Friday, December 11, 2015

As To The Expansion of the "Universe"

The universe in which we live in seems to be accelerating in its volume -- in our current set of conditions.  Yet, I have a theory that our universe is not necessarily accelerating in the manner in which most scientists think of it as doing so.  Here is the key to what I mean by this addressing of such a topic:  Each of the three individually taken sets of universes  is comprised of 91*10^(81) universes, each of such parallel universes of which are inter-twined amongst themselves.  Each of such sets of universes exist in what may be termed of as a basically doubled-up hoop -- one of such "hoops" (when one is to take into consideration the physical condition that each of such doubled-up hoops is of two Main World-Tubes, that are each basically of the same hoop -- due to a relatively large "annulus" that barely works to separate these from each other), individually taken, is of a relatively forward-moving-time-wise nature, and, the other of such doubled-up hoops is of a relatively backward-moving-time-wise nature.  So, when one is to observe the condition of macroscopic phenomenology as recently accelerating noted as moving faster away from each other -- one is then here dealing with the condition of the so-eluded-to externalized said phenomenology (that have traveled beyond what we were so sure of as being the outer-edge of our physical universe) is moving into a universal setting, that is of one demarcation of a different genus of a universal setting than our own universe in which we presently live in.  This does not mean that the so-observed galaxies that we are observing as accelerating at a faster rate from far away are re-starting from scratch.   The galaxies that have moved beyond the so-called outer part of the visible universe are as taken from the position of existence that these had had -- prior to the conditions that such said overall groups of galaxies had been in, before these so-stated macroscopic physical phenomenology had traveled in both general directions to over half of the way around the so-stated "hoop," -- are still of the same general basic tense of Ward-Caucy-based conditions.  Yet, each time that these so-eluded-to macroscopic physical phenomenology have traveled over the course of such a general distance -- along the individually taken hoops of each said set of parallel universes -- the galaxies (if not "eaten-up" by black-holes) will enter one demarcation of a different genus of a universal setting from the one that it had subsequently been in -- up until all 91*10^(81) universal settings have been of a predominant nature, until our said universe is then again of the so-eluded-to predominant nature.  This, however, does not mean that the exact same activities will then be identically resumed -- what it means, is that the same general genus of the then existent Bases of Light will be revamped in the same general tense as these have had of our own present eminent universal setting of flow.  This is the general flow of as to the way that I perceive of as to how this is done.  The other universes of each set of parallel universes will then be doing the same general sort of manner -- except, that what is to them as termed of as one demarcation of a different genus of a universal setting, will bear a different condition of relativity amongst themselves.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continue!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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