through time, may often be thought of, as being of the essence of a metric-gauge eigenstate; whereas, -- the actual time-wise translation of such an index-related holnomic entity, may often be thought of, as being of the essence of a gauge-metric eigenstate. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH! (1989).

More Spin-Orbital Tensors -- More Entropy Produced
The more spin-orbital tensors, that are here to be directly associated, with the kinematic rotational motion of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, the more entropy that will consequently tend to be produced, when a photon, (which is of electromagnetic energy), is to scatter upon the topological stratum, of the immediately eminent externalized core-field-density, which is of such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is in the process by which there is here to be the proximal local presence, of the activity of one general type of a consideration, that may be thought of as being a "gauge-transformation."
P.S: In my model, what I mean by a "gauge-transformation," may potentially mean one of two different things -- depending upon the context of what is here to be logically conveyed. (As in "homonyms") Let me explain these two different meanings that I have ascribed to the idea, as to what a "gauge-transformation" is.:
1) Any time that the eminent structural delineation/behavioral aspects, that are here to be of the nature of the physical "allotment" of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is to change, or transform, -- this general type of a behavior, may often tend to be thought of as being, of a "gauge-transformation."
2) Any time that electromagnetic energy is to scatter upon a phenomenology, -- to where there is here, to be a general type of a superstring-related process, by which that cohesive set of one or more discrete energy quanta, that had just been scattered upon, are then to spontaneously be brought into such a "situation," to where this inferred "team" of energy, is to ensue in so as to then become Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, -- that such a general type of a superstring-related process, of which is often to tend to be associated with when a set of one or more cohesive light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to alter/change, in there eminent structural delineation/behavioral-related aspects, -- this may be another type of a way, of working to describe, what may be thought of as being, of the nature of acting as a "gauge-transformation."
This should make things a little bit clearer, I Hope. Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Rotating Mass-Bearing Cohesive Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta Wobbling
When a rotating mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to work to bear an added tensor of wobble (which is here to be tantamount, to an added tensor of rotational flow), the correlative i*PI(Del) Action, that is to be directly involved with the inferred perturbation of the net rotational acceleration, that is here to be of such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will consequently tend to also work to bear, a directly associated perturbation as well, in its directional-related tense of delineation. TO BE CONTINUED! Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH.

My Current Conceptualization, As To The Potential Existence Of "Nothingness"
To my present conceptualization, I do NOT believe in the actual existence of "nothingness," in and of itself. To my current perception, I believe, -- that the topological stratum that the Logos was to be traveling through, as it (the Logos) was heading towards the region-related locus of the core of the "Big-Bang," at which it was to commence for its interaction with the implied "topological manifold," of such a stated "core" of phenomenology, in so as to work to form the ensuing created multiverse, (Note; I call what worked to cause the "Big-Bang," the Logos, to where I personally believe in intelligent design.), was here to be a general type of an immense surrounding "topological manifold" of sorts, of which could be potentially described of, as being an extraordinary permeable region, of "inverse-impedance." Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Monday, June 28, 2021
Decompactified -- Anti-Holomorphic Manner
When an initially sinusoidally transferred hermitian entity, that is here to act as a metric-gauge eigenstate, is here to spontaneously work to bear a general type of a perturbation in its spatial transference, in such a manner, to where it is thence to spontaneously decompactify in an anti-holomorphic manner, -- this will often tend to work to form, at the proximal locus at which such a general type of a perturbation is here to occur, both a metric-based Chern-Simons singularity And a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity. SAM. (1989).

A Nifty "Play On Words"
The following, is a perceptual physics-related Metaphor, that I have recently thought of, and, I just thought that I would share this with you.:
The i*PI(Del) Action, is like a fractal of the Metaphorical "Twilight Zone," between charge and entropy! F.Y.I. -- A Metaphor, is a "play on words." TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

