Friday, April 12, 2013

Part Two Of The 8th Session Of Course 12

When a superstring springs out of the condition of Noether Flow on account of the condition of the said superstring not being able to be oriented over the course of a given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric, then, the motion of the corresponding said superstring leaves from the general vicinity of its Real Reimmanian-based region that it had kinematically differentiated in over the directly prior successive series of iteration of group instantons, then, the said superstring will -- on account of the manner and to what degree the swivel-shaped configuration of the said superstring had directly prior to the mentioned lack of orientation -- become tachyonic.  When the cycling of the permutations that work to make a given arbitrary supersting bear a swivel-like shaped configuration -- when we here are considering the kinematic translation of a one-dimensional superstring over a directly related Fourier Transformation -- happens in such a manner in so that the scalar amplitude and the Hodge-numerical basis of the condition of such correlative swivel-based configurations is relatively large, then, the potential tachyonic propulsion of the said superstring will tend to be greater than if the scalar amplitude and the Hodge-numerical basis of the directly related condition of the said superstring were to less of a degree.  The more that the just mentioned swivel-based configurations that work to comprise the Laplacian-based mapping of the said one-dimensional superstring are pulled out of the Poincaire-based locus of the mentioned superstring by exterior forces that act upon the said superstring, then, the mentioned superstring bears more of a potential of acting in such a manner in so that these said superstrings will become tachyonic.  When the directly corresponding scalar amplitude and the directly related Hodge-numerical basis of the Laplacian-based condition of the swivel-like aptitude of such a given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring is lower, and/or, if there is less of a force that is able to pull the eluded to superstring out of its core Ward-Neumman bounds that work to define the Laplacian-based topological mapping of the said string's intrinsic Poincaire-based delineation that it is to have over the course of the iteration of the directly corresponding given arbitrary group instantons, then, there is less of a tendancy of the mentioned superstring to bear tachyonic propulsion.  When the transpositional differentiation of the angles of the arcs of a given arbitrary superstring that bears indices of a swivel-based configuraton are spread as normalized as possible per successive Laplacian-based mapping of such arcs -- as taken on the bilateral sides of the corresponding arc-like configurations and the correspondigng swivel-like configurations that work to cause the eluded to vibrating strand to be potentially less orientable during a given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric,  then, the more that there a potential for the said superstring to bear tachyonic propulsion.  I will continue with part three later!  Hold onto your hats!  Sam Roach.

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