Thursday, October 18, 2012

Work Toward The Derivation Of The Imaginary Exchange Or Real Residue

Let us consider, as a point that I elluded to before, that all positive Imaginary Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all negative Real Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the square of the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the square of the scalars that exist within the limt of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all negative Imaginary Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the cube of the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the scalars that exist within the limit of the variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).  So, all positive Real Numbers of our Overall Continuum may be considered as existing as coming from the fourth power taken to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of -1 (negative infinity) to the fourth power taken to the scalars that exist within the limit of a variable as it approaches the natural log of 1 (positive infinity).
So, let us now consider the wobble of one Planck-Related phenomenon relative to the wobble of a directly adjacent Planck-Related phenomenon that is of the same universe.
Such a wobble is by 1.104735878*10^(-81)I degrees.  The inverse of this nuber is 9.05193739*10^(80)/(I degrees).
The natural log of 9.05193739*10^(80) is 186.4097863.
186.4097863/(the square root of a negative 1 degrees) means that one has two singularities that coexist and codifferentiate in a Laplacian manner as may be shown in the following:
(1-(e(186.4097863)/infinity)) relative to the simulataneous "steps taken forward, let sleep- walking back again" (-1+(e(186.4097863)/infinity)) states that act as trivially isomorphic relatively indiscrete numbers that coexist as one general phenomena.
Please do not "jump" to conclusions.  I will continue with a fuller explaination when I have time.
I will continue with the suspense later!
Samuel David Roach.

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