A Certain Perspective, As To Parallel Universes
The following is one of my current perspectives, as to a certain view about parallel universes:
One may initially perceive that there are more universes than there actually are, yet, the following logic, is a perspective that I have thought about, that works to indicate, that the number of actual parallel universes, is Not as huge as some people out there may surmise.
Initially consider the general concept, as to Etale/p-Adic cohomology. It involves the mathematical application of the Bessel Function, of which is here to work to correlate — to the general concept of the respective sheaving/inverse-sheaving, of certain particular cohomology-related eigenstates. You know how, with the mathematical usage of such Bessel Functions, there is often to be an “unsheathed” condition, — that may quite often take away or detract certain cohomology-related eigenstates from each other. Therefore; now I realize that this may sound like an oversimplified epiphany, yet, it none the less needs to be said, — that the general condition, in which the inverse-sheaving of certain cohomology-related eigenstates, will often tend to take away the here respective proximal local presence of various “sheaved” cohomology-related eigenstates, may be a start of understanding the general idea that I presently have, as to that, — although there must be an enormous number of parallel universes out there, that the actual number of these, is more than likely more limited than some people may tend to believe, due to the general condition, that the potential “sheaved” condition of certain cohomology-related eigenstates, may often be attenuated from any sort of viable perpetuity, due to a relatively immediate and spontaneous “un-sheaving,” that may work to negate these seeming potentially theoretically existent realities. SAM.
Deeper Overtones Of Pulsation
The greater that the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is to be, the stronger that the correlative resonant vibration will consequently tend to be. The stronger that the resonant vibration is to be, the deeper that the correlative overtones of pulsation will consequently tend to be. The deeper that the correlative overtones of pulsation is to be, the more that the respective phenomenology, that is here to be exhibiting such a pulsation, will tend to be able to be effected, by the proximal local influence of anti gravity. Therefore; the greater that the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode is to be, the more that the respective phenomenology, that is here to be exhibiting such a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, will consequently tend to be able to be effected, by the proximal local influence of anti gravity. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Sunday, June 27, 2021
A Refinement -- As To Metric-Based Chern-Simons Singularities
When a cohesive set of one or more discrete energy quanta, is to alter in its dimensional-related pulsation, As this is here to be considered, -- over a sequential series of group-related instantons -- this general process of a superstring-related activity, -- as taken at the locus at which such an alteration in the dimensional-related pulsation is here to be occurring, is thence to be indicative, of the proximal local presence, of a tense of a metric-based Chern-Simons singularity. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Fractal Of Heat Dispersion -- Dispersion Of "Certain" Metric-Gauge Eigenstates
When a photon is to scatter upon an electron, -- the electron will tend to drop back-and-forth an energy level, -- to where in the process, such a just mentioned scattered upon electron, will release each residual discrete quantum of energy that it had just obtained, via the scattering, in the meantime, in the form of a photon. Whenever light (electromagnetic energy) scatters, there is to tend to be a directly corresponding formation of entropic eigenstates. Over the simultaneous course of the general process of such a tense of scattering, there is to tend to be the process, of the formation of infrared photons, that are here to often be basically formed, by the anharmonic "shaking" of such mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta -- such as in the correlative "shaking" of the constituent electrons, protons, etc.. Infrared photons are individually taken discrete quanta of heat. When heat is formed at the atomic level, the general surrounding motion of the proximally adjacent phenomenology, will tend to disperse the directly corresponding just produced infrared photons, that had been formed here (the discrete eigenstates of such heat), to where the just indicated scattered heat that has thereby been created here, by the release of the residual anharmonic motion of mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, is now to tend to be progressively delineated, into the immediately adjacent regions that are here to surround it. Consequently; since the formation of heat And the formation of entropic eigenstates, generally tend to be formed at the same tense of a progression of activity, it consequently follows, that as heat is to be dispersed, that there is here to be the simultaneous process, in which entropic eigenstates are here to be dispersed. Next; Let us take a fractal of such a just mentioned process. At a lower level than the dispersion of discrete quanta of heat (as in the dispersion of infrared photons), there is to be the general process, in which the correlative Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates, are also here to be dispersed, as well. Such a said dispersion of metric-gauge eigenstates, will also tend to be delineated progressively, into the immediately adjacent region that is here to surround it. Therefore; it logically follows, that, since as heat is to be in the process of being dispersed -- that there is here to be the simultaneous process, in which entropic eigenstates are here to be dispersed, over the course of the same general tense of a Hamiltonian eigenmetric, -- to where such a stated general type of a process, is thence to simultaneously have a tendency of bearing a tense of a fractal, in which those Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates, that are here to tend to be formed, in the general process of the spatial transference of a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to likewise be dispersed in an analogous manner of delineation, into its immediately adjacent region that is here to surround it. TO BE CONTINUED! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Saturday, June 26, 2021
Chern-Simons Invariants -- Entropy
The kinematic operational function of Chern-Simons Invariant metric-gauge eigenstates is to the flow of eigenstates of cohomology, what the kinematic operational function of eigenstates of entropy is to the flow of eigenstates of charge. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Chern-Simons Invariant Metric-Gauge Eigenstates
The multiplicity of the Chern-Simons Invariant Metric-Gauge Eigenstates, have the inverse operational function, of the correlative cohomological eigenstates. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL.

Friday, June 25, 2021
Homeomorphic Set Of Energy Quanta — Net Homeomorphic Exhibition Of Dispersed CSI
Whenever a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to remain kinematically differentiating in a homeomorphic manner, over a durational span of time, is to alter in the directly associated exhibition of its correlative respective Chern-Simons Invariants, the consequently resultant flow, of that general net dispersion, that is here to be directly corresponding with the tangential flow, of the inferred expended eigenstates, of which are here to be directly associated, with the proximal local process, of such a given arbitrary respective case, in which the said Chern-Simons Invariants are here to be generated, will also often tend to work to bear a tense of a Homeomorphic-Related flow, over the span of time, of which is here to be analogously in sync, with the respective homeomorphic flow, that is here it be of the said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.
Reversed Direction Of Net Spin-Orbital Momentum -- Reversed Direction Of Dispersion
When a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to spontaneously work to bear a reversal, in the direction of the directly corresponding net tense, of its directly corresponding spin-orbital momentum, -- this general type of a common occurrence, will often tend to result, in a consequentially occurring case scenario, in which there is here to be the ensuing display, of an exhibited reversal in the net direction, of the dispersion of those particular eigenstates, that are here to be expended outward and away From the proximal local field-density, that is to be of the said respective mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, which is here to be considered, over the general durational course, of that kinematic activity, in which those correlative respective tangentially flowing eigenstates, that are here to tend to be formed, by the enactment of the directly corresponding Chern-Simons-Invariants, are to be generated, in a relatively homotopic manner, over the span of a sequential series of group-related instantons. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.

