Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Next Heads-Up As To Course 19

Let us say that one arbitrarily considered four orbifolds that each belonged to four different respective universes of the same set of parallel universes.  Let us now say that one arbitrarily chose one of these four orbifolds to be of a Real Reimmanian condition that is here of our universe.  Let us now also consider an arbitrary given condition of each of the other three orbifolds each bears three different respective genus-based formats of Njenhuity -- as such a condition is considered over a Laplacian-based format in which each of the four said orbifolds that here belong to different universes each display four different general formats of complex-number-based geni, on consideration of the here given arbitrary condition of these each being completely Njenhuis to one another as according to a basic Li Algebra-based covariant, codifferentiable, and codeterminable manner. So, as one, in a given case scenario, takes the Hodge Index as to the number of overall superstrings that work to comprise the arbitrarily Real Reimmanian-based orbifold that is of our universe, one merely does a pattern-based extrapolation that talleys the number of overall superstrings that make up the said orbifold.  Yet, when one takes the Hodge Index as to the number of overall superstrings of the other three respective orbifolds, one talleys an Imaginary-Number-based extrapolation as to the pattern-based counting of the number of superstrings that are within each of the three other said orbifolds that belong to three different respective universes that are each completely Njenhuis toward one another.  At this point, one may compare the Li-Algebra-based Gaussian formats of the four orbifolds that are covariant -- although completely not of the same Real Reimmanian basis.  Such an inter-relationship is known of as a Kunneth Formulaton.  Now, if one is to take a certain given arbitrary complex-based Jacobian that may be utilized to be multiplied by one of the universes, one may be able to derive an alteration of the Gaussian basis that may work to compare one of the said orbifolds to one of the other ones via the eluded to Imaginary Li-Algebra mathematical basis.  One may then do such a general activity in so as to compare the Laplacian-based covariance of all four given arbitrary orbifolds as spaces in so as to relate these via specific Jacobians that here work to find a set of common complex mathematical bases that work to here correspond the said four different spaces that each are from four different respective parallel universes.

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