Wednesday, December 30, 2015

As To The Pull Of The Strong Force

Let us here consider one general eigenstate, as to a relatively localized wave-tug/wave-pull of the strong force -- to where this is comprised of one general Hamiltonian operational-based cite as to where a gluonic-based force is either tugging and/or pulling at, in one specific locus, over a relatively transient duration of time.  A gluonic-based force is to exist at a locus that is working to inter-bind a set of two quarks to one lepton -- in so as to bind the said two quarks to the said lepton, in so as to work at making the composition of one respective given arbitrary proton.  The said proton that is held together in part by the so-stated gluonic force, as usual, is relatively centered from within the general Ward-Neumman physical confines of the nucleus of an atom -- to where one is to have a relatively stable hydrogen atom, since the directly corresponding atom in which the respective said proton is to work to form at here -- is of the nature of having both only one proton and only one electron.  The gluonic-based force that is here directly affiliated with the so-stated proton -- that works to form the said electrically stable atom, is of the nature of a centralized knotting of a Rarita Structure eigenstate, to where this respective said "centralized knotting" of a discrete increment of the Rarita Structure -- of which is of a manner by which the strong force, that is of the nature of binding together some of the essential phenomenology of atomic-based holonomic substrate, is then made to be correlative to the nature of the gravitational force -- by the nature of what is here a direct affiliation of the scalar effect of the Ricci Scalar with that general force that works to inter-bind sub-atomic particles that work at forming the phenomenology that is to construct the composition of atoms.  Let us now say that the said gluonic force -- that is correlative to the composition of the proton that is to here exist at the nucleus of the so-stated given arbitrary atom, is to work at bearing both one specific transversal-based Hamiltonian operation, one specific radial-based Hamiltonian operation, and/or one specific spin-orbital-based Hamiltonian operation, in such a manner to where the directoral-based wave-tug/wave-pull of the so-stated gluonic-based force is to then be of the nature of being intrinsically pushed and pulled as according to the scalar magnitude of the angular-affiliated eigenbase of the resultant force of the so-eluded-to implementation of the fractal of the subatomic angular momentum that would then be directly corresponding to the activity of the so-eluded-to wave-tug/wave-pull of the so-stated gluonic force, that is undergoing the eluded-to push and pull that may be extrapolated at its general Majorana-Weyl-Invariant mode, as an eigenstate of the centralized knotting of the Rarita Structure. Such a so-eluded-to sequential series of Laplacian-based steady-state iterations of subatomic activity -- that are of a relatively tightly knit tense of conformal invariance at a relatively set locus -- is to here be of a non-perturbative tense of Fourier-based translation, -- to where the general effect of such an eigenstate of the strong force, will then work to bear a reiterative set of cyclic permutations that will tend to be kept from within a relatively proximal region that is Poincaire to the general abelian operation of the Fourier-based translation of the respective given arbitrary Ward-Caucy-based region, in which the said proton is to be both codifferentiable and codeterminable at, over the so-eluded-to relatively transient duration of time in which such a tense of conformal invariance is of a non-perturbative nature. This so-stated general tense of directoral-based wave-tug/wave-pull will then work to form the general tendency as to the intrinsic activity of the atom that has been implied here -- by which the activity of the external forces that are to be applied to the Ward-Caucy bounds of the so-eluded-to eigenstates of both the respective gluonic-based force and its respective directly corresponding atom that it works at helping to form, will then have a basis as to how the resultant eigenbase of Fourier-related interaction will then be able to transpire -- from that point in group metrical activity to its ensuing sequential series of physical iterations of group-related instantons, over the so-eluded-to duration of time.

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