Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Rarita Structure and the Grand Unified Field Theory

The activity of the Rarita Structure, works at helping to explain the Grand Unified Field Theory -- by the following account.:  The two multiplicit general ends of the Rarita Structure, as I have mentioned before, are the Laplacian-based general locus of the gauge-bosons, and, the Laplacian-based general locus of the light-cone-gauge.  It is the plucking of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the gauge-bosons, that works to help vibrate the directly correlative quanta of discrete energy -- in order that the so-stated quanta of discrete energy may be able to behave -- in what we term of as an electrostatic-based manner, over the iteration and the reiteration of a sequential series of  group-related instantons.  The vibrations that are then formed by the plucking of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates by the gauge-bosons -- of which are that general holonomic substrate, that may be termed of as Schwinger-Indices -- are what are translated in a  Fourier-based manner, in so as to work to interact with both gravitons and gravitinons, in so as to form that physical phenomenology that may be described of here as the force of gravity.  The centralized knotting of the said Rarita Structure -- exists in the multivarious loci of its correlative eigenstates, in so as to help in the formation of the strong force.  And, the perturbative weakening of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure eigenstates -- is what works to form the Fourier-based transmutations, that are associated with the process of radioactive decay -- and it is radioactive decay that is known of as the weak force.  Therefore, it is the Fourier-based activity of the integration of the eigenstates of the Rarita Structure -- that work to form the common ground, by which the Grand Unified Field Theory may be able to be understood by extrapolation.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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