Thursday, June 13, 2013

Part Two As To The Discussion About Ghosts

To get back to the last post's case scenario:  Once dilatons and dilatinos are formed, these move off of the relative Real Reimmenian Plane in so as to become gravitational particles known of respectively as gravitons and gravitinos.  The said gravitons and gravitinos move per iteration of group instanton to scatter the directly corresponding forward-holomoriphic-based norm-states in so as to scatter these in so as to form physical memories known of as Neilson-Kollosh ghosts (this type of general category of ghost anomaly).  As the given arbitrary respective regions where Neison-Kollosh ghosts are formed begin to clutter on account of the condition of beginning to work at forming a lack of room in the said given arbitrary respective region that is here off of the initially mentioned Real Reimmanian Plane, the said Neilson-Kollosh ghosts are then undergoing the process of scattering into certain residue that then flows back into the Real Reimmanian Plane in the form of positive and negative-norm-projections and positive and negative -norm-states that even-out back into the initially mentioned said Real plane in so as to work to re-establish the general format of the condition of Fock Space both on and off of the again eluded to Real and Njenhuis Planes.  The flow of the exchange of Gliossi-Shirk-Olive ghosts into Neilson-Kollosh ghosts works to form a kinematic metrical harmonics that is smooth in terms of a general lack of spurious sub-metrics -- the initial said flow tends to begin in a relatively hermitian manner that is low in terms of Chern-Simmons metrical singularites.  As soon as the just mentioned mode of harmonics -- in terms of the initial kinematic flow of the exchange of Gliossi-Shirk-Olive ghosts with Neilson-Kollosh ghosts -- changes in terms of its directly related sequential pattern of recycling mode (when the pattern of the harmonics as to the sequence in which the flow of the exchange of such ghost-based residue's recycling is altered), then, this is when such a mentioned flow is altered or perturbated.  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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