Thursday, April 11, 2013

Session 7 Of Course 12

One-Dimensional superstrings are not perfectly straight.  One-Dimensional superstrings are ideally pretty straight, though.  Sometimes, one-dimensional strings iterate as arc-like phenomena.  The arc of certain one-dimensional strings may be relatively small, or, such a related arc may be relatively large when under different circumstances.  Sometimes, one-dimensional strings iterate over instanton as having a swivel-like shape.  These swivel-like shapes may change concavity once, or, sometimes up to many times over a transient number of iterations of group instanton.  When a one-dimensional string iterates as an arc, at least one of the point commutators of the directly associated string differentiates out of line with the theoretically basis of a straight line Laplacian-based mapping of the string --  when considering such a situation besides the normal or ordinary partition(s) that are part of the make-up of any superstring to one extent or another.  The larger the number of point commutators that directly influence the kinematic transference of a given arbitrary superstring, such a superstting of which  is relatively outside of a condition of being straight , when considering this happening during such an influence during the course of a sequential series of group instantons -- in such a manner that is over a transient Fourier Transform (an activity that happens in a duration that involves relatively few Planck-instants), while such an interaction of point commutators happens over a pattern that is also sequential in such a manner is so that it works to cause the directly related superstring to bear a relatively smooth arc-like shape when here considering its mapping over a consequent Laplacian Transformation, then, the greater the potential of such an arc-like configuration of being relatively larger than normal in terms of scalar amplitude.  The fewer the number of point commutators that directly influence the kinematic differentiation of a superstring as it initially forms an arc-like geometrical strand-based shape as is similar but different from before, then the less likely that such an arc-like shape will end up  having as large of a scalar-based amplitude.  The arc of such given arbitrary one-dimensional superstrings tends to be relatively smooth in hermicity over the directly associated sequential series of instantons, when such a form of a superstring is going through Noether Flow.

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