Friday, January 8, 2016

As to the energy of a purely empty space

There are countless superstrings in our universe.  There are countless universes in all three of the individually taken sets of parallel universes (91*10^81 universes in each of all three of the individually taken sets of parallel universes).  Every universe has very many layers of reality in each of such individually taken universes (at least 150,000 layers of reality in each of such so-stated universes).  The tendency is -- that it is the superstrings that are directly corresponding to any one respective given universe that are most viable to all of the other superstrings of each of such said given individually taken universes.  This is when there is no perturbative Li-based action occurring to the said superstrings, in an overtly Fourier-based manner.  This works to form a condition of a state of less "empty space" than one would logically tend to think of in the Ultimon -- even though all of the vacancies and all of the kernels that are measurable -- that exist in both a Laplacian-based manner and in a Fourier-based manner --- still do contain the existence of at least one segmentation of mini-stringular fabric.  Mini-Stringular fabric is that homotopic residue, that works to inter-bind all discrete energy quanta to each other -- in either a directly and/or in an indirect manner, over time.  The cross-sectional thickness of a strand of what I call "mini-stringular segmentation" tends to bear a thickness of 10^(-129) of one meter thick of holononmic substrate.  This is indirectly why any measurable locus of empty space -- that may be extrapolatable in a physics-based manner -- will still bear an energy of at least 10^(-129) of one discrete unit of Planck-related energy.  Discrete energy is the holonomic substrate of the activity of a disturbance of space-time-fabric.  Mini-Stringular segmentation is the "webbing" that works to inter-bind both the constitution of all superstrings to other phenomenology that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation, the constitution of all first-ordered point particles to other phenomenology that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation, the constitution of all norm-state and norm-state-projections to other phenomenology that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation, and, the constitution of all other respective mini-stringular segmentation to all other mini-stringular segmentation that is of at least the Hodge-based volume of an eigenstate of a cross-sectional unit of mini-stringular segmentation -- in either a direct and/or in an indirect manner, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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