The harmonic vibratorial oscillations of fermionic superstrings during that general portion of Ultimon Flow that happens in-between successive iterations of various group instantons always bears a tense of metrically trivial isomorphism -- due to the even function attributes of the said duration that works in-between individual instantons. Such fermionic superstrings vibrate in an oscillatory manner that is anharmonic during the generally conceived portion of Ultimon Flow known of as instanton. Such an assymetrical metrical operation that binds with an even parity of harmonic oscillation works to represent an even metrical isomorphism added to an odd metrical isomorphism that works to form an odd metrical isomorphism. This works to help explain as to why the overall vibratorial oscillaton genus of a fermionic superstring is based upon an anharmonic mode of spin-orbital parity.
The harmonic vibratorial oscillations of bosonic superstrings during the course of group instanton, when added as an integrative sequential series of metrical trivial isomorphism, -- due to the condition of the anharmonic vibratorial oscillations of bosonic strings during the durations that exist in-between individual iterations of the said instanton happening in a manner that bears a tense of metrically trivial isomorphism -- works to represet the addition of two general formats of Fourier-based projections that are both metricaly trivial isomorphism in order to form a basis of a whole spin for the directly related bosonic closed two-dimensional superstrings. In either case, this is due to the even function attributes of the activity that happens in-between individual instantons. This is what works to allow for the said bosonic strings to bear a parity that is based upon a harmonic genus of vibratorial oscillation. This is indiscriminant to the condition that the directly related Planck-like phenomena wobble in the manner that these do during the course of the directly related instantons. When I am here referring to a harmonics-based Hamiltonian operation of superstrings, this is only in consideration of the operators of discrete energy permittivity -- and not in consideration of the operators of discrete energy impedance. The harmonic-based Hamiltonian operations that are founded upon describing the vibratorial oscillations of Planck-like phenomena operators, of which works to describe the function of energy impedance, tends to always bear a tense of harmonic oscillation except during that portion of the unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow in which the "mini-traces" go from being integrated into the Bases of light while then going through the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode right at the end of the said unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
An Aside To Help Explain Session 14 Of Course 12
Posted by
11:52 AM
bosonic strings,
fermionic strings,
Planck-Like phenomena

Session 14 Of Course 12
Two-Dimensional superstrings iterate during the metric of group instanton at the same time as one-dimensional strings iterate over the metric of group instanton. Two-Dimensional superstrings and their directly related Planck-like phenomena work to comprise the respective discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance that makes up part of any given arbitrary bosonic sub-atomic particle. Bosons have a whole spin. Two-Dimensional superstrings ideally iterate as basically circular-based vibrating hoops. Yet, usually, two-dimensional strings are in a vibratorial state that involves permutations that at least partially form at least some aberration from the condition of these having the shape of a basically circular tense of a vibrating hoop. Two-dimensional superstrings iterate in a harmonically vibratoiral manner during the course of the general metric of group instanton. Yet, the said bosonic superstrings (two-dimensional strings) vibrate in an anharmonic vibratorial manner during the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow. The series of anharmonic vibrations that a two-dimensional bosonic string bears over the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow works to integrate -- over the activity of a sequential series of pulsation -- into what becomes a harmonic vibratorial oscillation over the course of noticed Ultimon Flow. This is in part due to that the here given arbitrary anharmonics of bosonic strings that happens in-between successive durations of group instanton forms an integrative kinematic pattern that works to form the harmonic vibratorial oscillation that bosonic strings exhibit during group instanton. This tendancy helps to allow the directly related parity of the said bosonic strings to give the said strings their condition of having a whole spin. The integrated harmonic oscillations of one-dimensional strings during the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow -- when combined with their tendancy to have anharmonic vibratorial oscillations during the course of group instanton -- forms a sequential series of vibration indices that forms an overall anharmonic vibratorial oscillation mode, that, works to correspond these said fermionic strings to bear a general parity of having a fractional spin. Harmonic oscillation during group instanton gives the subatomic particles that are based upon a bosonic tendancy to have a whole spin. This is while anharmonic oscillation during group instanton given the subatomic particles that are based upon a fermionic tendancy to have a fractional spin. Both two and one-dimensional superstrings always exhibit some form of vibration at all points during the iteration of both group instanton, and, also during the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow. The point particles of two-dimensional strings and also of one-dimensional strings always fluctuate from their neighborhoods to some extent or another during the Ultimon Flow that happens in-between individual durations of group instanton. In this sense, the point particles of superstrings separate a little bit during the prior said general condition of metric. Yet, the fractals of both the respective current and of the magnetic field of a given substringular setting -- the spin-orbital Hamiltonian operators that directly correspond to the kinematic activity of discrete energy via the Fourier-based differentiation of the respective superstrings and Planck-like phenomena -- always remain in some tense of semblance in so long as such a general format of operational index is not frayed. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:02 AM
bosonic string,
fermionic string,
Ultimon Flow,
vibratorial oscilation

Monday, April 29, 2013
Session 13 Of Course 12
Two-Dimensional superstrings are theoretically based upon a circular-based hoop-like shape. One-Dimensional superstrings are theoretically based upon a circular-based strand-like shape. One-Dimensional superstrings attach to an extent upon fermionic-based subatomic particles. Electrons are an example of fermions. Superstrings differentiate kinematically in the globally distinguishable thru the condition of the successive series of their iterations over a translation of succeeding instantons. In-Between successive iterations of group instanton, superstrings flow through the Ultimon. Each globally distinguishable motion of a said string -- as taken from one spot to the next delineation of the superstring mentioned at another given arbitrary spot -- involves suceeding iterations of the said string in the globally distinguishable. The suceeding positions of the said given arbitrary superstrings in the globally distinguishable per iteration depends to an extent on the relative normalcy of the directly corresponding Planck-like phenomena -- relative to one another -- from both our universe as well as from parallel universe that coexist with ourse from within our set of parallel universes. The directly prior is given that the laws of normalcy that I have discussed in previous posts on my blog. One-Dimensional superstrings vibrate constantly, just as any given arbitrary superstring vibrates constantly. The individual motions of the mentioned vibrations of the said one-dimensional superstrinigs happen overtly to our given perspective per iteration of group instanton. A single set of motions that directly appertain to those kinematic gauge-metrics that a given arbitrary superstring functionally works to translate over time corresponds to one eigenindex of a series of motions that are operational via the directly associated Hamiltonian operation of the said superstring. So, if the string that we are going to conider in a given arbitrary case is a one-dimensional superstring, then, the directly associated eigenindex may work to here represent a series of motions that happen during one relatively brief successive seires of instantons that works to describe a tense of conformal invariance in the given local substringular neighborhood. Each iteration of the said given string may bear indices that may be extrapolated as individual Laplacian-related partials of an associated Hamiltonian operation that is to bear some meaning in the globally distinguishable. This will -- with fermionic superstrings -- mean an effort to determine the conveyence of plain kinetic energy. Motion is not detected unless one observes a series of iterations of group instantons -- as well as the helpfull condition of working to translate any potential non-linear and/or inexact motions of the said superstrings into a genus of format in which a solution may be used to help determine the past, present, and even part of the future mapping as to the operational transpositoning in so as to help determine how superstrings have moved, how they are moving, and how these may move in a relative tense of motion. This involves the inclusion of the Ward-Caucy-based norm-conditions of superstrings. This appertains to either a Hilbert-based and/or a Minkowski-based means of such prior mentioned mapping. Although such extrapolations will bear an expectation value that is emminently between 0 and 1, any alterior evidence works to refine such inter-related probabilities. The integration of such attempted mappings may work to help determine also why superstrings have operated as these have, why these are operating as is, and/or why these will operate in a cetain manner in the future. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Different Genus-Formats Of Campbell-Norm-States
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a first-ordered point particle that is attached to a relatively concave-down shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based maping. These operate as a functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a first-ordered point particle that is attached to a relatively concave-up shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a disc-like structure that is made of first-ordered point particles that is attached to a relatively concave-down shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a disc-like structure that is made of first-ordered point particles that is attached to a relatively concave-up shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These opertate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
When one considers the end of a Campbell-Norm-State that involves the shell-like half-parabolic structure's locus of Laplacian-based distribution as being mapped here as the basis of the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic delineation, then, this format of orientation is what is utilized to determine whether such a half-parabolic shell-like shape is thereby considered to be concave-down or concave-up.
An interconnected substringular entity that is comprised of one or more norm-states that operate as one Hamiltonian functional group is called a norm-state projection in this case. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate kinematically over a Fourier Transformation.
So, a zero-norm-state-projection would be a group of one or more first-ordered point particles -- each of the said first-ordered point particles of which acts as an individual respective entity that bears its own Ward-Caucy boundary-based conditions -- that interconnect in such a manner that these interconnected individual first-ordered point particles operate as one Hamiltonian-based functional group over time. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a first-ordered point particle that is attached to a relatively concave-up shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a disc-like structure that is made of first-ordered point particles that is attached to a relatively concave-down shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
A Campbell-Norm-State may often be comprised of a disc-like structure that is made of first-ordered point particles that is attached to a relatively concave-up shell-like half-parabolic structure that is made of other first-ordered point particles, with a certain scalar amplitude-based distribution of mini-string that interbinds these. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These opertate as a Hamiltonian-based functional group over a Fourier-based Transformation.
When one considers the end of a Campbell-Norm-State that involves the shell-like half-parabolic structure's locus of Laplacian-based distribution as being mapped here as the basis of the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic delineation, then, this format of orientation is what is utilized to determine whether such a half-parabolic shell-like shape is thereby considered to be concave-down or concave-up.
An interconnected substringular entity that is comprised of one or more norm-states that operate as one Hamiltonian functional group is called a norm-state projection in this case. This is over a Laplacian-based mapping. These operate kinematically over a Fourier Transformation.
So, a zero-norm-state-projection would be a group of one or more first-ordered point particles -- each of the said first-ordered point particles of which acts as an individual respective entity that bears its own Ward-Caucy boundary-based conditions -- that interconnect in such a manner that these interconnected individual first-ordered point particles operate as one Hamiltonian-based functional group over time. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:41 PM
functional groups,

