Thursday, December 3, 2015

Centralized Knotting

The gluons -- of which work to tie together those subatomic particles that come together in so as to work at forming nucleons, act as a centralized knotting of Schwinger-Indices (of the third order) -- along the Rarita Structre -- in so as to work at pulling together those quarks and leptons that are needed to be physically put together -- in so as to form those nucleons, that tend to act as the primary source of gravity.  The specific Schwinger-Indices that are formed by the respective "plucking" of the individual gauge-bosons that exist along -- in an adjacent manner -- the respective directly corresponding topological surface of the correlative second-order light-cone-gauge-eigenstates, act as the specific vibrational oscillations that are formed from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to act as the respective given arbitrary discrete Schwinger-Indices.  The overall resultant vibrational oscillation of any given arbitrary first-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- acts as what may be termed of as a first-order Schwinger-Index.  The overall resultant vibrational oscillation of any given arbitrary second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate - acts as what may be termed of as a second-order Schwinger-Index. So, the actual individually taken vibrational oscillation of any specific "pluck" of a sector of a second-order light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- is a discrete eigenstate of such a general genus of a vibrational oscillation -- of which may be termed of as a third-order Schwinger-Index.  The so-mentioned discrete Schwinger-Indices are pulled -- in a propagation-based manner -- in so as to work to inter-connect the activity of discrete energy with both the activity of gravitons and the activity of gravitinos. This happens in so as to act as that general means, of as to how the Ricci Scalar is put into action -- in so as to cause the general force of gravity to exist upon all substringular phenomenology, over time.  Where the said discrete Schwinger-Indices are pulled into the so-stated centralized knotting -- is that location in which one is able to define the multiplicit locus of the strong force.  Ironically, although the strong force is much stronger than the gravitational force -- the multiplilcit locus as to where the gravitational force is centralized in a very overt knotted manner, is where the gluonic force is of its most dimensional-based compactified manner.  This so-stated centralized knotting, then acts in a particle-based manner -- in so as to then be able to act in a kinematic nature, in so as to move in a Fourier-based manner, as a particle that I have mentioned as the gluon.  The motion of such a centralized inter-twining -- that acts in a kinematic manner, that moves both radially, spin-orbitally, and transversally -- works to form the inter-binding of the nature of as to how the gravitational force (that is much weaker than the strong force) is brought into another genus of a nature, in so as to work at forming that Fourier-based activity -- that would here operate as the functional characteristic of the strong force (that is much stronger than the gravitational force).  This inter-bound nature of the so-mentioned knotted Shwinger-Indices -- acts as the driving force that works to show the relationship between the gravitational force and the strong force.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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