Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cevita Interactions And Metrical Singularities

A Cevita-based disturbance of the Gliosis-based topological indices -- that are at the Poincaire level to the core-field-density of any given arbitrary annharmonic-flowing pulsating superstring, that is being translated in a Fourier-based manner over a sequential series of instantons, -- will tend to form a tense of one or more metrical-based Chern-Simons-related singularities, as the so-stated superstring is undergoing its directly corresponding Hamiltonian operation -- in so as to perform the predominant operation of its kinetic-based function over the course of the respective correlative gauge-metrical-based activity that is of the said superstring.  As such a regional-based localized kinematic-based activity of the here mentioned superstring is to occur over a relatively transient duration of time, the correlative annharmonic perturbation of the here so-eluded-to Gliosis-based indices, that are at the Poincaire level to the core-field-density of the said superstring that is then differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, will then tend to bear proximal iterations that are of an annharmonic-based metrical pulsation.  This is since the overall fractal of momentum-based indices (on the order of J = S+L), or, in other words, the overall spin-orbital Hamiltonian index plus the overall radial Hamiltonian index plus the overall transversel Hamiltonian index, as a whole -- that such a superstring will then tend to bear -- will then tend to go into what may here be described of as an alteration of its delineatory index.  This said index is here of the exterialized vibrational rippling, from the immediate Ward-Neumman bounds of the core-field-density of the said string.  This would then work to form an annharmonic flow of the velocity of the said superstring, in so as to effect the substringular acceleration, so to speak, of the motion of the so-stated superstring.

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