Don't Isolate The Higgs Boson
They may have "detected" either a Higgs Boson eigenstate or something similar to one, yet, the big danger is the condition that Higgs Boson eigenstates are not to be isolated. Since the Higgs Boson eigenstates are individually attached to the Klein Bottle eigenstates -- one Higgs Boson eigenstate to each Klein Bottle eigenstate, it is too potentially dangerous to try to isolate a Higgs Boson eigenstate. The leverage of the Higgs Action upon the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism is the reciprocal -- in terms of scalar amplitude -- of that amount of charge that is discrete charge.
6.25*10^18=1/(1.6*10^(-19)). One does Not want to undo that space-time-fabric association that is correlated with discrete charge -- this could form a domino effect of frayed space-time-fabric. Already, just from the mere "detection" of a Higgs-like-boson, this activity forms a fissure of space-time-fabric. Please end the Hadron Colliding Experiment. Read my other blogposts about this!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
6.25*10^18=1/(1.6*10^(-19)). One does Not want to undo that space-time-fabric association that is correlated with discrete charge -- this could form a domino effect of frayed space-time-fabric. Already, just from the mere "detection" of a Higgs-like-boson, this activity forms a fissure of space-time-fabric. Please end the Hadron Colliding Experiment. Read my other blogposts about this!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Hadron Colliding Experiment,
Higgs Boson,
Klein Bottle

Part Two Of The 12th Session Of Course 12
When bosons are converted into fermions, the said two-dimensional superstrings are converted into one-dimensional superstrings on account of the given condition that bosonic superstrings are composed of two-dimensional strings, while fermionic superstrings are composed of one-dimensional superstrings. So as two-dimensional superstrings -- of which are closed when of such a genus of dimensionality -- are opened in so as to form one-dimensional superstrings -- one-dimensional superstrings of which are defined as strings of discrete energy that are opened as a vibrating strand of phenomena --, the directly related mini-string segments that work to form the directly local Fock Space apply wave-tug/wave-pull in order to operate in such a manner in so that these unzip the "Velcro"-like connection that exists at the two corresponding two ends of what was initially a closed bosonic two-dimensional superstring. It is under the conditions of a superstring having its two ends interconnected in a homeomorphic manner in so as to form a homotopic-based vibrating hoop of discrete energy. Once what was a closed string is opened, upon the next iteration of the mentioned superstring existing over the course of what is simply here two successive instantons in which the said sting is partaking of in a covariant manner relative to its local field, the corresponding reverse-holomorphic-based zero-norm-state-projections that act in so as to here open what was a closed string into an open string work to convert what was a vibrating hoop of discrete energy permittivity into a vibrating strand of discrete energy permittivity. It is forward-holomorphic-based zero-norm-state-projections that work to help close open superstrings in so as to become closed superstrings. Positive-Norm-State-Projections work to guide the activity of the eluded to forward-holomorphic-based-zero-norm-state-projections that work to zip these up so that these will become closed. While it is negative-norm-state-projections that work to guide the said reverse-holomorphic-based zero-norm-state-projections to be able to unzip the said closed strings so that these will become open. The negative-norm-state-projections obey the inverse of the Green Function -- the Green Function being operated in the inverse manner of its general manner. This happens in so as to work to straighten the mentioned two-dimensional string from being a vibrating hoop into a vibrating strand. So, such an operation happens in a manner that functions in both a homeomorphic manner and in a homotopic manner. This opening of closed strings happens in 10 to 32 spatial dimensions -- the latter of which has 32pi I degrees of potential freedom. Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:50 AM
bosonic strings,
fermionic strings,
Green function,

Part One Of Session 12 Of Course 12
One-Dimensional superstrings are able to close to form two-dimensional superstrings via the Fujikawa Coupling. Fujikawa Couplings are a type of a Yakawa Coupling. Yakawa Couplings are the touch, rub, and curl of superstrings and mini-string segments upon each other. Stringular encoders do not touch superstrings of discrete energy permittivity in a Gliossi manner. Stringular encoders to not touch, rub, and curl upon one another in the manner that superstrings of discrete energy permittivity do. Also, stringular encoders do not touch, rub, and curl upon each other in the manner that discrete energy impedance do. When two-dimensional superstrings become one-dimensional superstrings, this process is also a Yakawa Coupling, since the ends of the directly associated arbitrary two-dimensional strings given here that become undone rub upon one another to allow these given ends to separate to allow what was initially a two-dimensional superstring to then become a one-dimensional superstring. This process of two-dimensional superstrings working to become one-dimensional superstrings may, in a way, be considered to be a Fujikawa Decoupling, since the closed string, or, the two-dimensional string, is decoupled to form the said one-dimensional string. Here is how Fujikawa Decoupling works.: A closed string iterates a certain number of times over a successive series of instantons from within the Ultimon. Let us say that the closed string that I just mentioned is made up as a boson that is here in this case a photon of light. The mentioned light is transferred into electricity in this given arbitrary case by some physical interaction. When electrodynamic energy is transfigured into electrons -- and electricity is a flow of electrons --, certain bosonic superstrings are here converted to an extent into certain fermionic superstrings. This is because photons are a bosonic format of superstrings, while, the plain kinetic energy of electrons is a format of fermionic-based superstrings. As an anzantz, the mass of electrons is composed of certain alterior bosonic superstrings. I will continue with the suspense that now exists here. I think that I have the readers enthralled by the climax of the plot that I am eluding to here. I will be back soon! Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Fujikawa Coupling,
Yakawa Couplings

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Point Particle Indices
What one ought to consider in this case is the condition of substringular recycling. Norm-states need to recycle into ground-states and ground-states need to recycle into norm-states. Substringualr norm-states are either Campbell-states, Campbell-Hausendorf-states, Hausendorf-states, or zero-norm-states. Norm-States are either moving in the forward or in the reverse holomophic direction during their extrapolatorial mapping over any given arbitrary metric that involves instanton. Over time, such a genus of holomorphic parity for individual specific first-ordered point particles may alter over various durations. Ground-States here are the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise superstrings and the counterparts of superstrings. So, in an indistinguishabely different manner that is not directly detectible, the initial recycling that I have here mentioned happens over time. If it wasn't for this recycling, the indices that are here comprised of first-ordered point particles would deteriorate in their ability to perpetually commute mini-string segments in any viable covariant manner, thus causing mini-string segments to stop being redelineated, of which would cause those transferring of substringular fields to cease -- which would end energy. Yet, the recycling of substringular indices is a conditional process which is a given over any given successive series of Fourier Translation. So, in so long as Cassimer Invariance happens, such recycling will perpetually happen. Samuel Roach.
Posted by
11:48 AM
Cassimer Invariance,
Fourier Translation,

