Wednesday, June 12, 2013

About The Flow Of Certain Ghost Anomalies, part one

Gliossi-Shirk-Olive ghosts are the physical evidence of the trajectory of specific superstrings that act as discrete units of energy permittivity.  Such evidence is literally the pattern-based distribution of scattered positive-norm-states (for forward-moving time-based superstrings) that are redelineated by the motion of superstrings that have moved into their general substringular neighborhoods after a sequential series of instantons in which the said superstrings of energy permittivity have been redelineated over time.  Such a redelineation of positive-norm-states is only formatted over the course of successive iterations of group instanton, since, both the positive-norm-states and the negative-norm-states resituate themselves during the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode into what their delineation was directly before the directly prior generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow.  So, at the end of a given arbitrary instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, as the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are re-delineated to their ensuing position at which these are to reiterate at over the course of the ensuing duration of group BRST, the said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity "bump into" norm-states that are moving in the same general directoral basis of holomorphicity as the said superstrings are about to iterate over the directly corresponding duration of group instanton.  As the said superstrings do the mentioned "bumping into" the said norm-states, the eluded to interaction works to displace the said directly related norm-states.  This redistribution works to form a delineation that forms a pattern that may be used as an extrapolation as to where certain superstrings of discrete energy permittivity were at relatively recent iterations of group instanton.  As Gliossi-Shirk-Olive ghosts are increased in quantity and in substringular-based Ward-volume, these are scattered by norm-states that move in the opposite holomorphic-based directoral flow in such a manner that these form both dilatons and dilatinos.  The just written about dilatons and dilatinos -- once formed -- then move off of the Real Reimmanian Plane.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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