Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Session 9 of Course 13

When a one-dimensional superstring closes to form a two-dimensional superstring, or, when a two-dimensional string opens to form a one-dimensional string, radial and transversal momentum is used to allow the Green Function to transpire in order for these given strings to close or open, respectively.  The net momentum used to completely close an open string, or, the net momentum used to completely open a closed string is one quantum's worth of transversal stringular momentum.  This said momentum may be described by one Hamiltonian expression of transversal operator-based momentum.  The action of this momentum may be described by one Hamiltonian expression of transversal operationally-based momentum.  Correlative operator-based and operationally-based momenta are equal in scalar magnitude.  The net momentum used to completely open a completely closed string is one quantum's worth of transversal stringular momentum.  This momentum may be described by one Hamiltonian expression of transveral operator-based momentum.  The action of this momentum may be described by one Hamiltonian expression of transversal operationally-based momentum.  As always, correlative operator-based and operationally-based momenta are equal in scalar magnitude  -- when in terms of an analogous but different genus of scalar magnitude format.  Before a completely open one-dimensional string is shut, it iterates during the directly corresponding group instanton via an imaginary exchange with its counterpart as I described this during the last lesson.  After the said iteration of group instanton, a given arbitrary superstring and its counterpart cycle the Ultimon.  During the beginning of the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow, the directly affiliated first-ordered point particles that had comprised any individual given arbitrary superstring, that is here to begin the process of closing -- in so that it may become bosonic -- has just iterated over the course of the directly prior instanton.  This is when the said first-ordered point particles begin to separate to a certain restrained extent, and the encoding that is here to allow for the beginning of the Green Function is in the process of starting.  After a very limited number of a sequential series of group instantons, the here codeterminable activity of the said eigenmetric of the Green Function is then completed, and the Hamiltonian that directly corresponds to the eluded to Fujikawa Coupling that involves the said Green Function is then completely exerted.  At an ensuing iteration of group instanton, the two-dimensional superstring that is now formed by the hermitian bending of a one-dimensional superstring, and, the counterpart of the same said string, has -- at this point --  developed different fields of force than those of a one-dimensional superstring.  The imaginary exchange of Real residue that happens over the corresponding iterations of BRST that behave as these should for two-dimensional strings will now happen in a similar way as before the given arbitrary superstring became bosonic, except that the string is now involving both a different genus of topology and a different genus of light-cone-gauge eigenstate -- when in consideration of the format of the mode in which the corresponding discrete energy "wobbles" in so that it is then able to spring from instanton into the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow.  The same idea, yet is reverse, happens when two-dimensional strings form one-dimensional strings via the inverse of the Fujikawa Coupling via the inverse operation of the Green Function.

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