Thursday, December 17, 2015

More As To The Relative Displacement Of The Rarita Structure

Let us say that one is to have two different comparative groups of orbifolds -- each of such groups of which would work to be comprised of superstrings, these said two sets of superstrings of which would both be existent in two different individually taken cases, that are of a relative tense of conformal invariance.  The first orbifold would be a set of superstrings, that would bear no relative condition of external-based motion -- since such a said orbifold would be situated out in a relative deep region of outer space, to where the so-eluded-to tense of conformal invariance would here be a tense of a condition of superconformal invariance.  The second so-eluded-to set of superstrings of one other respective given arbitrary genus of an orbifold -- would be in a tense of conformal invariance, that would be situated on an actual planet out in space.  This would then mean, that the second so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset would be existent upon a general locus -- here being of a planet -- of which would then be of a phenomenology that is moving, in a solar system that is as well moving, of a galaxy, that is just as well moving.  This would then involve a much deeper tense of external-based motion -- even though the actual specific locus of the general Majorana-Weyl-Invariant mode -- that is proximal to the second said orbifold eigenset that I have here mentioned, is in just as much of a relative condition of conformal invariance (at the interial-based setting), as the first said orbifold eigenset in question.  This would then mean -- that the second so-mentioned orbifold eigenset would work to bear a greater external condition of a constant covariant process of the kinematic interplay of the directly corresponding external-based Rarita Structure eigenstates -- that would then work to involve the interdependent interplay of each succeeding reverse-fractal of the relative divergence from a condition of conformal invariance, from the general locus that is just outside of the said orbifold eigenset of the so-stated second mentioned case, outward to the actual motion of the galaxies that are to here be covariant to the so-mentioned case of the second said orbifold eigenset of the said case scenario.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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