Session 11 Of Course 12
Yakawa Couplings include Fujikawa Couplings. Fujikawa Couplings are examples of Yakawa Couplings in which a one-dimensional superstring becomes a two-dimensional superstring, and, such a coupling in reverse is an example of when a two-dimensional superstring becomes a one-dimensional superstring. Here is how a one-dimensional superstring becomes a two-dimensional superstring via the Fujikawa Coupling: A one-dimensional string is ideally a basically straight vibrating strand of discrete energy permittivity. A one-dimensional string often bears changes in the Laplacian-based mapping of the concavity of its topology during BRST that works to define the condition of the genus of its topological sway as having the inclusion of an arc-like-shape that acts as a partial of the said vibrating strand of discrete energy permittivity. A one-dimensional string often bears changes in the Laplacian-based mapping of the concavity of its topology during BRST that works to define the condition of the genus of its topological sway as having the inclusion of a swivel-like-shape that acts as a partial of the said vibrating strand of discrete energy permittivity. If the topological format of a given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring bears a genus of being a basically straight vibrating strand during an iteration of BRST, then, or, if the corresponding topological format bears either a mild scalar projection of an arc-like topological sway or a mild scalar projection of a swivel-like topological sway, then, the said given arbitrary superstring may alter to form a two-dimensional string after a relatively small number of iterations of instanton by having the opposite norm-to-holomorphic-based ends of the said superstring bend toward each other until such Poincaire-based loci of the ends of such strings unite via a mathematicaly-based curling operation of which is described as the Green Function. At this point, the two said opposite ends of the said string unite after the eluded to transient number of instantons via what could be extrapolated in proximity to the two said ends as a fractal of a "Velcro-like" connection that is here local to the cross-sectional surface-area that here exists at the tips of both respective ends of the said string -- in the general field of the directly associated Hilbert-based space that is in the kinematically differentiable neighborhood of the given arbitrary superstring. The process of what I just described happens via the mini-string segments that work to attach both of the said ends via the mentioned fractal of a "Velcro-like" attachment, except that the quantity of the directly related mini-string segments here will cause the affiliated bond that is formed at the two said ends of the prior mentioned one-dimensional string to be fairly rigidly kept -- relatively speaking. The said Green Function works to cause the said string to bend homeomorphically and homotopically in a hermitian manner into a vibrating hoop. The directly related partial of the local-based Hilbert Space that is involved here exists in anywhere from 10 to 32 spatial dimensions plus time, the latter of which involves a Ward-Caucy variation of up to 32pi I degrees of potential freedom -- when in terms of the Poincaire-based field that is directly involved with the differential geometry here. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Green function,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A Little Bit More As To Gravity
When the directoral-basis of the wave-tug/wave-pull of the Rarita Structure via the Ricci Scalar is reversed in terms of the corresponding holomorphic-based direction of the correponding Hamiltonian operation through a reltively superconformally invariant field that beares a minimal scalar projection in terms of the basis of the Lagrangian that this is happening in, then, the said eigenstate of Rarita Structure is applying its fractal of angular momnetum in the opposite tense of holomorphic directoral permittivity in basically a static-based equilibrium manner, to where, this is said to be an example of antigravity.
When the motion of the Rarita Structure as a kinematic wholeistic entity is reversed in terms of the direction that it is moving -- when the Hamiltonian operation here happens through a relatively more variant basis of Lagrangian when in terms of the corresponding scalar projection of the eluded to general locus, then, one is said to have a condition of reverse-gravity.
This is apart from the concepts of Ante-De-Sitter and De-Sitter gravitational modes.
Simple is best. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
When the motion of the Rarita Structure as a kinematic wholeistic entity is reversed in terms of the direction that it is moving -- when the Hamiltonian operation here happens through a relatively more variant basis of Lagrangian when in terms of the corresponding scalar projection of the eluded to general locus, then, one is said to have a condition of reverse-gravity.
This is apart from the concepts of Ante-De-Sitter and De-Sitter gravitational modes.
Simple is best. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
Posted by
11:22 AM
Rarita Structure

Tugging Along The Gravity
Gravity is the interaction of the superstrings of energy permittivity and their field trajectories with gravitational particles via the Rarita Structure via the mechanism known of as the Ricci Scalar. Gravity happens when there is wave-tug and wave-pull that exists in-between superstrings that act as discrete energy upon superstrings that act as gravitational particles -- through the interaction of those vibrations that are formed in the light-cone-gauge eigenstates known of as Schwinger Indices -- the said Schwinger Indices of which ripple along the Rarita Structure in so that these interact with the directly corresponding gravitons and gravitinos, in such a manner in so that superstrings may settle to a certain degree of an indirect togetherness-like interaction with the said gravitons and gravitinos in so that phenomena may be able to covariantly interact at all. Also, as Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts are broken down among certain superstrings, certain of the eluded to residue is exchanged with Neilson-Kollosh ghosts (the latter of which are formed by gravitational particles) in so that the exchanged residue may recycle the tendancies of their Hamiltonian-Operational genus in order to be able to function as alterior phenomena that may be used for other purposes that are subsequently needed. Sam Roach.
Posted by
10:49 AM
Neilson-Kollosh ghosts,
Rarita Structure

Potential Mapping As To Stringular Allocations
Superstrings are always being redelineated to a different Laplacian-based mapping as to where these are distributed per iteration of group instanton. So, a superstring is always going to be delineated to at least a slightly different quantum of Planck scalar variance in-between two successive iterations of instanton. The ghost anomalies that map the trajectory as to where substringular phenomena have been are constantly being formed and broken down in one manner or another over any given arbitrary Fourier Transformation that works to describe the translation of discrete energy over any corresponding time period. Yet, if one is to be able to know the basis of the course in which certain substringular phenomena are to kinematically differentiate over time -- in terms of their redelineatons and redistributions -- then, one is here able to have the potential capacity of determining the trajectoral course of the motion of one or more substringular phenomena. This way, one is able to map-out a potential tracing as to where superstrings will be at over the course of the given arbitrary substringular Fourier-based translation. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Heat Is On
Electromagnetic energy often does convert into heat -- infrared radiation --, yet, the existent release of beta and alpha particles, as well as the absorption of heat by phenomena that bear mass, works to allow for a substrate for certain alterior electrons to be able to drop an energy level while yet reapproaching from where these had originally started dropping in so as to supply the tendancy of the infrared energy that is here absorbed to be able to help recreate and reconstruct a basis for newly formed electromagnetic energy that is needed in order for their to be a basis for the perpetual tendancy of relativity. Mass and plain kinetic energy are all over the place, as well as the existent condition that electromagnetic energy is all over the place. All heat that is not frayed is eventually either broken down into kinetic energy and/or absorbed by phenomena that bears mass. Plain kinetic energy that is not necessarily in the framework of an electron may sometimes be able to undergo the Fujikawa Coupling based on the Green Function in order to form the general format of bosons known of as photons. It is generally thought that the Fukikawa Coupling only happens with electrons, yet, that is not always the case. This added ability exists when certain zero-norm-state-projections bear the right interaction with certain open strings in so as to pull the given arbitrary fermionic superstrings into a metric in which such a genus of Fujikawa Coupling is able to happen in order to form bosons called photons. Either way, space-time-fabric that is not frayed is not doomed to run out of electromagnetic energy besides infrared energy. The very essential condition that such a large quantity of heat is to be absorbed by the various masses that move into proximity to one another -- as well as the condition of certain forces that often act upon open strings in order to simulate the genus of the Fujikawa Coupling that happens to the released kinetic energy that exists in the electrons that are in atoms, works to allow for the perpetual existence of E.M. besides heat (infrared energy). Also, the existence of entropy is due to the existence of gauge-transformations. Gauge-Transformations exist when any E.M. scatters. The existence of entropy may often form a residue that may be able to accumulate in order to indirectly work to allow for certain interactions that are able to get certain zero-norm-state-projections to work upon certain open strings that are given added permittivity through a given arbitrary Lagrangian that bears optimum hermicity in order to form photons that are formed by a different genus of Fujikawa Coupling than we presently tend to think of as existening. Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:53 PM
electromagnetic energy,
Fujikawa Couplling,

The Last Session To the Test Solutions To the Second Test Of Course 12
7) The potential plane of a one-dimensional superstring is liklely to be orientable -- and act as according to Noether Flow -- if these bear a relatively taught vibratorial oscillation that has no significant swivel-like shapes, and/or if these have no significant arc-like shapes. Otherwise, such one-dimensional superstrings are more likely to not be orientable -- thereby, these would here be more likely to alter into moving into a tachyonic mode.
8) As arced one-dimensional supsertrings continue to reiterate at a differentiable locus that obeys Noether Flow, its thence eluded to added scope of kinematic topological variance will increase its potential for interacting with alterior Njenhuis tensors, these of which here may add leveraging upon the said strings that have the ability of making the said strings unorientable. An unorientable superstring becomes tachyonic. So, the longer that an individual given arbitrary superstring bears a significant arc-like shape -- and/or a significant swivel-like shape -- the more that it not only may increase in the corresponding scalar projection of such a general condition, yet, also, the more likely that such a superstring may become tachyonic.
8) As arced one-dimensional supsertrings continue to reiterate at a differentiable locus that obeys Noether Flow, its thence eluded to added scope of kinematic topological variance will increase its potential for interacting with alterior Njenhuis tensors, these of which here may add leveraging upon the said strings that have the ability of making the said strings unorientable. An unorientable superstring becomes tachyonic. So, the longer that an individual given arbitrary superstring bears a significant arc-like shape -- and/or a significant swivel-like shape -- the more that it not only may increase in the corresponding scalar projection of such a general condition, yet, also, the more likely that such a superstring may become tachyonic.
Posted by
10:51 AM
Noether Flow,
tachyonic flow,
topological variance,
unorientable superstrings

