Monday, June 10, 2013

The Last Test Solution To The First Test Of Course 13

1)  When both inerita and momentum are invariant upon a superstring, this means that over the observable extrapolation in which the said superstring is traced through its trajectorial projection, the pulse of the said superstrings Hamiltonian operation, as well as  the pulse of its Hamilonian operator,  is maintained as these are per eigenmetric in which the said superstring is differentiatin in  kinmatically over time.  For instance, if a given arbitrary superstring works to bear a given arbitrary Hamiltonian operation per a consistently observably transient-based extrapoloation -- along with the Hamiltonian operator of which works to function as having the said Hamiltonian operator that I have here eluded to, then, after every of such discrete set of eluded to instantons in which the said superstring is observably extrapolated, in such a manner in so that the conisdered Hamiltonian operator that is here directly pertainent and the considered Hamiltonian operation that is here directly pertainent as well are maintanined as such per each of the said conistent metrical pulses in which the said superstrings may here be considered as existing in as is according to the given case scenario.  This means that not only would the given operator of the directly related substringular momentum be either identically the same or else indistinguishably replaced over the eluded to extrapolatory-based metric in which such a superstring is here considered, yet, the function of such a substringular momentum would here remain the same over the same given arbitrary directly associated metric (duration that is here under specific consideration).  This not only conisders that the integrable vaible scalar amplitude of the said substrigular momentum is here maintained over the said kinematically-based said duration, yet, it also considers the overall directoral push and/or pull of the both the radial and the transversal tenses of the said superstring over the course of the said whole overall duration that is here under conisderation as being maintained over the eluded to Fourier Transformation.

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