Thursday, June 24, 2021
De Rham Cohomology — Non Compact Space — Smooth Ricci Flow
Any mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to work to be exhibiting the general characteristic, of bearing a De Rham cohomology, will tend to exhibit both a smooth Ricci Flow — as it is to be in the process of being propagated in its transference from one spot to another, — as well as the general condition, that it will also tend to Not bear any viable tense of spatial compactification/decompactification, in the general process in which it is here to be transferred, in such a manner, to where its directly corresponding mappable-tracing, may be described of, as having the general nature, of behaving as a De Rham cohomology, as this is here to be taken, over the course of a proscribed respective given arbitrary duration of time. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
Gauge-Metric-Related Spatial Translation
Let us initially consider a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, of which is here, in this particular case scenario, to be considered as being of the nature of being called, the Hamiltonian Operator -- in the following superstring-related "situation." Let us next stipulate, that the dimensional-related pulsation of such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, is here to spontaneously work to bear a tense of a net metric-related Chern-Simons singularity, due to the respective physical situation, in which such an inferred tense of an Operator, is here to alter in its general manner of pulsation, over a respective allotted proscribed duration of time. Let us next consider, that the manner of alteration, in such a given arbitrary case, is to more specifically, be directly associated, with the pulsation of such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, to be working to bear a torsional action, upon its initially considered steady-state tense of pulsation. Such an inferred perturbation in the torsional "force" of action, that is here to be applied upon the holonomic substrate, of such an inferred topological manifold of a stated Hamiltonian Operator, is thence to often tend to be directly associated, with a definitive tense of de-compactification, in the order of the gauge-metric-related spatial translation, that is here to be most associated with the metric-related wave-tug, by which the said Hamiltonian Operator, is here to work to bear a transversal drive in its inherent angular momentum, in so as to work to transfer its discrete tense of permittivity, in a manner, of which is here to tend to be directly associated, with an optimum electrodynamic flow, in the correlative permeability, through which such a stated Hamiltonian Operator, is to tend to bear its path of least resistance. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.
Gauged-Action — Betti Action — BRST — Orientable Superstring
When the gauged-action that is here to exist, between a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, and, its directly corresponding counter string, via the Betti Action, over the course of a given arbitrary iteration of BRST, to where the general course of such a tense of a gauged-action, is here to work to bear a relatively high scalar amplitude of linkage, the said superstring will thereby consequently have a relatively higher probability, of being of an orientable nature, than it otherwise would, — to where it consequently follows, that such a said superstring of discrete energy permittivity, will thereby also have, in this given arbitrary respective case scenario, more of a chance of possibly working to exhibit a tense of the Betti Action Jacobean Stabilization, as well. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Braided Cohomology -- Net Dolbeault Cohomology
Whenever two different and distinct homeomorphic planes of force, of which are here to initially work to form, two different and distinct individually taken mappable-tracings, that are here to be of a De Rham cohomology-related nature, -- are to spontaneously be braided together in their cohomology-related structure, in a Nijenhuis manner, this general genus of a gauged-action, will consequently tend to result, in working to form a net overall cohomology, that is here to be of a Dolbeault-Related nature. SAMUEL.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021
Gauge-Action Eigenstate
The interaction of linkage, whereby one distinct Ward-Cauchy-Related Phenomenon is to work to bear an exerted wave-tug upon another Ward-Caucy-Related Phenomenology, may be considered as a general tense of a gauge-action eigenstate. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH.

Linked Gauged-Action Between String And Counter String -- Homeomorphic Field -- Orientable Superstring
The stronger that the linkage is to be, in the proximal local gauged-action, that is here to exist, between a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, and its directly corresponding counter string of discrete energy permittivity, -- there will thereby tend to be present, an increased chance of an occurrence, in which the field that is here to exist, in-between the said string and its immediately correlative counter string, will consequently result in tending to work to bear a homeomorphic nature -- to where there will therefore tend to be a greater probability, in which the mentioned superstring of such a given arbitrary respective case, will consequently tend to work to bear a greater probability, of resulting in being of an orientable nature. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! SINCERELY, SAM.(1989).

Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate -- Gauged-Action
The multiplicity of the general Gliosis-Based interaction, that is here to be situated in-between and amongst a given arbitrary Fadeev-Popov-Trace AND its directly corresponding superstring/counter string, is a general genus of a type of a "gauged-action," of which is here to be directly associated, with the inherent proximal local presence, of the respective multiplicity, of what may be thought of as being the general phenomenology of light-cone-gauge eigenstates. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Braided Cohomology-Related Planes -- Net Homeomorphic Cohomology
When two different distinct homeomorphic cohomology-related planes of force, are to be braided in a purely hermitian manner, the consequently formed net plane of force implied here, will therefore often tend to work to form, an overall net homeomorphic cohomology-related plane of force. SAMUEL (1989).

Homotopic Wave -- Increased Impedance -- Increased Frequency
A given arbitrary physically transferred homotopic wave, that is here to work to maintain a constant force, in a transversally exhibited manner, upon the Hamiltonian Operand of the Lagrangian-Based path, that it is here to be moving through, over time, -- of which is to spontaneously have an increased tense of impedance incurred, upon its correlative field of topological manifold, will often tend to increase in its directly associated frequency of motion, since the condition by which the said respective wave, that is here to be exhibiting a constant applied scalar amplitude of force, upon the space-time-fabric that it is to be moving through, is to logically slow down in its transversal delineation of motion, due to the proximal local application of an inferred external application of impedance, that is incurred upon the said wave-like entity, to where, since the time that it is now going to take for the said wave to transversally "move" from one spot to another, will increase, -- to where the theoretical amount of Time that it would take, for such a wave to complete each overall iteration of its "sinusoidal path," will Decrease, -- which will thereby tend to result, in an Increased Frequency, of the Lagrangian-Based motion, that is here to be directly associated with an inferred spatially translated energy state, that is to be propagated from one given arbitrary covariant locus of Origin, to its subsequently reached given arbitrary covariant locus of Destination. I WILL CONTINUE WTH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989). HELLO GENESIS HOUSE!

Isotropically Stable Energy -- Relatively Enhanced Structural Integrity
Any given arbitrary diffeomorphic Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be isotropically stable, as it is here to be moving in such a manner, in so as to be working to display a homeomorphic tense of spatial transference, over a given arbitrary duration of time (which is to be over the course of a correlative Fourier Transformation), to where the mappable-tracing of the directly corresponding Lagrangian-Based path, which is of such a respective case, is here to work to bear the general nature, as behaving like that of a De Rham cohomology, -- it will thenceforth tend to consequently follow, that such a stated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will often tend to work to bear the general physical attribute, of having an enhanced tense of structural integrity, -- when such an inferred comparison is to be made, with an ulterior Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is Either:
1)NOT to be of a diffeomorphic nature; And/Or,
2)NOT to be of an isotropically stable nature; And/Or,
3)NOT to display a homeomorphic tense of spatial transference; AND/OR,
4) NOT to work to bear a mappable-tracing, that is of a De Rham cohomology.

