Thursday, January 7, 2016

As To The Perturbation Of An Initially Conformally Invariant Setting

An orbifold eigenset -- that would here consist of both two orbifolds that act as two different individually taken entities of the holonomic substrate of a quark, as well as also consisting of one other individually taken entity that acts as the holonomic substrate of a lepton -- bears a proximal local gluonic force, that would here work to bind the two said quarks to the said lepton, in so as to help to form the construction of a proton.  The gluonic force -- that works in the process of working to piece together the so-stated proton -- is here an eigenstate of the activity of the strong force.  The genus of the multiplicit gluon-related force --  works to bear its directly corresponding Fourier-based transformation, as a Hamiltonian operation that is localized at the multivarious centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure.  When the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode of a proton is altered by a reversal in the holomorphicity of the topological sway of the said orbifold eigenset -- that acts as the compositional-based construction of a proton -- the so-eluded-to multiplicit Hamiltonian operator is thereby reversed in the covariant-based path that it had initially had, when it was in a state of conformal invariance in its initial said Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.  This said reversal in the directoral-based topological sway of what is here the tensoric Ward-Caucy-based Lagrangian path of the so-stated proton, will then here be in the process of tending to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This said antiholomorphic Kahler condition, will then act as a group-metrical Hamiltonian operation -- that will here tend to trigger a Wick Action eigenstate.  This Wick Action eigenstate then tends to trigger the Landau-Gisner-Action, in so as to operate the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism -- in so as to work to operate with  the directly correlative Higgs Boson eigenstate, in so as to move the correlative multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate -- in so as to help to work at allowing for a needed eigenmetric of the Kahler-Metric.

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