Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Little Tad Bit More As To Certain Ghost Anomalies

Ghosts formed by gauge-bosons and other substringular heterotic strings (not including what I term of as the Main Heterotic String Fabric) scatter elsewhere back into the directly corresponding relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  So, a given substringulr heterotic superstring "bumps" upon certain relatively forward-based norm-states.  This forms a physical memory in the form of ghost anomaly.  As relatively backward-based norm-states scatter upon the said ghost anomaly, the directly corresponding scattered norm-indices redistribute and redelineate back into what is here the given arbitrary relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  This simply forms a re-delineation of the directly related first-ordered point particles as these may be mapped and extrapolated per iteration of group instanton.  Certain superfolous substringular phenomena also occasionally works to form certain ghost anomalies that  scatter the said ghosts simply to an alterior distribution or an alterior delineatory positioning that will here exist in what is a Real-based Reimmanian Plane -- when in terms of a certain other superstringular field.  The reason as to why and how the formation of ghost anomalies and their corresponding scattering happens per iteration of group instanton is analogous to the concept of a "zipper."  During the beginning of a given arbitrary instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, the encodements as to what and where ghost anomalies were during the course of the directly prior iteration of group BRST works to settle the ghosts and the scattered condition of certain ghost anomalies into the delineations that these had at the end of the said directly prior duration of BRST -- like an alagorical  "zipper" is stabilized at a given relative position.  This is due to the encodement that appertains to the activities of both the space-hole and the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse.  Just as BRST is about to happen, the eluded to substringular phenomena "bumps" into certain norm-states  -- as well as certain norm-states "bump" into reverse-holomorphically-based norm-states.  This causes the condition of BRST to form both a state of respective ghost anomaly formation and ghost anomaly scattering.

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