Monday, June 21, 2021
As To Certain Tenses Of Expanding Phenomenology
An expansive tense, of a given arbitrary directional scalar amplitude, that is here to be directly associated, with a cohesive set of eigenstates of the E(8)XE(8) string-related oscillation-based-mode — as this is here to be demonstrable, in the correlative flow, of a directly corresponding field, of what one may think of here, as being an expansion of a set of eigenstates of “yin(g)”/‘yang”-related phenomenology, tends to work to bear a relatively greater escalation of force, than an analogous given arbitrary directional scalar amplitude, of a cohesive set of the same general quantity of eigenstates, that are here to be of the thought force. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM ROACH.
Spur In The Motion Of A Mass-Bearing Cohesive Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta
Whenever there is to be a "spur" in the motion, that is here to be of the flow, of the spatial transference of a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, there will consequently tend to be a resultant alteration or perturbation, in the homeomorphic flow, of the directly corresponding i*PI(Del) Action. I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SAM ROACH.

As To The General Attribute Of The i*PI(Del) Action
The general attribute of the i*PI(Del) Action, of all of the individually taken mass-bearing discrete quanta of energy, that are here to work to comprise a directly corresponding respective given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, tends to work to bear a tense of a homeomorphic nature. I will continue with the suspense later! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Sunday, June 20, 2021
Lack Of Perturbation Of Motion In Relation To Light -- Gauge-Invariance
Whenever an energy state is to LACK a tense of perturbative motion, in relation to light -- it will consequently tend to be gauge-invariant. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

The Polyakov Action And Gauge-Invariance
When any given arbitrary Noether-Based mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to be gauge-invariant, both the scalar amplitude/magnitude, AND, the delineation of its directly corresponding Polyakov Action, will tend to be maintained -- of which is to happen, when the relative motion of such an earlier stated respective given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, is to remain the same, while in its relation to both the motion and presence of electromagnetic energy. TO BE CONTINUED! SAM (1989).

Saturday, June 19, 2021
Diffeomorphic Cohesive Set Of Discrete Energy Quanta -- Homeomorphic -- Ricci Flow
A given arbitrary diffeomorphic mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be cyclically rotating, in an iterative homeomorphic manner, -- will consequently tend to work to bear a recursively smooth Ricci Flow. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH (1989).

Diffeomorphic Cohomology-Related Eigenstates -- External Shell
A Noether-Based cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, will generally tend to have a greater probability of working to bear a heightened tense of isotropic stability, -- when the cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to be delineated at the external shell of the said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are distributed in a diffeomorphic manner. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Hermitian Polyakov Action -- Homeomorphic i*PI(Del) Action
The more hermitian that the Polyakov Action of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity it to be, the more homeomorphic that its directly corresponding i*PI(Del) Action will consequently tend to be. SAM.

Hermitian Input/Output -- Mini- String Segmentation -- Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate -- Homeomorphic Translation Over Time
The more hermitian that the incoming/outgoing flow of mini-stringular segmentation is to be, that is to be most directly associated with the ebbing of the correlative homotopic residue, of which is here to be proximal local, to the general field of a given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, as taken over a sequential series of group-related instantons -- the more homeomorphic that the spatial translation of such a field will consequently tend to result in being, when this is here to be taken, over a directly corresponding Fourier Transformation (as this is here to be considered, over a respective proscribed duration of time.) I WILL CONTINUE WITH THE SUSPENSE LATER! TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

Friday, June 18, 2021
Smooth Acceleration — Homeomorphic i*PI(Del) Action
Whenever a Noether-Based mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to smoothly accelerate, it will tend to work to display the exhibition, of a relatively homeomorphic translation, of its directly affiliated i*PI(Del) Action. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Ability Of Discrete Energy Quanta To Act As Yau-Exact -- No Perturbation In The Proximal Local Gravitational Force
Any given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, tends to be able to be more facilitated, at working to generate as much cohomology as it is here to degenerate -- as this is here to be done in a piecewise continuous manner, over a respective proscribed duration of time, (to where, it will thereby tend to be working to exhibit a Yau-Exact nature), when the proximal local gravitational force, of which such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be directly effected by this, is to result in working to bear NO perturbation, in its directly corresponding scalar magnitude of force-related effect, as this is here to be taken into effect, Upon the respective given arbitrary topological manifold, of such a stated set of discrete energy quanta. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAM.

