Thursday, April 18, 2013

Part One Of The Test Solutions For the Second Test Of Course 12

1)  During the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, a one-dimensional superstring will oscillate in a vibrational manner that bears a harmonic rhythm per successive series of gauge-metrics that occur during each given cycling of the said one-dimensional superstrings via the said activity of the eluded to part of Ultimon Flow that happens in-between individual iterations of group instanton.  This is because the manner in which the first-ordered point particles that comprise the said superstrings wiggle out of a harmonic manner during BRST works to cause the just mentioned point particles to converge into a harmonic manner soon after BRST via the genus of their vibrating oscillation-like modulus -- due to the condition that the corresponding one-dimensional superstrings are fermions, and thus these have a fractional spin during the course of group instanton.

2)  During the iteration of group instanton, the vibrational oscillation of a one-dimensional superstring will tend to bear an anharmonic rhythm when such a string is taken as a virtually standstill vibrating strand -- which, after a successive series of iterations in which the said superstring is constantly redelineated, this works to form the kinetic motion that helps comprise the energy that makes-up the Continuum.  This is because one-dimensional superstrings are fermionic superstrings, and these have a fractional spin, thus causing these vibrating strands to bear a syncopated ebbing of the topological substrate that makes these up -- which is in consideration that these bear a unitary dimensionality in terms of their Poincaire-based fields at the Laplacian-based mapping of the topology of such superstrings.  This causes the condition that one-dimensional superstrings have a genus of wiggle among the first-ordered point particles that works comprise the said strings that will here form a vibration that exists directly adjacent to the prior mentioned mapping of the topology of such strings that exists during each individual iteration of the directly corresponding group instanton.  This manner of virtual resonation at the region that is directly adjacent to the holonomic substrate of the said string helps to cause the said vibratorial oscillation to be anharmonic over the said course of group instanton.

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