Monday, April 22, 2013
Part Three Of The Second Test Solutions To Cours 12
4) A compact one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity bears one or more partitions, as well as vibrating as a strand-like entity that is basically linear and straight -- yet with a relatively tight genus of vibratorial oscillation. Such a superstring bears an anharmonic vibration over the eluded to condition that it is in when during an iteration of group instanton. What is meant by such a superstring as having an anharmonic oscillation that it bears is that the directly related first-ordered point particles that comprise it wiggle a little out of place -- in terms of vibrating from "side-to-side" -- from being as wholeistically collinear as a two-dimensional superstring would be in terms of the vibrations of their 1st ordered point particles during BRST when one considers such activity over their stay at the position that these are at during group instanton.
5) Right after group instanton, a compact one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity will go from bearing an anharmonic vibratorial oscillation to bearing a harmonic oscillation due to the effect that the Regge Action has upon the prior discussed wiggling that these demonstrate during the directly previous iteration of instanton. Such a harmonic oscillation over the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow may be viewed of as a transpirational differentiation, since it happens in-between successive iterations of group instanton.
6) When a one-dimensional superstring is significantly swivel-like shaped and/or if a one-dimensional string is significantly arc-like shaped -- while it is acted upon by anterior-based Njenhuis tensoric projections during successive iterations of group instanton -- such superstrings will here have a relatively high probablility of becoming tachyonic.
Later, solutions to questions 7 and 8! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
5) Right after group instanton, a compact one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity will go from bearing an anharmonic vibratorial oscillation to bearing a harmonic oscillation due to the effect that the Regge Action has upon the prior discussed wiggling that these demonstrate during the directly previous iteration of instanton. Such a harmonic oscillation over the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow may be viewed of as a transpirational differentiation, since it happens in-between successive iterations of group instanton.
6) When a one-dimensional superstring is significantly swivel-like shaped and/or if a one-dimensional string is significantly arc-like shaped -- while it is acted upon by anterior-based Njenhuis tensoric projections during successive iterations of group instanton -- such superstrings will here have a relatively high probablility of becoming tachyonic.
Later, solutions to questions 7 and 8! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:02 PM
Regge Action,
Ultimon Flow,
vibratorial oscillations

Third Test Solution To Course 12
3) One-Dimensional superstrings bear either a relatively straight scalar projection -- besides the Laplacian-based existence of their partitions -- during instanton, or such fermionic strings may bear a swivel-based shape -- due to significant changes in the concavity in the general concavity of their Laplacian-based mapping of their topology in either a Njenhuis-to-forward-holomorphic or in a Njenhuis-to-reverse-holomorphic general directoral-based extrapolation relative to the Lagrangian in which these are to travel through over the course of the ensuing generally unnoticed course of Ultimon Flow, and/or, these may bear an arc-like shape -- due to significant changes in the general concavity of their Laplacian-based mapping of their topology in either the forward-holomorphic origin the reverse-holomorphic general directoral-based extrapolation relative to the Lagrangian in which these are to travel through over the course of the ensuing generally unnoticed course of Ultimon Flow. I will continue with the solutions to the other test questions later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Part One Of The Test Solutions For the Second Test Of Course 12
1) During the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow, a one-dimensional superstring will oscillate in a vibrational manner that bears a harmonic rhythm per successive series of gauge-metrics that occur during each given cycling of the said one-dimensional superstrings via the said activity of the eluded to part of Ultimon Flow that happens in-between individual iterations of group instanton. This is because the manner in which the first-ordered point particles that comprise the said superstrings wiggle out of a harmonic manner during BRST works to cause the just mentioned point particles to converge into a harmonic manner soon after BRST via the genus of their vibrating oscillation-like modulus -- due to the condition that the corresponding one-dimensional superstrings are fermions, and thus these have a fractional spin during the course of group instanton.
2) During the iteration of group instanton, the vibrational oscillation of a one-dimensional superstring will tend to bear an anharmonic rhythm when such a string is taken as a virtually standstill vibrating strand -- which, after a successive series of iterations in which the said superstring is constantly redelineated, this works to form the kinetic motion that helps comprise the energy that makes-up the Continuum. This is because one-dimensional superstrings are fermionic superstrings, and these have a fractional spin, thus causing these vibrating strands to bear a syncopated ebbing of the topological substrate that makes these up -- which is in consideration that these bear a unitary dimensionality in terms of their Poincaire-based fields at the Laplacian-based mapping of the topology of such superstrings. This causes the condition that one-dimensional superstrings have a genus of wiggle among the first-ordered point particles that works comprise the said strings that will here form a vibration that exists directly adjacent to the prior mentioned mapping of the topology of such strings that exists during each individual iteration of the directly corresponding group instanton. This manner of virtual resonation at the region that is directly adjacent to the holonomic substrate of the said string helps to cause the said vibratorial oscillation to be anharmonic over the said course of group instanton.
2) During the iteration of group instanton, the vibrational oscillation of a one-dimensional superstring will tend to bear an anharmonic rhythm when such a string is taken as a virtually standstill vibrating strand -- which, after a successive series of iterations in which the said superstring is constantly redelineated, this works to form the kinetic motion that helps comprise the energy that makes-up the Continuum. This is because one-dimensional superstrings are fermionic superstrings, and these have a fractional spin, thus causing these vibrating strands to bear a syncopated ebbing of the topological substrate that makes these up -- which is in consideration that these bear a unitary dimensionality in terms of their Poincaire-based fields at the Laplacian-based mapping of the topology of such superstrings. This causes the condition that one-dimensional superstrings have a genus of wiggle among the first-ordered point particles that works comprise the said strings that will here form a vibration that exists directly adjacent to the prior mentioned mapping of the topology of such strings that exists during each individual iteration of the directly corresponding group instanton. This manner of virtual resonation at the region that is directly adjacent to the holonomic substrate of the said string helps to cause the said vibratorial oscillation to be anharmonic over the said course of group instanton.
Posted by
3:47 PM
Ultimon Flow,
virtual resonation

Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Waves, Energy, And Particles
A phenomenon is what it is when it is what it is. The wave-based evaluation of a particle as a wave is an extrapolation that works to describe certain characteristics of the particle as behaving as a wave. These are called De Broglie Waves. When one considers what would normally be thought of as a wave as a particle, again, this is an evaluation of a wave as behaving via a certain extrapolation of consideration as a particle. When one considers a certain quantum of energy as a wave, again, this is based on a certain context that is used to denote various given arbitrary characteristics of the said quantum of discrete energy as behaving in a certain specific situation as a wave. One step further, the conceptualization of the various substringular phenomena as waves -- when under specific given arbitrary conditions, is an evaluation that is used under a certain given arbitrary pretext -- in such a manner in so that a specific condition may help to be determined in an effort to better explain a specific observed characteristic that is needed under a given arbitrary determination. Yet, a phenomena in a given specific situation is what it is when undergoing a specific condition or set of conditions when that specific condition is pertainent at a given extrapoloatory scenario at a given framework of either timelessness (Laplacian-based conditions) or, at a given framework of time-oriented conditions (Fourier-based conditions). None the less, phenomena may, over certain various changes in conditions, often convert from a basically wave-like phenomenon into a basically particle and/or energy-like phenomenon. Such changes happen all of the time at one spot or another in the Continuum. Much of such interchanges and evaluations are determined in multi-consideration of a phenomenon's relationship to light and its motion. This is because all motion, mass, and length of physical phenomena bears characteristics that are based upon their relationship to light and the motion of light (E.M. more specifically. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincrerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
4:31 PM

An eigenvalue is the mathematical determination of an eigenvector. An eigenvector -- or an eigentensor (an eigenvector that has alterior directorals that work to represent the projection of an eluded to eigensate) is the actual physical mapping of an eigenstate that is mathematically determinied by the so stated given arbitrary eigenvalue. As this is true, an eigenstate refers to a specific physical phenomenon that may be represented in one manner or another as a wave -- whether such a wave is determined over a Laplacian-based mapping or whether the said wave is projected over time through either a unitary-based spatial medium or is propagated through any given arbitrary Lagrangian over time. Let us say that one is considering, here, a basic physical genus of phenomena -- such as the Rarita Structure. The Rarita Structure here represents that substringular field-like basis through which gravity -- via the Ricci Scalar -- is able to bear a physical interconnectivity with other phenomena so that gravity may be able to take into effect. An eigenstate of the Rarita Structure would then be a specific operational substrate in which the Rarita Structure is able to occur so that a specific relatively limited quantum of substringular phenomena may be able to be effected by a relatively limited quantum of gravitational-like particles. Any substringular phenomenon -- whether such phenomena are intrinsically considered as particle-nature-based, energy-nature-based, or wave-nature-based, may be, in one manner or another, be considered in part as wave-like in nature. The substringular is filled with analogous examples of this. I will continue with this later! Sam Roach.
An Explaination Of Topology
Superstrings are comprised of first-ordered point particles that integrate into the general shape-like formats of either vibrating strands or vibrating hoops that form the discrete energy that makes-up the Continuum. Superstrings are generally vibrating hoops of such phenomena. First-Ordered point particles are "yarned together" mini-string that forms the general compositional genus of tiny spheres that organize to form the prior mentioned superstrings. The mentioned vibrating hoops are bosonic strings -- of which are primordially considered as two-dimensional. The mentioned vibrating strands are fermionc strings -- of which are primordially considered as one-dimensional. This does not directly consider the condition of heterotic superstrings, even though heterotic strings are completely real. This goes beyond the scope of what I am discussing here. The prior said mini-string is the fundamental basis of the topology that works to form the basis of substringular fields. Superstrings are primarily interconnected by the said mini-string. Topology is the general term for the "substance" that forms both the Poincaire-based and the Clifford-based interconnectivity that works to form the respective composition and the networking of superstrings -- in so that superstrings may not only exist in such a manner in so that these may be able to operate as the discrete foundation for the existence of energy, yet, also, so that superstrings may be able to bind into a covariant relationship that allows these said superstrings to be able to interact in both a direct and in an indirect manner. The said topology interacts in both field-based segments and in field-based curvatures that cause both the Laplacian-based mapping of the "topography" of superstrings, as well as to be able to cause the Laplacian-based mapping of the "topography" of the field indices that work to interbind the said superstrings, to act as the operational basis as to what this said topology is. The interconnectivity of all unfrayed topology to all other unfrayed topology per instanton is homotopy. The tendency of the said homotopy is the foundation of Cassimer Invariance. Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Cassimer Invarianc,
heterotic strings,