As To The Conveyance Of Thought Waves
The More hermitian (the Less Spurious), that a given arbitrary set of thought waves is to be delineated as, over the course of a given arbitrary duration of time, -- the more harmonic that the conveyance of such thought waves, will consequently result, in tending to be. Therefore; The Less hermitian (The More Spurious) that a given arbitrary set of thought waves is to be delineated as, over the course of a given arbitrary duration of time, -- the less harmonic that the conveyance of such thought waves, will consequently result in tending to be. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Perspective -- Vergence -- Nodes Of Collective Consciousness
Thought waves, that are here to be tugged Towards a given arbitrary node of the collective consciousness, tend to work to bear a verging, that is here to be of a co-tangential manner. Whereas; Thought waves, that are here to be tugged Away form a given arbitrary node of the collective consciousness, tend to work to bear a verging, that is here to be of a tangential manner. Furthermore; The physical scattering, that is here to be directly involved, with the "sheaving," of the cohomology of a given arbitrary set of thought waves, (as one particular general genus or tense of an Etale cohomology), that are here to be relatively new at being Introduced, Into the general physical construct, of a given arbitrary respective node of the collective consciousness, tends to act as being more similar to a Riemann Scattering, than of a Rayleigh Scattering. Whereas; The physical scattering, that is here to be directly involved with the "inverted sheaving," of the cohomology of a given arbitrary set of thought waves, (as one particular general genus or tense of a p-Adic cohomology), that are here to be relatively new at being Dispersed, as Out of the general physical construct, of a given arbitrary respective node of the collective consciousness, tends to act as being more similar, to a Rayleigh Scattering, than of a Riemann Scattering. Next; The heuristic sheaving of thought waves, may be interpreted, as one particular tense or genus of a Wess-Zumino Interaction. Whereas; The "inverse sheaving" of thought waves, may be interpreted, as one particular tense or genus, of a Cevita Interaction. I WILL CONTINUE WTIH THE SUSPENSE LATER! To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Changes In Node Of The Collective Consciousness -- My Current Perspective
It is my current perspective -- that, quite often, -- when there is to be an alteration in the general construct, of a particular given arbitrary node of the "collective consciousness," that this general process, will often tend to utilize at least some sort of piecewise continuous manner, in which certain structural aspects, that are here to be of the original construction, of such a node of collective thought waves, will tend to bear an inversely sheaved cohomology; while certain other structural aspects, that are here to be of an ulterior manner of physical construction, that is of a thought wave-related nature, will consequently work to bear a heuristic cohomology-related sheaving. Consequently, I perceive -- that: When there is to be a viable alteration, in the make-up of a node of the collective consciousness, -- that the aspects of its (the node's) construction, that are here to be dispersed, will tend to undergo a particular specific respective genus, of a p-Adic cohomology; whereas, -- it also is to logically follow, that the aspects of its (the node's) construction, that are here to work to replace the just dispersed cohomology-related tense, of such a modified node of the collective consciousness, will thereby tend to result, in undergoing a particular specific respective genus, of an Etale cohomology. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

My Particular Perspective, As To What The Collective Consciousness Works To Entail
I presently perceive, that the multiplicity of the general interactive Yukawa inter-relationship, that is here to be applied, amongst "centralized" nodes of thought waves -- to where such an interactive Yukawa inter-relationship, is here to work to bear at least some sort of tense or another, as to working to be directly associated with a given arbitrary covariant multidimensional geometrical representation, of what may here to be derived, from at least some sort of sensible contortion of the "Tetragrammaton;" is to often tend to work to bear a general tense, of acting as a respective physical eigenbase, of what may here be termed of as being, of the "collective consciousness." The multiplicity of that general genus of sheaving, that is here to often work to bring into fruition, the eminent existence of such earlier mentioned "nodes" of thought waves, may often tend to work to bear an "Etale" cohomology, whereas; The multiplicity of that general genus of inverse sheaving, that is here to often work to bring into fruition, the eminent dispersion of such earlier mentioned "nodes" of thought waves, may often tend to work to bear a p-Adic cohomology. SAM.

Sunday, June 13, 2021
Smoother Flow Of Recursive Perturbation Of Net Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate -- Greater Tendency Of Braided Cohomology
The relatively smoother that the recursive perturbation, that is here to be appertaining to the net cohesive light-cone-gauge eigenstate, of which is here to be dealing with a rotating given arbitrary respective mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, it thereby is to follow, that the higher of a probability that will consequently tend to exist, in which such an inferred "team" of energy quanta, will thereby be more likely to bear a braided cohomology, than it otherwise would, if instead, such a said "team" of energy quanta, were not to bear such a relatively smooth recursive perturbation, when in regards to its correlative net cohesive light-cone-gauge eigenstate. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! SAMUEL ROACH.

Friday, June 11, 2021
More As To Cohesive Set Of Norm-State-Projections
Again; At a flush delineation of perspective, that is here to be taken, at a vantage-point that is immediately external to the Poincare level, of the Laplacian-Based mappable-tracing, of each of the following of what is soon to de described, I have perceived that the following may be true, about the individually taken directly associated cohesive set of norm-state-projections:
When one is to have a given arbitrary cohesive set of Campbell norm-state-projections, that are here to work to be bear a covariant Yukawa inter-relationship amongst themselves, -- there is a relatively high probability, that the appearance of the mappable-tracing, of the intersecting wave-like tense, that one will consequently tend to observe, will often tend to bear a morphology, that is consequently of a resultant set of intersecting Inverted sinusoidal wave-like phenomenology. Furthermore; When one is to have a given arbitrary cohesive set of Campbell-Hausendorf norm-state-projections, that are here to work to bear a covariant Yukawa inter-relationship, -- there is a relatively high probability, that the appearance of the mappable-tracing, of the intersecting wave-like tense, that one will consequently tend to observe, will often tend to bear a morphology, that is consequently of a resultant set of intersecting perturbative sinusoidal/perturbative Inverted sinusoidal wave-like phenomenology. Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH.

