Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Session 6 Of The 12th Course Of String Theory That I Have Blogged

Fermions are phenomena that have one-dimensional superstrings as part of their composition.  Electrons are fermions.  Neutrinos are fermions.  A one-dimensional superstring is a strand of point particles that ideally approximate a straight line.  A one-dimensional superstring is connected to its corresponding Planck-like phenomenon via a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that contains five strand-like segmental links of mini-string that each contain two mini-string segmental links that are doubled up in a torsion-based manner.  Each of the two jus mentioned links that I just mentioned that are interbound in a torsion-based manner are wound together 120 times in a Laplacian-based manner over the course of group instanton -- and in an equidistant-based twine-like delineation.  The directly related Planck-like phenomena, and, the one-dimensional strings that are to be considered here, are bound under the eluded to Ward-Neumman bounds at the corresponding mini-string segmental links that exist along the Laplacian-based inner topology of both respective phenomena.  When a one-dimensional superstring initially travels after the iteration of group instanton, the said superstring is relatively straight (in so long as these are not tachyonic here), with the exception of its directly affiliated partitions.  The partitions of a one-dimensional superstring is off to the side of the rest of the said one-dimensional string by the distance one first-ordered point particle diameter as it would be when fully uncontracted -- by a distance that is on the order of 3*10^(-78) of a meter.  A given arbitrary superstring moves counterclockwise (holomorphically) when in the process of moving through positive-oriented time -- or clockwise (reverse-holomorphically) when in the process of moving through negative-oriented time -- in the Ultimon, along with the Planck-like phenomenon that it directly associated with over that affiliated duration that happens in-between two arbitrary given iterations of group instanton.  So, as the mentioned one-dimensional superstring propagates during Ultimon Flow, -- in so that the said superstring is not tachyonic under the directly related immediate conditions -- the eluded to vibrating strand that is here a fermionic superstring begins to "jiggle" in a vibration that is anharmonic relative to its immediate environment.  This just mentioned anharmonic jiggling continues to happen until after the said one-dimensional superstring enters the duration that I describe as the advent of the "space-hole" -- of which happens right before the advent of instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode.  The "space-hole" is analogous to a reorganization of phenomena that works to allow for the condition of Cassimer Invariance, while, the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode is when substringular phenomena goes into that redelineation of entities that is accounted for by the activity of group instanton that directly happens right after the just said instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode.  The duration that happens during the space-hole -- which is simultaneously during the duration in which the Bases of Light are exemplified -- happens over a metric span of (2pi-6)(I)Planck-time.  During the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, the substringular encoders mold into a holonomic substrate that pulls substringular phenomena into the positional delineations that these have been encoded to go into in order for superstrings and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces to be able to be at their ensuing respective distributions over the course of the next iteration of group instanton.  Also, during the said mode that pulls superstrings into their next Real Reimmanian group delineation, the prior mentioned jiggling of the said one-dimensional superstrings happens again.  This is what happens when a one-dimensional superstring is under the enactment of the general process of Noether Flow.

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