A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a first-ordered point particle that is attached to a relatively concave-down shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based maping. These operate as a functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a first-ordered point particle that is attached to a relatively concave-up shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a disc-like structure that is made of first-ordered point particles that is attached to a relatively concave-down shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a disc-like structure that is made of first-ordered point particles that is attached to a relatively concave-up shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These opertate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
When one considers the end of a Campbell-Norm-State that involves the shell-like half-parabolic structure's locus of Laplacian-based distribution as being mapped here as the basis of the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic delineation, then, this format of orientation is what is utilized to determine whether such a half-parabolic shell-like shape is thereby considered to be concave-down or concave-up.
An interconnected substringular entity that is comprised of one or more norm-states that operate as one Hamiltonian functional group is called a norm-state projection in this case. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate kinematically over a Fourier Transformation.
So, a zero-norm-state-projection would be a group of one or more first-ordered point particles -- each of the said first-ordered point particles of which acts as an individual respective entity that bears its own Ward-Caucy boundary-based conditions -- that interconnect in such a manner that these interconnected individual first-ordered point particles operate as one Hamiltonian-based functional group over time. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
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