Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Main Genus Of Centralized Knotting

The multiplicit Higgs Boson eigenstate bears a mass that is about 126 times that of a proton.  The mass-bearing core-field-density of a Higgs Boson eigenstate is much higher than the mass-bearing core-field-density of a proton.  This works to cause the condition -- that, a Higgs Boson eigenstate has much more of a tense of a centralized knotting than the physical state of a proton, when both the multiplicit Higgs Boson eigenstate and the multiplicit proton are to be compared at their multivarious-based respective given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based settings.  This is due to the condition, that, the Higgs Boson is that tense or genus of holonomic substrate -- that is utilized in so as to work to move the Klein Bottle -- in so as to bring the correlative respective Kahler-Metric into the general region of superstrings, in so as to work to allow for discrete energy to re-attain their fractals of the said discrete energy quanta, in order that discrete energy may be able to both persist and continue to exist, over time.  It is then eminent, that the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstates are to remain tied, in a homotopic manner, to their respective correlative Higgs Boson-based eigenstates -- in so long as the directly corresponding substringular phenomenology is to remain unfrayed.  This is because, even though a proton may often undergo the weak force -- which is the radioactive decay of an atom, it is still pervasive, that, in order for any respective given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based region to be able to both persist and continue to exist over any given respective successive series of iterations of group-related instantons -- that that particular genus of activity, that must be needed in order for discrete energy to keep re-attaining those fractals of discrete energy quanta, that are needed in order for energy to not fade-out of being actual energy -- must be able to continue to be able to happen, even if any of such respective Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based regions are to undergo the so-stated radioactive decay in a spontaneous-based manner.  Such a needed venue for a necessary additional Hodge-Index of homotopic residue, will then tend to work to require an additional Hodge-Index of what may be termed of as eigenstates of a centralized knotting.  The more of a Laplacian-based condition that is to exist, as a state or a genus of an additional centralized knotting, is likewise going to tend to work to be indicated by a Laplacian-based condition of such a proximal locus -- that works to bear a higher scalar magnitude of mass-bearing states.  The higher the mass that is to exist in a relatively confined region -- the more of a centralized knotting that is to then exist in the so-eluded-to Ward-Neumman-based region, in which such a higher mass is to kinematically exist at, over time.  Or, another way of looking at it -- the more of a Hodge-Index of centralized knotting that there is needed to exist per density of as to where such a so-stated additional scalar magnitude of inter-webbed mini-stringular segmentation is to exist in, in order for the proximal local space-time-fabric to not be frayed -- the higher that the mass will be, that is most directly involved with the correlative eigenstates of the said proximal local region in which such an additional tightness of inter-twined mini-stringular fabric is to be Poincaire at, to where then, the higher that the density of the membranes of homotopic residue that will then exist at the so-stated respective given arbitrary set locus of Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based mode will then tend to be.  I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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