Thursday, June 10, 2021
Cohesive Set Of Norm-State-Projections -- Tense Of Wave-Like Intersection
At a flush delineation of perspective, that is here to be taken at a vantage-point that is immediately external to the Poincare level, of the Laplacian-Based mappable-tracing, of each of the following soon to be described, individually taken directly associated cohesive set of norm-state-projections:
When one is to have a given arbitrary cohesive set of Hausendorf norm-state-projections, that are here to work to bear a covariant Yukawa inter-relationship -- one will consequently tend to have here, a greater probability, of having the resultant mappable-tracing, of a set of intersecting sinusoidal wave-like phenomenology, Than a resultant mappable-tracing of a set of intersecting square wave-like phenomenology. Furthermore; when one is to have a given arbitrary cohesive set of zero-norm-state-projections, that are here to work to bear a covariant Yukawa inter-relationship -- one will consequently tend to have here, a greater probability, of having the resultant mappable-tracing, of a set of intersecting square wave-like phenomenology, Than the resultant mappable-tracing of a set of intersecting sinusoidal wave-like phenomenology. TO BE CONTINUED! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Light-Cone-Gauge -- Main Reason For Prolonged Physical Existence
The main reason, as to how physical existence is capable of being prolonged, is the application of the general condition, of PHYSICAL RESTRAINT. The main function of the light-cone-gauge, is to work at facilitating the capability of physical phenomenology, to be able to incur a certain necessary set of PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS, that are here to be applied upon the multiplicity of spatial disturbance, so that those needed physical associations may be brought into fruition, in order that phenomenology may consequently have the necessary capability, of working to be able to have a tense of a prolonged existence. Therefore; it is the light-cone-gauge, that tends to work to be that general type of a phenomenology, of which is hereby to be the main physical reason, as to how physical existence, is thereby capable of working to have a tense of a prolonged existence. TO BE CONTINUED! SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Details; As To A Case Of An Inverted Tense Of A Clifford Expansion
When one is to have a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to work to be exhibiting a given arbitrary tense of a Clifford Expansion, -- to where, in this particular case scenario -- the traceable motion, by which such a said set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be propagated, in a relatively tangential manner, -- that this will here work to bear an asymptotic approach, as being directed towards a flush distributed axion, in which such a herein mentioned axion, is here to work to bear a tense of behaving, as a traceable Wilson Line. Next; Let's now stipulate, that the earlier inferred trajectory, of a given arbitrary cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to spontaneously work to bear a respective set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, during at which, as such a set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions is here to be initiated , there is here to be the general tense, of a correlative respective Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity. Let's next say, as such a stated set of discrete energy quanta, is to become of such a nature, to where it is here to work to bear a set of anti holomorphic Kahler conditions, that the initial physical condition, in which there was here to be the kinematic action, that was here to work to involve a tense of a respective Clifford Expansion, that there is here, at the point in time and space, at which the said Lagrangian-Based singularity is here to be occurring, that there is to be a spontaneous inversion, in the arc-like projected trajectory, of the homotopic flow, of the earlier stated cohesive set of discrete energy quanta. This will Often tend to work to bring about the condition, in which the stated traceable Wilson-Line-related axion, that was initially asymptotically approached, will have a heightened probability, of ending-up being crossed by the said cohesive set of discrete energy -- at some transient point in time, subsequent to the moment, at which there was here to be the proximal local occurrence, of a traceable presence, of the earlier stated Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity. SAM.
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Floer (Co)Homology — In Relation To Yau-Exact Nature
A Floer (co)homology, works to tend to have the nature — of being capable as generating as much (co)homology, as it is here to degenerate. Yau-Exact superstrings, heuristically generate as much cohomology as these degenerate, in a piece wise continuous manner, over a respective proscribed duration of time. Superstrings of a mass-bearing nature, of which are here to be proximal local, to a physical environment, that is here to be displaying the general condition of a flat Ricci Curvature, tend to work to bear a Yau-Exact nature. Therefore; the general tense of a (co)homology-related topological stratum, that is here to work to behave, as that particular genus of a Legendre (co)homology, that is here to help, in the general process, of physically transporting a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is of a Yau-Exact nature, tends to be of the general nature, of being of a Floer (co)homology. SAM.
Monday, June 7, 2021
More As To Cohomology-Related Eigenstates/Emmited Eigenstates Of Dispersion
The multiplicity of cohomology-related eigenstates, have a tendency of behaving, as the energy-related "facets," that are here to work to form a "latched" core viable physical field-like entity, that is here to be "tagged-along," by the projected trajectory, that is here to be exhibited, by the general consequential resultant motion, of discrete energy phenomenology, as it is to be spatially transferred through its directly corresponding Lagrangian, over the directly associated durational motion, that is here to work to bear a tense of a physical spatial dimensional translation, through the general medium of space-time-fabric, as this is here to be taken, over a correlative Fourier Transformation. Whereas; the multiplicity of the respective emmited eigenstates of Chern-Simons dispersion, tend to act in a manner, that is here to be tantamount, to a spatially translated ripple-like effect, that is here to be spatially transferred over time, as this is here to work to bear a tense, of a particular general genus of a propagated disturbance in space, that is here to bear a residual tense of a homotopic effect, upon the multiplicity of those oscillation-related vibrations, that are here to be potentially interactively viable, upon certain susceptible eigenstates, that are of a Ward-Cauchy-Related topological nature, as such a propagation of a time-wise euclidean/Clifford expansion, of such a tangential divergence, is to be tugged along the Rarita Structure, as such dispersion-related eigenstates, are here to be operationally carried-out, over a sequential series of (group-related) instantons. Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Cohomology-Related Generation/Chern-Simons Invariant Dispersion -- Interactions
The general activity, in which there is to be the processes, in which there is here to be a given arbitrary proximal local tense, of a cohomology-related generation, over the durational course of a correlative sequential series of instantons, tends here to be more likely to be associated, with a distinct genus of a Wess-Zumino Interaction, THAN of a Civita Interaction. Whereas; the general activity, in which there is to be the processes, in which there is here to be a given arbitrary proximal local tense, of an associated set of emitted Chern-Simons Invariant eigenstates of dispersion, this will consequently work to result, in effect, to thereby tend to be more likely, to be directly associated, with a distinct genus of a Civita Interaction THAN a Wess-Zumino Interaction. TO BE CONTINUED! Sincrely, SAM ROACH. (1989).