Test Questions To The Second Test Of Course 12
1) Describe the oscillation of one-dimensional superstrings during the generally unnoticed period of Ultimon Flow. Why is this the way that it is?
2) Describe the oscillation of one-dimensional strings during the iteration of group instanton. Why is this the way that it is?
3) Describe the shapes of one-dimensional strings during the iteration of group instanton.
4) Describe the situation that happens when a one-dimensional superstring is relatively compact.
5) Describe the transpiratonal differentiation of a one-dimensional superstring when it is considered to be relatively compact.
6) Describe how one-dimensional superstrings may become tachyonic (in general terms).
7) Describe the potential planar condition of a one-dimensional superstring.
8) Describe the reiteration of one-dimensional superstrings that are bear an arc-like shape and/or a swivel-like shape.
2) Describe the oscillation of one-dimensional strings during the iteration of group instanton. Why is this the way that it is?
3) Describe the shapes of one-dimensional strings during the iteration of group instanton.
4) Describe the situation that happens when a one-dimensional superstring is relatively compact.
5) Describe the transpiratonal differentiation of a one-dimensional superstring when it is considered to be relatively compact.
6) Describe how one-dimensional superstrings may become tachyonic (in general terms).
7) Describe the potential planar condition of a one-dimensional superstring.
8) Describe the reiteration of one-dimensional superstrings that are bear an arc-like shape and/or a swivel-like shape.
Posted by
12:30 PM
one-dimensional strings,
Ultimon Flow

Partial Summary
So, when a one-dimensional superstring is in iteration of group instanton, its oscillation is anharmonic, yet, outside of the iteration of instanton, its oscillaton is harmonic.
Partial Summary
So, when a one-dimensional superstring is in iteration of group instanton, its oscillation is anharmonic, yet, outside of the iteration of instanton, its oscillaton is harmonic.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Whenever a beam of electromagnetic energy touches another phenomenon, it will scatter to some extent or another. This involves what are known of as Calabi interactions. The time of that it takes for a reflection to take place would then be the time that it takes for the relatively little Calabi interactions that here involve the interaction of a beam of electromagnetic energy that strikes a reflective source that is struck by the said E.M. to involve the eluded to interaction until the actual reflection has taken place. So, as a result of such a reflection, there will at least be a certain amount of heat energy that will be produced on account of the given arbitrary interaction of the E.M. initial source upon the substrate that is here utilized to reflect the said E.M. in the directoral-based genus that involves the least resistance -- when given the format of the medium in which such a reflection is taking place in. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam.
Posted by
2:07 PM
Calabi interactions,
electromagnetic energy

The Tendancy of Homotopy
An eigenfunction is different from an eigenstate. Waves may be used to describe certain quantum forms of energy, certain quantum forms of field indices, and/or different forms of particles. De Broglie waves are waves that consider the wave-like nature of certain particles. An eigenfunction is a mathematical representation of an eigenstate. An eigenstate is an individual discrete phenomenon that bears a physical operation that works to correspond to a given arbitrary physical situation. The waves that form the field-networking that works to interbind superstrings are what I term of as mini-string. Mini-String is comprised of second-ordered point particles that bind into waves and wave segments that work to interconnect various substringular phenomena. Unfrayed substringular phenomena bears mini-string segments that do not collapse during individually considered eigenmetrics of group instanton. During what I terms of as the space-hole, mini-string segments that are not of frayed space-time-fabric almost break in topologically-based homotopy -- while then reconnecting in such a manner in so that the various substringular phenomena may fluctuate in the ensuing successive series of the iterations of group instanton so that motion may be freed-up enough so that energy may bear, at least to a certain degree, a manner of free-flowing activity so that energy may exist and persist spontaneously over time. Second-Ordered point particles are bound together in the various mini-string segments by sub-mini-string. Sub-Mini-String is not only what binds the directly prior mentioned point particles, yet, these sub-mini-string segments work to form the holonomic substrate that comprises third-ordered-point particles. The pressurized vacuum that acts as the basis of the composition of sub-mini-string is that force-like phenomenal entity that also works to allow for the inevitable tendancy of what happens during the duration in which the space-hole happens to thus occur. The directly related wave eigenstates that are unfrayed never disappear, yet, these may be displaced and/or redelineated to various different regions. The abiltiy of Cassimer Invariance to allow for the perpetual tendancy of substringular phenomena to interchange eigenstates to allow for the maintainance of homotopy per instanton is due to that activity that happen multiplicitly right before the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode. This activity is the virtual collapse of mini-string wave eigenstates that is always brought back into a completion of homotopy for unfrayed space-time-fabric in such a manner in so that the interconnectivity of substringular fields may be allowed to redelineate in so that motion may remain kinematic enough for energy to continue on its own.
Enough for now! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Enough for now! I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:29 AM
Cassimer Invariance,

Monday, April 15, 2013
Session 9 Of Course 12
Fermions are particles that are made up at least in part by one-dimensional superstrings that are attached to Planck-like phenomena. One and two-dimensional strings iterate every 10^(-43) of a second over the course of each successive duration of group instanton. One and two-dimensional strings are attached to Planck-like phenomena via light-cone-gauge eigenstates. There is one light-cone-gauge eigenstate that attaches each superstring to its correlative Planck-like phenomenon. Each light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a one-dimensional superstring is composed of five strand-like segmental links. The just mentioned links of light-cone-gauge eigenstates of one-dimensional superstrings are -- in general -- twice as thick as the strands of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that work to comprise the first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of two-dimensional strings. One end of the just mentioned strands of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is attached to the mini-string segments of the angular momentum indices of a Planck-like phenomenon, while the other end of the said strands of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstate is attached to the mini-string segment of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity. One-dimensional strings may iterate as arcs on occasion. One-dimensional strings are ideally -- in theory -- relatively straight strands of phenomena that are of the Planck-Length, except for their partitions that exist in at least the central general region of the Poincaire-based field of the just mentioned superstring. Let's say that at one iteration of group instanton of a one-dimensional superstring, the said superstring is arced on either side of its general topology by a certain measure of Laplacian-based mapping of its scalar amplitude. In-between the just said iteration of group instanton that directly corresponds to the eluded to scenario, and the directly ensuing iteration of group instanton of the selfsame phenomena, the given arbitrary said one-dimensional superstring fluctuates harmonically in terms of the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the mentioned superstring. This eluded to harmonic oscillation, in this case, works to define the condition that even though the relatively separated first-ordered point particles that separate here on account of the activity of the directly associated local eigenstate of Polyakov Action stays in as relatively close proximity as feasible, in spite of the directly related Clifford Expansion that acts as the inverse as to how such superstrings are contracted to our vantage point, except that these said point particles will here wiggle out of place a little bit here in a manner that works to help such first-ordered point particles to converge soon after the general activity of BRST. This differs from the perspecitive as to if the directly related oscillation was harmonic, in such a manner to where the said convergence of the prior said condition is scrambled when in terms of the order of the physical configuration of the corresponding point particles per kinematic mapping of the eluded to reverse-differentiated condition of the said superstring per sub-Fourier inspection at the extrapolation of each gauge-metric in which such an activity may be mapped as such when this is considered directly after the given arbitrary BRST conditions. Whereas, if the said format of oscillation were instead harmonic, the phsyical extrapoltaon of the integration the loci of the directly related first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the said string would bear an even isomorphism as to the mapping of the directly related condition of the said superstring as it goes out of BRST. When the said point particles of the said one-dimensional superstring work to reintegrate back into the condition of acting as a superstring, the corresponding one-dimensional string will here iterate as an arc that will here bear the opposite isomorphic genus of concavity than what it had during the directly prior conditions. Any single arced one-dimensional superstring that is not about to form a two-dimsional superstring always undergoes this process until it is conditioned to either become a relatively straighter vibrating strand -- besides the one or more partitions that work to define the vibratorial index of the said superstring --, or, until it is conditioned to become a swivel-shaped superstring. Sincerely, Sam Roach
Posted by
11:53 AM
Clifford Expansion,
isomorphic genum,

