Thursday, April 25, 2013

Point Particle Indices

What one ought to consider in this case is the condition of substringular recycling. Norm-states need to recycle into ground-states and ground-states need to recycle into norm-states. Substringualr norm-states are either Campbell-states, Campbell-Hausendorf-states, Hausendorf-states, or zero-norm-states. Norm-States are either moving in the forward or in the reverse holomophic direction during their extrapolatorial mapping over any given arbitrary metric that involves instanton. Over time, such a genus of holomorphic parity for individual specific first-ordered point particles may alter over various durations. Ground-States here are the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise superstrings and the counterparts of superstrings. So, in an indistinguishabely different manner that is not directly detectible, the initial recycling that I have here mentioned happens over time. If it wasn't for this recycling, the indices that are here comprised of first-ordered point particles would deteriorate in their ability to perpetually commute mini-string segments in any viable covariant manner, thus causing mini-string segments to stop being redelineated, of which would cause those transferring of substringular fields to cease -- which would end energy. Yet, the recycling of substringular indices is a conditional process which is a given over any given successive series of Fourier Translation. So, in so long as Cassimer Invariance happens, such recycling will perpetually happen. Samuel Roach.

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