Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Last Session To the Test Solutions To the Second Test Of Course 12

7)  The potential plane of a one-dimensional superstring is liklely to be orientable  -- and act as according to Noether Flow -- if these bear a relatively taught vibratorial oscillation that has no significant swivel-like shapes, and/or if these have no significant arc-like shapes.  Otherwise, such one-dimensional superstrings are more likely to not be orientable -- thereby, these would here be more likely to alter into moving into a tachyonic mode.

8)  As arced one-dimensional supsertrings continue to reiterate at a differentiable locus that obeys Noether Flow, its thence eluded to added scope of kinematic topological variance will increase its potential for interacting with alterior Njenhuis tensors, these of which here may add leveraging upon the said strings that have the ability of making the said strings unorientable.  An unorientable superstring becomes tachyonic.  So, the longer that an individual given arbitrary superstring bears a significant arc-like shape -- and/or a significant swivel-like shape -- the more that it not only may increase in the corresponding scalar projection of such a general condition, yet, also, the more likely that such a superstring may become tachyonic.

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