Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Certain Involvement Of The Strong Force

It is the activity of gluons that works to bear the involvement of what is known of as the strong force.  Gluons move in so as to pull subatomic particles together at the nucleus, in so as to work at causing the  Ward-Neumman condition of the physical existence of nucleons.  Gluons bear a genus of motion that operates -- in so as to work at the formation of the predominant condition of what may be termed of as the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravational mode.  This so-stated gravitational mode is the general genus of Ricci Scalar-based activity -- that operates in so as to work at what we call the existence of matter, as opposed to what would Otherwise be the predominant condition of the existence of antimatter.  Anti gravity still tends to utilize the existence of the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode -- except that the bearings of anti gravity are involved, when the Ricci Scalar is reversed in its directoral wave-tug/wave-pull tendency.  For instance, let us say that the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates of a given arbitrary gravitational flow are to all of the sudden reverse in the flow of the correlative Schwinger-Indices of a respective given arbitrary substringular neighborhood.  This would here work to involve the activity of anti gravity.  Reverse gravity -- on the otherhand -- is when certain respective given arbitrary gravitons and/or gravitinos all of the sudden are reversed in their general holomorphic-based flow of activity.  So, whenever a set of gluons of one given arbitrary nucleon, that work to inter-bind the quarks and leptons of the said nucleon, are reversed in both their radial and/or in their spin-orbital and/or in their transversal   directoral flow that is of their correlative Fourier Transform -- this happens when the respective given arbitrary nucleon is to spontaneously alter into moving into a relative reversal of its holomorphic-based kinematic flow of motion, over the correlative transient period of time in which such a said nucleon is magnetically and/or otherwise pulled into moving into the opposite general direction from where it had initially been traveling in -- before the so-eluded-to resultant perturbation in its directoral wave-tug/wave-pull based flow of its said genus of Fourier-based transform is to happen.  When the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset of this case -- here, a given arbitrary nucleon -- is pulled into moving spontaneously in the opposite general direction than it had initially been flowing in, then, as I had mentioned before, this works to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  As I have said before, an antiholomorphic Kahler condition works to end-up forming the predominant Fourier-based activity of a Kahler-Metric in a Gliosis-based manner, upon the holonomic substrate of the orbifold eigensets that acts in so as to have an antiholomorphic Kahler condition upon these said respective given arbitrary stringular-based phenomenology. over an ensuing successive series of iterations of group-related instantons. So, whenever the directoral-based activity of either both the radial Hamiltonian operation, the spin-orbital Hamiltonian operation, and/or the transversel Hamiltonian operation of the Fourier Transformation of a set of gluons -- that operate in so as to perform one specific function of the strong force -- is to reverse in its holomorphic cross-product-based delineation -- then, this will tend to work at causing the correlative respective given arbitrary nucleon of this case, that is put together by the activity of the gluing together of quarks and leptons by the strong force -- to spontaneously reverse in its general genus of directoral-based angular momentum, which will reverse the holomorphic-based Ward-Caucy conditions of the said nucleon -- which will thereby cause the so-mentioned nucleon to bear an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This will then work to form the said Fourier-based activity of a Kahler-Metric to be delineated upon the so-stated respective given nucleon -- in a Gliosis-based manner, over a relatively brief ensuing period of time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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