Friday, April 12, 2013
Part Two Of The 8th Session Of Course 12
When a superstring springs out of the condition of Noether Flow on account of the condition of the said superstring not being able to be oriented over the course of a given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric, then, the motion of the corresponding said superstring leaves from the general vicinity of its Real Reimmanian-based region that it had kinematically differentiated in over the directly prior successive series of iteration of group instantons, then, the said superstring will -- on account of the manner and to what degree the swivel-shaped configuration of the said superstring had directly prior to the mentioned lack of orientation -- become tachyonic. When the cycling of the permutations that work to make a given arbitrary supersting bear a swivel-like shaped configuration -- when we here are considering the kinematic translation of a one-dimensional superstring over a directly related Fourier Transformation -- happens in such a manner in so that the scalar amplitude and the Hodge-numerical basis of the condition of such correlative swivel-based configurations is relatively large, then, the potential tachyonic propulsion of the said superstring will tend to be greater than if the scalar amplitude and the Hodge-numerical basis of the directly related condition of the said superstring were to less of a degree. The more that the just mentioned swivel-based configurations that work to comprise the Laplacian-based mapping of the said one-dimensional superstring are pulled out of the Poincaire-based locus of the mentioned superstring by exterior forces that act upon the said superstring, then, the mentioned superstring bears more of a potential of acting in such a manner in so that these said superstrings will become tachyonic. When the directly corresponding scalar amplitude and the directly related Hodge-numerical basis of the Laplacian-based condition of the swivel-like aptitude of such a given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring is lower, and/or, if there is less of a force that is able to pull the eluded to superstring out of its core Ward-Neumman bounds that work to define the Laplacian-based topological mapping of the said string's intrinsic Poincaire-based delineation that it is to have over the course of the iteration of the directly corresponding given arbitrary group instantons, then, there is less of a tendancy of the mentioned superstring to bear tachyonic propulsion. When the transpositional differentiation of the angles of the arcs of a given arbitrary superstring that bears indices of a swivel-based configuraton are spread as normalized as possible per successive Laplacian-based mapping of such arcs -- as taken on the bilateral sides of the corresponding arc-like configurations and the correspondigng swivel-like configurations that work to cause the eluded to vibrating strand to be potentially less orientable during a given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric, then, the more that there a potential for the said superstring to bear tachyonic propulsion. I will continue with part three later! Hold onto your hats! Sam Roach.
Posted by
1:03 PM
Hodge-numerical basis,

Explaination of hoop-like swivels versus Act-like permutations
What I mean by a hoop-like basis of swivel is a change in the general concavity of the basic topological Laplacian-based mapping of a superstring that is in either the forward Njenhuis or in the reverse Njenhuis directoral plane -- when relative to the holomorphic directoral plane when relative to the motion of the said superstring's permittivity that it is to go into during the ensuing course of its relatively unnoticed Ultimon Cycle metric. What I mean by the arcing of a superstring is a change in the general concavity of the basic topological Laplacian-based mapping of a superstring that is in either the forward holomophic or in the reverse holomorphic directoral plane when relative to the motion of the said superstring's permittivity that it is to go into during the ensuing course of its relatively unnoticed Ultimon Cycle metric.
Posted by
11:51 AM
Ultimon Cycle

Session 8 Of Course 12, Part One
One-Dimensional superstrings may be relatively straight, arced, and/or swivel-shaped over the course of an iteration of group instanton. When a one-dimensional string is swivel-shaped at a corresponding iteration of instanton, the mentioned swivel-like configuration may be like a loose line or it may have a traspositional differentiation in the hoops of the direrctly related swivel-like parts that work to comprise the outer topological basis of the directly related vibrating strand that we are discussing here. What I mean by a transpositional differentiation is that the hoops that work to comprise the said swivel may arc at different angles -- when relative to a plane that is here outside of the Real Reimmanian plane that is to be considered in this given arbitrary case. When a string acts as a swivel-like vibrating strand at an iteration of group instanton, then the string considered here may spring out over the course of the said iteration in a potentially tachyonic manner over its ensuing Ultimon Cycle on account of the relative Real Reimmanian plane-based hoops that work to comprise the outer fringes of the said superstring that is within the Ward-Caucy bounds of the directly related superstring. Part Two Later! Sincerely, Sam.
Posted by
11:32 AM
Real Reimmanian,
Ultimon Cycle,
Ward-Caucy bounds

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Entropy -- Why It Is Needed and why it exists
Entropy is due, in part, to the scattering of electromagnetic energy upon any other discrete phenomena of energy -- whether the just mentioned energy is other electromagnetic energy, kinetic energy, or a mass. Whenever E.M. touches any other phenomena, it scatters at least to some extent. The scattering of E.M. is known of as a Calabi-Interaction. The format of Gaussian Transformation that is directly involved with the scattering of E.M. is called a gauge-transformation. Gauge-Transformations are what indirectly form entropy. Gaussian Transformations are interactions that happen in so that substringular regions may be able to free-up space so that energy may continue to both persist and be spontaneous. Whenever a Gaussian Transformation happens, the Kaeler-Metric is underway -- in whatever general locus as to where such a Gaussian Transformation is occurring. The Kaeler-Metric happens due to the shaking of superstrings in Klein Bottle eigenstates that exist in a configuration that is known of as a Schotky Construction. Such just mentioned shaking happens in eight back-and-forth motions (16 in total) per gauge-metric that exists within the overall metric of a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric. A whole Kaeler-Metric involves 191 of such individual sub-metrics of "shake," A Schotky Construction is comprised of a "box" of two sets of two orientafolds that form the sides of the corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate -- with a bottom that fits in such a manner that there are no gaps in the eluded to Schotky Construction. Such a parallelepiped-like configuration, or, "box", is initially filled with first-ordered point particles that work to form just enough of a fractal of viscousity to cause those sueprstrings that enter it to recontract to the shape of a fully contracted superstring from within the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate. The Kaeler-Metric -- when it is kinematically operating to directly effect a given arbitrary set of superstrings -- is always right after BRST while yet right before a Regge Action eigenmetric per all 191 of the eluded to sub-metrics that happen during a specific locus in which a Gaussian Transformatioin per specific set of strings that need to reattain permittivity. Entropy is needed in order for physical states to alter, as well as for fractaled needs to occur as well. To much entropy causes the general condition of perturbation known of as chaos. Entropy, though, needs to happen to a certain extent in order for the effects of the scattering of E.M. to happen. Superstrings must go through gauge-transformations, since E.M. scatters all of the time all over the place. Superstrings may only be dynamic so substringular room is freed up enough so that energy may continue to happen without an abrupt halt. This takes into consideration of the condition that the main form of Gaussian Transformation is gauge-transformations. Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Posted by
2:41 PM
Schotky Construction

Light Scattering
Whenever electromagnetic energy strikes anything, it scatters to at least some extent. Gaussian Transformations that happen due to scattering of E.M. are known of as gauge-transformaions. Gauge-transformations form entropy. The related interactions due to the scattering of E.M. are known of as Calabi-Interactions. Calabi Interactions are either Calabi-Calabi (E.M. interacting with E.M.), Calabi-Wilson-Gordan (E.M. interacting with kinetic energy), or Calabi-Yau (E.M. interacting with a mass). I have a whole lot more to say about this during course 20. So, whenever E.M. strikes anything, there are certain given arbitrary superstrings that need to reattain permittivity and Fadeev-Popov-Traces that need to reattain impedance in order for energy to remain as energy. Also whenever E.M. (particularly light) strikes anything, there is an immediate need for certain superstrings to readjust their general delineations in order for energy to remain persistantly and spontaneously. So, whenever light or any other E.M. strikes anything at any time, there are superstrings that here alone are going through a Kaeler-Metric eigenmetric. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
A Little Bit Of An Update As To Swivel-Like Shapes
Not only does the quantity of point commutators that directly interact with superstrings both during instanton and right after the Regge Action work to influence as to whether or not the said superstrings are relatively swivel-shaped or arced or not, yet, also, the manner in which the said point commutators behave as these interact with the mentioned superstrings also works to influence such conditions such as whether or not a superstring will be relatively swivel-shaped, relatively arced, to what degree such swivel-shaped conditions are being primed, and to what degree some sort of arc-like configurations will be imbued upon such given arbitrary superstrings -- when primarily in consideration here of one-dimensional superstrings. The more Gliossi the interaction is between point commutators and the superstrings that these help to commute over time, the more is the tendancy of the said point commutators to work to influence such alterations or perturbations in the topological configuration of what I am here discussing as one-dimensional superstrings. I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerley, Sam Roach.
Posted by
12:59 PM
point commutators,
Regge Action,

