Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Little As To Rarita Structure Adjustments

Let us here consider a general locus as to where a superstring is to continually iterate at -- in a relatively conformally invariant manner,over time.  Let us say that the respective given arbitrary directly corresponding discrete quanta of energy was within the Ward-Caucy bounds of an atom -- to where, even though the so-stated atom was within a molecule that was moving, and, the said molecule that was to here contain the atom that contained the Ward-Neumman bounds of the so-stated discrete quanta of energy, was to be from within the Ward-Caucy bounds of a planet, that was, as well, moving in both a transversal and in a radial-based manner, over time.  This would mean -- that, even though the overall medium in which the here respective given arbitrary discrete quanta of energy -- that is here being discussed in this case, is to be kinematically being displaced in a relatively significant manner -- the specific proximal region in which the said discrete quanta of energy is here to be continuously be reiterating from within, is here of a conformally invariant manner.  This would then mean -- that, the so-stated discrete quanta of energy that is being discussed here in this case, is then existent in a tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based manner, over time.  This would mean, that the specific locus -- that is here proximal to the relatively conformally invariant core-field-density of the overall said discrete quanta of energy, is to here bear a locally steady-state of a conformally invariant Rarita Structure eigenbase -- to where, even though the then exterialized field-density of the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates are to be, in this case, constantly re-adjusting, outside of the Ward-Caucy bounds of the respective given arbitrary case of the correlative conformally invariant discrete quanta of energy -- the specific Laplacian-based locus of the Fourier-based translation of the said quanta of energy will be proximally defined, as a relatively low kinetically-based extrapolation of energy, since the said specific locus of the energy -- that is here of a locally conformally invariant manner, is then locally of a steady-state Gaussian-based translation of spacial phenomenology, relative to its immediate surroundings, over the so-eluded-to proscribed period of time of this case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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