Heuristic Cohomology-Related "Nesting"; Versus Emission Of Chern-Simons Invariant Dispersion
As is according to my particular model of string theory:
The main difference, that is here to be occurring -- between the general processes, by which there is here to be formed, a heuristic Cohomology-Related "Nesting," as in comparison with an ulterior situation, in which one is here to be considering, the general processes, by which there is here to be formed, an emission of a Chern-Simons Invariant Dispersion, -- is the reductional physical condition, that it is the heuristic formation of a Cohomology-Related Nesting, that is here to tend to be eminently caused or formed, in a correlative multiplicity, by a relatively Hermitian interaction (which is tantamount to acting like a Fractal of a Riemann Scattering), that is here to be taken, between the phenomenology of an individually taken discrete quantum of energy, with those covariant delineated first-order point particles, (that are here to work to comprise those "norm-stated projections," that are here to be at the immediately external reference-frame, to the Poincare level, at which such inferred discrete energy, is here to be distributed at), that are here to seem to appear as "latched," yet in an indistinguishably different manner; whereas -- the general processes, by which there is here to be formed, the emission of Chern-Simons Invariant Dispersion-related eigenstates, tends to be initialized, by a relatively Spurious interaction (which is tantamount, to acting like a Fractal of a Rayleigh Scattering), that is here to be taken, between the phenomenology of an individually taken discrete quantum of energy, as this is here to be interacting in a Gliosis-Based manner, with those covariant delineated first-order point particles (again; this is as such inferred particle-related eigenstates, are here to work to comprise those "norm-state projections," that are here to be at the immediately external reference-frame, to the Poincare level, at which such inferred discrete energy, is here to be distributed at), to where it is to consequently arise, that such an insinuated fractal of a Rayleigh Scattering (which is here to be inferring, about the proximal local perturbative tense, of the emission of a certain genus of a set of the correlative eigenstates, that are here to be directly appertaining to a kinematic tense of Chern-Simons Invariant dispersion), is thence to tend to quantize along with other of such dispersion-related eigenstates, as such an integrable kinematically propagated wave-like spatial transference over time, will thereby "end-up" either tending to be of a harmonic nature; (which tends to be more likely to occur, if that "team" of energy, that such a dispersion had initially started from, was to be of a diffeomorphic externalized topological contour), or, to where it could otherwise "end-up" as, instead, to tend on being of an anharmonic nature; (which tends to be more likely to occur, if that "team" of energy, that such a dispersion had initially started from, was to be of a heteromorphic externalized topological contour). TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

Sunday, June 6, 2021
More Diffeomorphic Externalized Shell -- Smoother Dispersion Of Emitted Chern-Simons Invariants
The more diffeomorphic that the externalized shell of a given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to be, the smoother that the correlative dispersion of the directly corresponding emitted Chern-Simons Invariants will consequently tend to be -- that is here to be formed, by the general process in which such an inferred tense of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be spatially translated through a respective Lagrangian-Based path, as this is here to be taken, via a directly associated Fourier Transformation, in the general process, by which such an inferred symmetrically shaped holonomic entity, is here to be transferred from one spot to another, over a correlative duration to time. SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

As To The Linked Action Of Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates
Over the durational course of a given arbitrary iteration of instanton, at one general set locus at which a given arbitrary discrete energy quanta is to be iterating at, -- the multiplicity of the individually taken correlative second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, are here to work to bear a "linked" action, at both the respective general locus, at which the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, is here to be iterating at, and, at the respective general locus, at which the directly corresponding superstring (for a given arbitrary respective non abelian light-cone-gauge topology)/counter string (for a given arbitrary respective abelian light-cone-gauge topology), is here to be iterating at. Yet; the covariant morphological topological contour of such said light-cone-gauge eigenstates, at the general respective region, that is here to be subtended in-between where such said light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to be linked at, is here to tend to work to bear a kinematic hyperbolic-related topological sway, when in a direct consideration of the scalar amplitude/magnitude of the directly associated Polyakov Action, over the course of such a stated given arbitrary respective iteration of instanton, in so as to tend to work to facilitate the correlative i*PI(del) Action, of which is here to be necessary, in order to work to facilitate the general process, of the directly corresponding effectual physical attribute of Relativity to be eminent, so that the general condition of homotopic residue may tend to be conserved, so that there may consequently tend to be the general condition, of any sort of prolonged spontaneously discrete directional restraint, of the flow of cohomology-related eigenstates, of which is here to work to reverse-fractal into a respective prolonged spontaneously discrete directional restraint, of the flow of charge-related eigenstates. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAM ROACH.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Recursively Smooth Ricci Flow -- Hermitian Mass-Bearing Discrete Energy Quanta
A hermitian mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to work to bear a recursively smooth Ricci Flow, will consequently tend to harmonically iterate, over a correlative Fourier Transformation, in such a manner, that is here to work to bear a tense of cyclical permutation, to where there will therefore exist, in such a given arbitrary type of a case scenario, the general reoccurrence, of the Lagrangian-Based proximal local presence, of the innate potential topological flow, of a cohesive set of harmonically rotating De Broglie waves, that are here to tend to systematically spontaneously alter in the same number of spatial-related derivatives, over a correlative duration of time, as the number of spatial dimensions, that such a said mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be displaying, over the directly associated course, of such an inferred proscribed duration of time, in which the stated set of discrete energy quanta, is here to be undergoing the course of such a correlative kinematic display of interaction, in which it is here to work to exhibit the initially stated physical tense, of such a said recursively smooth Ricci Flow. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).
Some Thoughts, As To Innate Inertial Tendencies
Any given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, (a "team" of mass-bearing discrete energy quanta), that is here to bear an initial hermitian Lagrangian-Based spatial translational propagation, over time, that is Not to bear any immediately externalized perturbative scattering -- which would otherwise tend to be due, to any spurious interactive Yukawa-Based Coupling Operators, -- then it pays to reason, that this will often tend to work to allow, for the general innate inertial-related tendency of motion, by which this is here to be exemplified, by a smooth hermitian-based Lagrangian spatial translational propagation, that is of such a stated set of energy quanta, (which is here to be taken, via the inferred corroborative Fourier Transformation, as is here to be considered, over a directly corresponding sequential series of group-related instantons), this situation of which is to consequently work to form a general Ward-Cauchy-Related condition, by which such an earlier mentioned mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is thereby often, to tend to consequently result, in such a particular type of a case scenario -- to where, one is to have an innate angular momentum-related "drive," in that general respective transversal direction, of which is to help to work to bear an optimum balance, between both working to be propagated into the Noether-Related holomorphic direction, AND, to also simultaneously, via a central coni-point, to be tugged into the general direction of least resistance/time. TO BE CONTINUED! (INPUT?!) Sincerely, SAMUEL ROACH.
Some More As To The Polyakov Action
To my particular model of string theory:
With a discrete quantum of energy, that is here to work to be exhibiting a non abelian light-cone-gauge topology; The multiplicity of the Polyakov Action, tends to be most eminent, between the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, And, its directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity, -- whereas, with a discrete quantum of energy, that is here to work to be exhibiting an abelian light-cone-gauge topology; the multiplicity of the Polyakov Action, tends to be most eminent, between the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, And, its directly corresponding counter string of discrete energy permittivity. SAM. (1989).