Session 7 Of Course 12
One-Dimensional superstrings are not perfectly straight. One-Dimensional superstrings are ideally pretty straight, though. Sometimes, one-dimensional strings iterate as arc-like phenomena. The arc of certain one-dimensional strings may be relatively small, or, such a related arc may be relatively large when under different circumstances. Sometimes, one-dimensional strings iterate over instanton as having a swivel-like shape. These swivel-like shapes may change concavity once, or, sometimes up to many times over a transient number of iterations of group instanton. When a one-dimensional string iterates as an arc, at least one of the point commutators of the directly associated string differentiates out of line with the theoretically basis of a straight line Laplacian-based mapping of the string -- when considering such a situation besides the normal or ordinary partition(s) that are part of the make-up of any superstring to one extent or another. The larger the number of point commutators that directly influence the kinematic transference of a given arbitrary superstring, such a superstting of which is relatively outside of a condition of being straight , when considering this happening during such an influence during the course of a sequential series of group instantons -- in such a manner that is over a transient Fourier Transform (an activity that happens in a duration that involves relatively few Planck-instants), while such an interaction of point commutators happens over a pattern that is also sequential in such a manner is so that it works to cause the directly related superstring to bear a relatively smooth arc-like shape when here considering its mapping over a consequent Laplacian Transformation, then, the greater the potential of such an arc-like configuration of being relatively larger than normal in terms of scalar amplitude. The fewer the number of point commutators that directly influence the kinematic differentiation of a superstring as it initially forms an arc-like geometrical strand-based shape as is similar but different from before, then the less likely that such an arc-like shape will end up having as large of a scalar-based amplitude. The arc of such given arbitrary one-dimensional superstrings tends to be relatively smooth in hermicity over the directly associated sequential series of instantons, when such a form of a superstring is going through Noether Flow.
Posted by
10:22 AM
scalar ampliltude,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Session 6 Of The 12th Course Of String Theory That I Have Blogged
Fermions are phenomena that have one-dimensional superstrings as part of their composition. Electrons are fermions. Neutrinos are fermions. A one-dimensional superstring is a strand of point particles that ideally approximate a straight line. A one-dimensional superstring is connected to its corresponding Planck-like phenomenon via a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that contains five strand-like segmental links of mini-string that each contain two mini-string segmental links that are doubled up in a torsion-based manner. Each of the two jus mentioned links that I just mentioned that are interbound in a torsion-based manner are wound together 120 times in a Laplacian-based manner over the course of group instanton -- and in an equidistant-based twine-like delineation. The directly related Planck-like phenomena, and, the one-dimensional strings that are to be considered here, are bound under the eluded to Ward-Neumman bounds at the corresponding mini-string segmental links that exist along the Laplacian-based inner topology of both respective phenomena. When a one-dimensional superstring initially travels after the iteration of group instanton, the said superstring is relatively straight (in so long as these are not tachyonic here), with the exception of its directly affiliated partitions. The partitions of a one-dimensional superstring is off to the side of the rest of the said one-dimensional string by the distance one first-ordered point particle diameter as it would be when fully uncontracted -- by a distance that is on the order of 3*10^(-78) of a meter. A given arbitrary superstring moves counterclockwise (holomorphically) when in the process of moving through positive-oriented time -- or clockwise (reverse-holomorphically) when in the process of moving through negative-oriented time -- in the Ultimon, along with the Planck-like phenomenon that it directly associated with over that affiliated duration that happens in-between two arbitrary given iterations of group instanton. So, as the mentioned one-dimensional superstring propagates during Ultimon Flow, -- in so that the said superstring is not tachyonic under the directly related immediate conditions -- the eluded to vibrating strand that is here a fermionic superstring begins to "jiggle" in a vibration that is anharmonic relative to its immediate environment. This just mentioned anharmonic jiggling continues to happen until after the said one-dimensional superstring enters the duration that I describe as the advent of the "space-hole" -- of which happens right before the advent of instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode. The "space-hole" is analogous to a reorganization of phenomena that works to allow for the condition of Cassimer Invariance, while, the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode is when substringular phenomena goes into that redelineation of entities that is accounted for by the activity of group instanton that directly happens right after the just said instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode. The duration that happens during the space-hole -- which is simultaneously during the duration in which the Bases of Light are exemplified -- happens over a metric span of (2pi-6)(I)Planck-time. During the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode, the substringular encoders mold into a holonomic substrate that pulls substringular phenomena into the positional delineations that these have been encoded to go into in order for superstrings and their corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Traces to be able to be at their ensuing respective distributions over the course of the next iteration of group instanton. Also, during the said mode that pulls superstrings into their next Real Reimmanian group delineation, the prior mentioned jiggling of the said one-dimensional superstrings happens again. This is what happens when a one-dimensional superstring is under the enactment of the general process of Noether Flow.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
What came first, the particle or the wave?
At the substringular level, superstrings are vibrating hoops and vibrating strands -- mostly vibrating hoops -- of phenomena that work to comprise the discrete energy that makes up the cosmos. Superstrings are made-up of first-ordered point particles. First-Ordered point particles are comprised of entwined mini-string that comes together in a basis that may be described of as a "yarn-like" phenomena that varies on its compactification -- depending on how dense of a "yarn-like" phenomena the said first-ordered point particles are in the condition of. Mini-String is comprised of beaded second-ordered point partices that work to form the field networking that interbinds substringular phenomena. Second-Ordered point particles are comprised of third-ordered point particles that interbind to form both the said second-ordered point particles, as well as the condition of second-ordered point particles being interconnected via the sub-mini-string that also forms and interbinds the said third-ordered point particles. The said third-ordered point particles are the ultimate form of pressurized vacuum that comes in the format of a discrete quantum of the mentioned ultimate form of pressurized vacuum. This may help explain both the condition of certain waves acting as particles, as well as helping to explain a certain degree of the rational as to why De Broglie waves are a condition of particles acting as wave-like phenomena. Sam Roach.
Part Four of The Solutions to the !2th Course of My String Theory
6) Because of the iteration of group instanton, the light-cone-gauge eigenstates allow for both a substrate for the formation of Schwinger-Indices, as well as also allowing for a spring-like mechanism that works to pull the substringular to go into the main course of Ultimon Flow.
7) The light-cone-gauge eigenstates bend to an extent while these are fed topological substrate during the course of BRST. This is on account of its response to the Polyakov Action. Such a hermitian-based torque happens as is according to the effect of gravity upon the general locus as to where the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates iterate during the duration of the correlative BRST gauge-metrics -- of which always occur over most of the metric of group instanton.
8) When an electron forms a photon, the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates unloop to an extent to go from initially having five mini-strand-like segmental links to then having ten mini-strand-like segmental links, which is in part due to the related interaction that may be described of as the Fujikawa Coupling -- of which happens as according to the Green Function. The actual retying is more directly influenced by what would here happen over the course of what I term of as the duration that happens during the "space-hole."
I will explain the tid-bits that will pull this picture more together later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.
7) The light-cone-gauge eigenstates bend to an extent while these are fed topological substrate during the course of BRST. This is on account of its response to the Polyakov Action. Such a hermitian-based torque happens as is according to the effect of gravity upon the general locus as to where the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates iterate during the duration of the correlative BRST gauge-metrics -- of which always occur over most of the metric of group instanton.
8) When an electron forms a photon, the second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates unloop to an extent to go from initially having five mini-strand-like segmental links to then having ten mini-strand-like segmental links, which is in part due to the related interaction that may be described of as the Fujikawa Coupling -- of which happens as according to the Green Function. The actual retying is more directly influenced by what would here happen over the course of what I term of as the duration that happens during the "space-hole."
I will explain the tid-bits that will pull this picture more together later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.
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1:02 PM
Green function,
Ultimon Flow

Part Three Of The Test Solutions To The First Exam Of Course 12
4) The spin-orbital Hamiltonian-based pulse of a given arbitrary superstring -- when coupled with the cross-sectional torque of the topological holonomic substrate of the directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace -- works to produce the spin-orbital momentum of the directly corresponding light-cone-gauge eigenstate.
5) For an abelian light-cone-gauge topological holonomic substrate, the just eluded to second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates twist at the locus that is Poincaire to the specific delineations where the mini-strand segmental links that comprise the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are at. This is just as the topological substrate of such eigenstates is elongated via the directly related arbitrary given Clifford Expansion that happens during the correlative gauge-metrics of BRST. Meanwhile, gauge-bosons act in such a manner in so that these "pluck" each of such second-ordered eigenstates. For a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topological holonomic substrate, the projection of the corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to be mapped over a sinusoidal standing wave-like trajectory that is fed into the eluded to general locus -- in the form of an expanding topological substrate in the Clifford-based Expansion-like manner that is also true for abelian-based light-cone-gauge eigenstates as well. The difference here is that the Laplacian-based mapping of an abelian light-cone-gauge second-ordered eigenstate is relatively supplementally linear. Again, gauge-bosons act in such a manner in so that these act to pluck the directly associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates as the prior happens over the eluded to iterations of the related gauge-metric of a given arbitrary duration of BRST. P.S.: BRST comprises most of group instanton.
5) For an abelian light-cone-gauge topological holonomic substrate, the just eluded to second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates twist at the locus that is Poincaire to the specific delineations where the mini-strand segmental links that comprise the said second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are at. This is just as the topological substrate of such eigenstates is elongated via the directly related arbitrary given Clifford Expansion that happens during the correlative gauge-metrics of BRST. Meanwhile, gauge-bosons act in such a manner in so that these "pluck" each of such second-ordered eigenstates. For a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topological holonomic substrate, the projection of the corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are to be mapped over a sinusoidal standing wave-like trajectory that is fed into the eluded to general locus -- in the form of an expanding topological substrate in the Clifford-based Expansion-like manner that is also true for abelian-based light-cone-gauge eigenstates as well. The difference here is that the Laplacian-based mapping of an abelian light-cone-gauge second-ordered eigenstate is relatively supplementally linear. Again, gauge-bosons act in such a manner in so that these act to pluck the directly associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates as the prior happens over the eluded to iterations of the related gauge-metric of a given arbitrary duration of BRST. P.S.: BRST comprises most of group instanton.
Posted by
11:31 AM
Clifford Expansion,

