Friday, January 1, 2016

Some More As To The Conformal Dimensions Of Certain Bosonic Strings

Let us here consider certain of some given arbitrary bosonic superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.  The first of such superstrings, is a bosonic string that is stationary in a terrestrial-based manner -- in so that the Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is directly involved with it, may be deemed of as one.  (No effectual tendency of a Lorentz-Four-Contraction happening to this respective superstring here at this given arbitrary moment.)  Such a superstring of discrete energy permittivity would then work to bear 3*10^8 of what I term of as "partitions."  As an ansantz, any number -- when taken to the zero power -- is one.  So, the conformal dimension of such a so-stated superstring that is of the general nature of being of basically a two-dimensional spatial-based manner -- will then have a conformal spatial dimensionality of:
1+2^((3*10^8)/10^(43)), or, basically of a spatial dimensionality of "two."  Now, let us then consider another bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that bears a Lorentz-Four-Contraction of 3*10^8.  Such a superstring would then work to bear only one of what I term of as a "partition," to where its conformal dimension would then be:  1+2^((1)/10^43)), or basically of a spatial dimensionality of "two."  So, let us now complete an explanation of the pattern -- by now extrapolating a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity that is Lorentz-Four-Contracted by a factor of 4. It would then only work to bear 75*10^6 of what I term of as "partitions," at that Laplacian-based point in time.  Its conformal spatial dimensionality would then be 1+2^((75*10^6)/10^43), or basically, "two."
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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