Friday, June 4, 2021
More As To An Abelian Gauged-Action
Since an abelian gauged-action tends to be isotropically stable, and a non abelian gauged-action tends to be isotropically unstable, such a stated tense of an Abelian gauged-action, will consequently tend to bear a greater probability, of working to help at facilitating the general physical condition, of working to form a respective tense, of a group-related action. To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

As To The Directional-Related Alteration, Of The Dispersion Of Chern-Simons Invariants
When any given arbitrary mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to reverse the directional import of the wave-tug-related indices, as its directly corresponding spin-orbital momentum is to reverse in its directional covariant flow, when this is in terms of the cohomology-related eigenstates, that are here to be generated, -- to where the tangential tense of the nodal flow, that is of the correlative superstring-related field eigenstates, is to reverse in its covariant directional import -- the consequential flow of the directly associated dispersion eigenstates, that are here to be displayed as the outgoing physical emission of the directly associated Chern-Simons Invariants, are to flow in such a manner, as it is thence to bear a reversal in its physical mode of perturbation-related gauge-metrics, -- to where this will thereby often tend to reverse-fractal, into resulting into a directly associated case scenario, by which there is here to be the kinematic spatial translation, over a span of time, of a spontaneous reversal in the correlative charge, that is here to be most associated with the magnetism, that is here to be eminent in expression, at the covariant Fourier-Related internal reference-frame, that is here to be heuristically delineated, as being at the Poincare level, to the topological surface of the external shell, that is here to be most associated with the particular given arbitrary respective mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, that is here to be of such a general example, of a given arbitrary case scenario, in which a charge is here to be in the general process, of reversing in its polarity, over a given arbitrary proscribed duration of time. Again; Chern-Simons Invariants are only "invariant" for a mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta (a "team" of energy quanta), when the motion of the said directly associated mass-bearing cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to not change in its mode, in relation to the motion of light. Later On! SAM.
Thursday, June 3, 2021
The Kahler-Metric -- Energy Efficiency
Even pure energy, in and of itself, -- is not literally 100% efficient. So when a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, is to become Gliosis to the Kahler-Metric, -- those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that work to help comprise such a said cohesive set of discrete energy quanta, are to have certain attributes of their dimensional make-up adjusted -- in so as to change in such a way, to where the multiplicity of such discrete energy quanta, -- are then to adapt into re-attaining their Seemingly inherent physical condition, of "pure efficiency." To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).
Refinement; As To What Is Meant by, "Gauged-Action"
The general idea, as to what a "gauged-action" is -- is a "linked" interaction, that, in and of itself, does not tend to work to involve any kinematic flow of energy-related motion; to where this often tends to Not be viably considered over a span of time. (To where the multiplicity of such "gauged-actions," are often to be considered, over the general tense of a Laplacian set of conditions.) SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).

Abelian/Non Abelian Gauged-Action
A given arbitrary abelian gauged-action, that is here to involve an eminent Gliosis-Based contact, will tend to have the general bearings, of working to involve a tense of isotropic stability. (In part; due to the correlative lack of "slippage," that is involved here). Whereas; a given arbitrary non abelian gauge-action, that is here to involve an eminent Gliosis-Based contact, will tend to have the general bearings, of working to involve a lack of isotropic stability. (In part; due to the proximal local presence of "slippage," that is involved here). SAMUEL ROACH. (1989).

Wednesday, June 2, 2021
As To One Genus Of Operation -- Tantamount to Another Genus Of Operation
An electrodynamic tense of resistivity, that is here to be operating upon an entropic-related gauged-action, may often "work" to form a tantamount resultant, to an electrodynamic tense of momentum-like phenomenology, that is here to be operating upon a pulse-related gauged-action. Sincerely, SAM ROACH.

Gauged-Action -- Superstrings/Counter Strings -- Anharmonic -- Betti Action -- Non Orientable
When the asymmetrical tense of the vibrational gauged-action, that is here to occur, between a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, And, its directly associated counter string, to where such an inferred vibrational gauged-action is to become anharmonic, during the Betti Action, -- this general gauge-metrical kinematic tense of a reductional occurrence, will consequently tend to work to facilitate, the resultant ensuing general kinematic process, in which the given arbitrary covariant field, that is physically subtended amongst the respective superstring/counter string of discrete energy permittivity, that is here to be of such a respective case scenario, will thereby tend to bear the general reductional tense, of working to lack a homeomorphic field, to where the directly correlative discrete quantum of energy, that is being inferred in such a given arbitrary case scenario, will thereby consequently tend to result, in subsequently being of a non orientable nature. If such a non orientable nature, is here to be continued during the immediately ensuing Regge Action, then, such a said discrete quantum of energy, will tend to result, in consequently being of a tachyonic nature (versus of a Noether-Related nature). SAM ROACH. (1989).

Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Perturbative Net Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstate
The more rapidly that a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta is to accelerate, the more perturbative that its directly associated Net light-cone-gauge eigenstate, will therefore tend to be. (This is to where; such a Net light-cone-gauge eigenstate, is here to be formed, by the cohesive gauged-action, of the overall set of the individually taken discrete light-cone-gauge eigenstates, that are here to basically help to form the wave-related nature, of the discrete energy impedance eigenstates, that are here to work to comprise this inferred topological manifold, of a cohesive set of discrete energy quanta.) To Be Continued! Sincerely, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH. (1989).