Monday, April 8, 2013
Test Solution To The Third Question of The First Exam Of Course 12
A second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a two-dimensional superstring consists of 120 fully contracted mini-string segments that are twined homeomorphically in a Laplacian-based mapping in so that the peak diameter of the cross-section of such a strand-like segmental link is 25*10^5 times as thin in scalar amplitude as a general Laplacian-based projection. This makes such a strand-like link to have a tension per abelian-based Gliossi touch at the directly associated Poincaire locus of any substrate that is Yakawa to the topological surface of such a said link -- that bears up to 120*3*10^8 times the fractal modulus of a plain fully uncontracted mini-string strand -- for second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates that directly relate to a given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring. For one-dimensional superstrings the directly associated links are doubled-up in so that these bear up to 240*3*10^8 times the fracal modulus of a plain fully uncontracted mini-string strand. This is since the here said arbitrary strand-like segmental-based links that are here being considered are like the directly prior links EXCEPT these are doubled-up upon each other, in so that such segmental-like links have a tension per abelian-based Gliossi touch that is at the Poincaire locus of any substrate that is Yakawa to the directly associated topological surface of such a said link that would here bear up to the said 240*3*10^8 times the fractal modulus of a plain fully uncontracted mini-string strand. (Sorry for being redundant.) Depending on the fill of the said second-ordered point particles that is caused by the density of the directly corresponing third-ordered point particles that work to comprise the mentioned corresponding second-ordered point particles that link like "beads" to form the mentioned mini-string segments, its diameter may vary by a factor of 3*10^8.
P.S.: Point fill is a variable condition that depends upon the compactification of mini-string when in reference to first-ordered point particles, or, for second-ordered point particles, point fill depends upon the compactification, or density, of the third-ordered point particles that comprise the said second-ordered point particles -- or, the point-fill of third-ordered point particles depends upon the fill of sub-mini-string that works to comprise these. Discrete sub-mini-string is constant, yet, the scalar amplitude as to what is "phenotypically" demonstrative as sub-mini-string may vary -- depending on whether such a discrete quantum of sub-mini-string is relatively decompacified or not
I will continue with the rest of the test solutions later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
P.S.: Point fill is a variable condition that depends upon the compactification of mini-string when in reference to first-ordered point particles, or, for second-ordered point particles, point fill depends upon the compactification, or density, of the third-ordered point particles that comprise the said second-ordered point particles -- or, the point-fill of third-ordered point particles depends upon the fill of sub-mini-string that works to comprise these. Discrete sub-mini-string is constant, yet, the scalar amplitude as to what is "phenotypically" demonstrative as sub-mini-string may vary -- depending on whether such a discrete quantum of sub-mini-string is relatively decompacified or not
I will continue with the rest of the test solutions later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.
Solutions For The First Two Questions Of The First Test Of Course Twelve
1) The mini-strands of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that directly correpond to a one-dimensional superstring are tied in a relatively linearly supplemental manner from the relative norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the mentioned given arbitrary superstring to the relative norm-to-holomorphic end of the same said given arbitrary superstirng. This consists of five strand-like segmental links.
2) The mini-strands of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that directly correpsond to a two-dimensional superstring are tied as what is at first five strand-like segmental links from the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the said superstring to the norm-to-holomorphic end -- when taken clockwise along the Poincaire-based surface of the topology of the said superstring, while then having five strand-like segmental links that tie from the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the said superstring to the norm-to-holomorphic end of the said superstring -- when as taken in the counterclockwise direction along the Poincaire-based surface of the topology of the same said superstring. Such strand-like segmental links are distributed in a delineation that is trivially isomorphic.
I will continue with the solutions to the rest of the test questions of this exam later!
Sam Roach.
2) The mini-strands of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate that directly correpsond to a two-dimensional superstring are tied as what is at first five strand-like segmental links from the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the said superstring to the norm-to-holomorphic end -- when taken clockwise along the Poincaire-based surface of the topology of the said superstring, while then having five strand-like segmental links that tie from the norm-to-reverse-holomorphic end of the said superstring to the norm-to-holomorphic end of the said superstring -- when as taken in the counterclockwise direction along the Poincaire-based surface of the topology of the same said superstring. Such strand-like segmental links are distributed in a delineation that is trivially isomorphic.
I will continue with the solutions to the rest of the test questions of this exam later!
Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:20 AM

Friday, April 5, 2013
A Little Bit Here About E(8)XE(8) strings
E(8)XE(8) strings work to interbind orbifolds into orbifold eigensets. The motion of the just mentioned superstrings that I have described once is during the BRST portion of group instanton. The motion of the said format of heterotic superstrings behaves in the manner that it does so that -- not only the directly related given arbitrary orbifolds may be held together as a unitary group, yet, also, so that individual orbifolds may interconnect in so as to form orbifold eigensets. Again, an orbifold is an inidivdual physical space, and, orbifold eigensets are groups of such sets that operate to perform even toa more specific function than that of just an orbifold. I will talf later! Sam.
More About The Motion Of Gauge-Bosons
As second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates are fed mini-string over the course of BRST in such a manner in so that the respective given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate may work to coordinate the respective superstring with its corelative Fadeev-Popov-Trace, the directly affiliated gauge-bosons that pluck the corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates moves along with the directly affiliated motion that directly relates to the here related Clifford Expansion that happens over the said course of BRST that is associated with a superstring that is here being contracted during this given arbitrary case. The flow of the motion of the mentioned gauge-bosons that "tags" along with the directly affiliated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigentates is caused by the same general pulse of motion that works to cause the directly related kinematic response that forms the corresponding Polyakov Action eigenmetric that works to expand the length of a superstring to the inverse as to how the given arbitrary superstring is contracted to our perspective. So, as a superstring is decompactified legthwise to the inverse as to how it is contracted to our perspective during the Polyakov Action -- that happens during a course of BRST, of which is the main portion of the duration of group instanton -- the corresponding counterstring that is directly associated with the mentioned superstring is likewise decompactified to the same scalar degree. Meanwhile, the corresponding gauge-bosons that pluck the corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in so that both gravity and Schwinger-Indices may occur kinetically flow in a manner that "tags-along" with the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates due to a synchronous norm-state projection that works to pull the said gauge-bosons in a manner that bears a relatively hyperbollic-based hermitian and bilateral isosymmetry with the acitivity that happens over the course of that Clifford Expansion that happens due to the activity of the said Polyakov Action eigenmetric that has here been eluded to. The direclty prior -- when coupled with the wave-pull that is here associated with the Gliossi manner in which the gauge-bosons pluck the corresponding second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- works to allow the said bosons to keep at their needed loci in a manner that is Poincaire to the topological surface of the mentioned eigenstates. So, as the corresponding superstring and its counterpart is brought into its needed conditioin after BRST, the gauge-bosons are pulled out of the general locus of the direct field of their directly related light-cone-gauge eigenstates in a directoral basis that is Njenhuis to the forward-holomorphic genus of direction -- when relative to the holomorphic direction that the given arbitrary superstring is to travel in right after the directly associated iteration of group instanton. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam Roach.
Posted by
11:34 AM
light-cone-gauge eigenstates,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
A Little Bit About The Additional Motion Of Gauge-Bosons
As gauge-bosons pluck the directly associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, these move in the general direction of the activity of that Clifford Expansion that directly affiliates with what is going on during the Polyakov Action during BRST. So, as superstrings expand to the inverse as to the degree and manner that these are contracted relative to our perspective, the directly corresponding gauge-bosons that pluck the associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates move along the general operand-based region in such a manner in so that the mentioned plucking activity is smooth enough so that the appropriate Schwinger-Indices may be formed so that the needed vibrations that work to relate superstrings of discrete energy permittivity to gravity, and, so that the Wick Action may be fascinated in its formation, may happen. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Test Questions For the First Test of Course 12
1) How are the mini-strands of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a one-dimensional string of discrete unit of energy permittivity tied?
2) How are the mini-strands of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a two-dimensional string of discrete unit of energy permittivity tied?
3) Describe the general tension in a light-cone-gauge eigenstate.
4) What produces the spin-orbital momentum of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate?
5) What does the light-cone-guage act like during an iteration of group instanton?
6) What does the light-cone-gauge allow in so as to help in the reiteration of group instanton?
7) Describe the bending potential of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate.
8) Describe what happens to the light-cone-gauge eigenstates of the residue of an electron when it forms a photon.
2) How are the mini-strands of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate of a two-dimensional string of discrete unit of energy permittivity tied?
3) Describe the general tension in a light-cone-gauge eigenstate.
4) What produces the spin-orbital momentum of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate?
5) What does the light-cone-guage act like during an iteration of group instanton?
6) What does the light-cone-gauge allow in so as to help in the reiteration of group instanton?
7) Describe the bending potential of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate.
8) Describe what happens to the light-cone-gauge eigenstates of the residue of an electron when it forms a photon.
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10:56 AM

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